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  • Europa
  1. 新上映的惊悚电影《欧罗巴》背后的潜台词是欧洲的分裂。

    Europe 's divisions are the subtext of a new movie thriller called Zentropa .

  2. 欧罗巴大楼是巴斯大道沿路那些成百上千幢毫无特色的建筑之一。

    Europa House is one of those hundreds of nondescript buildings along the Bath Road .

  3. 霍德格森的球队已经确定进入了欧罗巴联赛的淘汰赛,所以他们必须想办法填满下周三K组的最后一场比赛的球场座位。

    With Roy Hodgson 's team already through to the Europa League knockout phase , they may have struggled to fill Anfield for the Group K finale against Utrecht next Wednesday .

  4. 欧元区危机强化了欧洲朝着“祖国的欧罗巴(europedespatries)”方向演进的趋势,这一直是戴高乐将军(generaldegaulle)的希望。

    The euro crisis has already strengthened the trend towards a Europe des patries the Europe of Fatherlands that General de Gaulle always wanted .

  5. 贝松还聘用史蒂夫鲁宾(steverubin)出任欧罗巴电影公司的一个新设职位国际营销主管。

    Mr Besson has also hired Steve Rubin , previously managing director of Warner Bros France , to become head of international marketing , a new position at europacorp .

  6. 穆斯林是否正在接管整个世界,或者至少让欧罗巴变成了欧拉伯(eurabia)?

    Are Muslims taking over the world , or at a minimum , transforming Europe into Eurabia ?

  7. 我现在伦敦大学学院的创建和欧罗巴联赛资格赛。

    I am now creating UCL and Europa League qualifying rounds .

  8. 欧罗巴是迷人的,主要是硅酸盐岩石和冰壳。

    Europa is fascinating , mostly silicate rock with an ice crust .

  9. 但是欧罗巴没有答应他,她心里一直想着命运女神的承诺。

    But she still refused because she remembered the woman 's promise .

  10. 崎岖海岸上绝美的欧罗巴风景。

    On a rugged shore , Europe at its best .

  11. 克罗托把这件衣服要过来,让宙斯去送给欧罗巴。

    Clotho took this skirt to Zeus and suggested Europa to him .

  12. 国王阿革诺耳有一个美丽的女儿叫欧罗巴。

    King Agenor had a pretty daughter called Europa .

  13. 你现在成了地面上的女神,你的名字将与世长存,从此,这块土地就叫做欧罗巴。

    You become the God of continent and your name will last forever .

  14. 参加《事物状态&欧罗巴尼亚中国艺术节展》(比利时皇家美术宫);

    State of affairs-EUROPALIAChina Art Festival Exhibition , Belgian Royal Palace of Fine Arts ;

  15. 科学家们正在仔细研究的这个地方是欧罗巴,是木星的卫星。

    One place scientists are studying very closelyis Europa , a moon of Jupiter .

  16. 太空探索提供的证据表明在欧罗巴的表层下蕴藏着一个巨大的海洋。

    Space probes have provided evidence thatEuropa has a large ocean under its surface .

  17. 再一幅是描写欧罗巴尼如何被化身成公牛的朱庇特所欺骗。

    Still another depicted Europa deceived by Jupiter under the disguise of a bull .

  18. 他的愿望是伟大的,但是他的目光很少能超出欧罗巴的范围。

    His ambitions were grand , but the Frenchman 's worldview barely extended beyond Europe .

  19. 宙斯变成了一头白牛并且说服了欧罗巴,绑架了她。

    Jupiter forcibly overcomes Europa by transforming himself into a white bull and abducting her .

  20. 这种文化观有别于传统的儒家文化,也与欧罗巴文化相异。

    The culture is different from the traditional Confucian culture , also with Europa culture .

  21. 按照传统说法,欧洲大陆就是因欧罗巴公主而得名的。

    According to tradition , from this princess the continent of Europe acquired its name .

  22. 他们正在密切观察的对象之一是欧罗巴,木星的卫星。

    One place scientists are studying very closely is Europa , a moon of Jupiter .

  23. 因此,在欧罗巴表层以下缺少阳光的海洋中无法自动排除生命存在的可能。

    So the lack oflight in Europa 's sub-surface ocean doesn 't automatically rule out lifeforming .

  24. 在古代世界,“欧洲”即指欧罗巴居住的地方;

    In ancient time ," europe " refers to the place that " europa " inhabited ;

  25. 欧罗巴新闻稿数据库检索数据库散发新闻稿由欧洲联盟。

    EUROPA Press Release Database - A searchable database of press releases distributed by the European Union .

  26. 朱庇特对欧罗巴的爱慕。

    Jupiter is Love Europa .

  27. 他们安排好一起回美国,乘坐德国公司的欧罗巴号客轮。

    They had arranged to travel back together , and boarded the German liner , the Europa .

  28. 一天清晨,欧罗巴像往常一样和同伴们来到海边的草地上嬉戏。

    One morning , Europa went to the grassland near the beach with her friends as usual .

  29. 欧罗巴原是一位公主,被变化为一头公牛的宙斯所诱惑而失身。

    Europa was a princess who has succumbed to the seductions of Zeus who turned into a bull .

  30. 太空探索还使科学家们相信在欧罗巴的表层下有一个岩层核心,释放出火山般的热量。

    The probes have also madescientists think that under its surface Europa has a rocky core giving offvolcanic heat .