
  • 网络western europe
  1. 苹果援引IDC的数据表示,在美国和欧洲西部国家,平板电脑的销量上季度可能下降了5%。

    Apple cited data from IDC , the research firm , indicating that tablet sales in the United States and Western Europe would decline 5 percent last quarter .

  2. 欧洲西部的一个共和国;整个欧洲最大的国家。

    A republic in western Europe ; the largest country wholly in Europe .

  3. 欧洲西部和中部及巴尔干半岛的毛叶蓟。

    Woolly thistle of western and central Europe and Balkan Peninsula .

  4. 居住在欧洲西部和中部的远古的凯尔特人;

    The ancient Celtic peoples who inhabited western and central europe ;

  5. 欧洲西部红腿的普通山鹑。

    Common western European partridge with red legs .

  6. 马尔凯卢斯断言沉没的亚特兰蒂斯的生还者移居到欧洲西部。

    Marcellus claims that the survivors of the sinking Atlantis migrated to Western Europe .

  7. 而许多处于欧洲西部的地区,也仍旧处于热浪之中。

    Much of the rest of Western Europe is also in the gripof a heat wave .

  8. 在日本、美国加州、欧洲西部以及澳大利亚,研究人员对“入侵”的水母进行了追踪研究。

    He has tracked the invading jellyfish in Japan , California , western Europe and Australia .

  9. 法国:欧洲西部一国家,在大西洋和英吉利海峡沿岸。

    France : A country of western Europe on the Atlantic Ocean and the English Channel .

  10. 矮的脱离的常青灌木,分布在欧洲西部,表现为几个品种,有从白到玫瑰紫色的花。

    Low straggling evergreen shrub of Western Europe represented by several varieties with flowers from white to rose-purple .

  11. 欧洲西部和中部以及北美的北极地区的一种丛生低矮多年生植物。

    Tuft - or mat-forming dwarf perennial of arctic regions of western and central Europe and North America .

  12. 欧洲西部北海岸边的一个低地地区,指荷兰、比利时、卢森堡三个国家。

    The lowland region of western Europe on the North Sea : Belgium and Luxembourg and the Netherlands .

  13. 在美国和欧洲西部长大的人们习惯于认为西方国家主导世界经济。

    People who grew up in America and western Europe have become used to the idea that the West dominates the world economy .

  14. 欧洲西部大西洋的一个海湾;被法国西海岸和西班牙北海岸环绕。

    An arm of the Atlantic Ocean in Western europe ; bordered by the west coast of France and the north coast of spain .

  15. 新兴发明层出不穷节省劳力的发明、工厂化生产、化石燃料驱动引擎不断传入欧洲西部其他国家,后来传入美国。

    The new technologies labour-saving inventions , factory production , engines powered by fossil fuels spread to other parts of western Europe and later to America .

  16. 爱尔兰作为欧洲西部的一个小国,与英国在语言文化上存在着千丝万缕的关系。

    Ireland , as a small nation in the east part of Europe , has a close tie with the UK both in terms of language and culture .

  17. 凯尔特人印欧民族的一支,最初分布在中欧,在前罗马帝国时期遍及欧洲西部、不列颠群岛和加拉提亚东南部。

    One of an Indo-European people originally of central Europe and spreading to western Europe , the British Isles , and southeast to Galatia during pre-Roman times , especially a Briton or Gaul .

  18. 总而言之,由于退化的陆地景观以及气候的转变,最脆弱的地区包括了亚洲南部,欧洲西部和中部,南美洲东部以及澳洲南部。这个分析现在能指明保护措施了,越稳定完整的区域可能只需要监控。

    All told , the most vulnerable regions included much of southern Asia , western and central Europe , eastern South America and southern Australia thanks to a combination of degraded landscapes and shifting climates . This analysis can now inform conservation efforts : more stable intact areas may just require monitoring .

  19. 英格兰位于欧洲的西部。

    England lies to the western part of Europe .

  20. 葡萄牙与西班牙双双地处欧洲最西部,那里被称为利比里亚半岛。由于相互毗邻的关系,两国的政治文化史有着许多交汇之处。

    Portugal and Spain share the land on the westernmost point of Europe , called the Iberian peninsula . Living so close , they have had a checkered political and cultural history .

  21. 秋天开花的一种球茎草本植物,具有白色、紫色或淡紫色间白色的花;原产于欧洲中部和西部。

    Bulbous autumn-flowering herb with white , purple or lavender-and-white flowers ; native to western and central Europe .

  22. 海盗从8世纪到10世纪劫掠欧洲北部和西部海岸的航海的斯堪的纳维亚人。

    One of a seafaring Scandinavian people who plundered the coasts of northern and Western Europe from the eighth through the tenth century .

  23. 他的作品中充满东南亚、欧洲、美国西部等异域意象,风格表现出强烈的后现代特征,而关于身份问题的探索更是在作品中反复出现。

    Filled with exotic images like people and events in Southeast Asia , Europe and western America , his works show strong postmodern characteristics .

  24. 在9世纪之前,欧洲不仅在西部海岸而且在南部海岸不断遭到海盗的侵袭。

    By the ninth century the coasts not only of western , but even of southern , Europe were under constant attack by the Vikings .

  25. 年内,南亚地区遭受高温热浪袭击,欧洲中部和西部经历了极为严重的高温干旱,巴西北部亚马逊热带雨林遭遇了近60年来最严重的干旱。

    During the year , South Asia was hit by hot waves , central-western Europe experienced severe drought and in northern Brazil , drought conditions became the most severe on record .

  26. 但基本点却并不复杂:欧洲经济从自己西部、南部及东部周边国家不可持续的支出中,得到了一种经济发展健康的错觉。

    But the fundamental point is not : the European economy gained an illusion of health from unsustainable spending in peripheral countries in its west , south and east .

  27. 陇海&兰新铁路是横贯中国东西的交通大动脉,对沟通东部与西部、沿海与内地、中国与欧洲的联系以及西部大开发等,都具有极其重要的意义。

    The Longhai-Lanxin Railway , traversing China from east to west , has an important role to play in western development and in developing a land transport route to Europe .

  28. 这一天然气交易对欧洲构成了挑战,迄今欧洲一直是西伯利亚西部气田的主要出口市场。

    The gas deal poses a challenge to Europe since it has , until now , been the key export market for the west Siberian fields .