
  • 网络Schengen agreement;Schengen Accord
  1. 勒庞在竞选造势时鼓吹让法国退出欧元区、构筑关税壁垒、退出允许欧盟内部人员自由流动的《申根协定》(schengenagreement)。

    MS Le Pen campaigns to withdraw France from the euro , impose tariff barriers and roll back the Schengen Agreement on free movement of people across the EU .

  2. 在共同边界逐步取消检查的申根协定

    Schengen Agreement on the Gradual Abolition of Checks at their Common Borders

  3. 与此同时,在英吉利海峡的另一边,法国前总统(或许以后还会再度担任总统)尼古拉•萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)呼吁废止在欧盟境内取消边境管控的申根协定。

    Across the Channel , meanwhile , Nicolas Sarkozy , the former ( and possibly future ) president of France , has called for the repeal of the Schengen rules that have dismantled frontier controls within the EU .

  4. 从跨境自由旅行的申根协定到欧元,英国已经享有众多退出选择。

    Britain already has a clutch of opt-outs ranging from the Schengen area of border-free travel to the euro .

  5. 他们需要另外申请一个签证才能来英国,英国没有加入取消边境控制的《申根协定》。

    They need a separate visa for the UK , which is not party to the Schengen border-free travel agreement .

  6. 《申根协定》是欧洲若干国家通过政府问的合作而对跨国移民进行统一管理的国际条约,它集中体现了欧盟的移民政策。

    Schengen Agreement is an international treaty that enables unified management of immigrants through government cooperation , and embodies European immigration policies .

  7. 然而,因为这牵涉到欧盟法律,对申根协定进行彻底改革或许需要花费数年时间,还可能遭到一些认为自由流动原则不可侵犯的人的反对。

    But because it is a matter of EU law , outright reform of Schengen could take years to achieve and is be likely to face opposition from those who view the principle of free movement as inviolable .

  8. 鉴于估计有3000多欧洲人正作为圣战分子在伊拉克和叙利亚作战,允许欧盟内公民在26个成员国之间自由流动的申根协定变成了一个巨大的安全漏洞。

    With more than 3,000 Europeans estimated to be fighting as jihadis in Iraq and Syria , Schengen , the treaty that allows for the free movement of citizens across 26 European states , has become a yawning security loophole .