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  • European Parliament
  1. 欧洲议会是个激不起选民兴趣的机构。

    The European Parliament is not an institution which excites interest in voters .

  2. 她将竞选欧洲议会议员。

    She is to stand as a Member of the European Parliament

  3. 欧洲议会急需一位能改善其声望的主席。

    The European Parliament badly needs a president who can burnish its image .

  4. 布尔拉茨基先生受到了欧洲议会同级官员肯·科茨先生的邀请。

    Mr Burlatsky had been invited by his European parliament opposite number , Mr Ken Coates .

  5. 他们担心一个更加强大的欧洲议会只会增强大国的力量。

    A stronger European Parliament would , they fear , only reinforce the power of the larger countries

  6. 在欧洲议会(europeanparliament)中,各国政党组建了联合团体。

    In the European Parliament , national political parties have formed joint groups .

  7. 本月,欧洲议会(EuropeanParliament)投票决定:到2016年取缔所有漫游收费。

    This month , the European parliament voted to end roaming charges entirely by 2016 .

  8. 更令英国体育迷恼火的或许是欧洲议会(EuropeanParliament)的做法。

    Perhaps even more irritating to British sports fans was the approach taken by the European Parliament .

  9. 欧洲议会(europeanparliament)的立法者很快批准了投票结果,这也得到了成员国的一致支持。

    Lawmakers in the European parliament soon endorsed the vote and Member States gave their unanimous support .

  10. 上周,英国保守党欧洲议会议员在布鲁塞尔欧洲议会(europeanparliament)主持了全球变暖怀疑者大会。

    Last week , conservative MEPs hosted a conference of global warming sceptics at the European Parliament in Brussels .

  11. 欧洲议会(EuropeanParliament)本月通过一项决议,其内容是建立针对机器人的新的伦理-法律框架。

    This month , the European Parliament voted in favour of a resolution to create a new ethical-legal framework for robots .

  12. 2006年,欧洲议会(EuropeanParliament)通过了欧洲理事会(CouncilofEurope)的一项提案,将回应权用于网络媒体。

    In2006 , the European Parliament adopted a Council of Europe recommendation that a right of reply be imposed on the online media .

  13. 一些欧洲议会议员(MEP)为该构想辩护,主张这样一只军队应受欧洲议会(EuropeanParliament)控制。

    Some MEPs defended the idea , arguing that such an army should be controlled by the European Parliament .

  14. 我不能肯定投机行为是我们所观察到的这些情况的罪魁祸首,他昨日在欧洲议会(EuropeanParliament)的听证会上表示。

    I 'm not sure that speculation is the major culprit for what we 're observing , he told a European Parliament hearing yesterday .

  15. 萨尔蒙德是个完美的政客,他会利用民众的反政治情绪。英国独立党(UKIndependenceParty)在欧洲议会选举中取胜,靠的就是这股情绪。

    Mr Salmond , a consummate politician , will play to the mood of anti-politics that carried the UK Independence party to victory in the European elections .

  16. 去年10月,欧洲议会议员通过一项动议,要求欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)限制美国访问Swift系统。

    In October , members of the European parliament passed a motion demanding that the European Commission restrict US access to the Swift system .

  17. 谷歌上个月成为欧洲议会(EuropeanParliament)的目标,后者支持一项呼吁监管机构考虑分拆该公司的议案。

    Google became a target last month for the European Parliament , which backed a motion calling on regulators to consider breaking up the company .

  18. 他称希腊的处境非常艰难,并对欧洲议会(EuropeanParliament)表示:我们都知道,(希腊政府)将不得不做出非常重要和勇敢的决定。

    Calling Greece 's situation very difficult , he told the European parliament we all know the very important and courageous decisions that will have to be taken .

  19. 欧洲议会在Twitter上发的一条帖子略掉了英国队的成绩,改为庆祝整个欧盟(EU)合计赢得的325块奖牌。

    In a tweet it airbrushed out the Britain 's performance , instead congratulating the whole of the EU on the 325 medals it had collectively won .

  20. 欧洲议会(EuropeanParliament)推动对银行家奖金比例作出严格限制,这是2008年以来旨在遏制对冲基金、金融交易以及盎格鲁-撒克逊资本主义的多项努力之一。

    A push by the European parliament to impose strict ratios on bankers ' bonuses is among the efforts since 2008 to hamstring hedge funds , financial trading and Anglo-Saxon capitalism .

  21. 欧洲议会(EuropeanParliament)和欧盟成员国之间的最后一轮谈判将于今日开始,议员们希望在今年年底前敲定协议。

    The final round of talks between the European Parliament and member states will start today , with legislators hoping to have a deal finalised by the end of the year .

  22. 欧洲议会上周三以压倒多数投票否决了ACTA。

    The European Parliament on Wednesday overwhelmingly rejected Acta , the anti-counterfeiting trade agreement .

  23. 绿党欧洲议会议员JeanLambert表示,这是一项重大进展。

    It 's a major step forward says Jean Lambert , who is a Green Party member of Europe 's Parliament .

  24. 关键在于,它将让该监管机构对欧洲议会(europeanparliament)和欧洲理事会(europeancouncil)负有一些必要的责任,而不会对欧洲央行在货币事务上的独立性造成额外的风险。

    Crucially , it would endow the supervisor with the necessary degree of accountability to the European Parliament and Council , with no additional risk to the independence of the ECB in monetary matters .

  25. 欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)在2006年启动了杀虫剂修订进程。2007年,欧洲议会进一步增加限制,这可能会导致杀虫剂残余减少70%至85%。

    The European Commission started a pesticide revision process in 2006 and the European parliament in 2007 pushed for further curbs that could lead to a loss of 70-85 per cent of the remaining substances .

  26. 她跟随欧洲议会议员RobertSturdy参加了欧盟的一次环境委员会会议,做了两个小时的口译。

    She shadowed East of England MEP Robert Sturdy and interpreted two hours of an environment committee meeting at the EU headquarters in Brussels , Belgium .

  27. 欧洲议会采取PR进行选举,如大伦敦会议等其他新的地区会议也通过直接选举产生市长。

    Forms of PR were introduced for elections to the European Parliament , the new devolved regional assemblies , the Greater London Assembly and for the direct election of those mayors .

  28. 按照欧洲议会和理事会的规定,在欧洲市场销售的机械产品必须符合CE认证的规定,满足机械指令的要求。

    According to the regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council , the machinery products sold in EU market shall comply with the CE certification and the requirements of machinery directive .

  29. 绝大多数欧盟成员国愿意签署与欧洲议会(EuropeanParliament)达成的这一政治协议,这是改革银行资本金规定的立法的一部分。

    An overwhelming majority of EU member states is willing to sign up to the political deal reached with the European parliament , which is part of legislation to enact a sweeping overhaul of bank capital rules .

  30. 欧洲议会(EuropeanParliament)十月批准了沙克提出的一项议案,该议案将强制性要求欧盟企业在有理由相信某项出口可能侵犯人权或欧盟战略利益的情况下,必须申请该项出口的授权。

    The European parliament in October endorsed a proposal by Ms Schaake that would oblige EU companies to ask for export authorisation if they had reason to believe the export might infringe human rights or EU strategic interests .