
  • 网络the Monitor Group
  1. 摩立特集团欢迎优秀的大学毕业生加入我们的团队。

    Monitor Group would like to invite all outstanding graduates to apply for our Junior Consultant position in our Shanghai or Beijing offices .

  2. 国际咨询公司摩立特集团(monitorgroup)将于今日发布的报告指出,中东及北非地区的主权财富基金蒙受了损失,亏损20%-25%。

    Sovereign wealth funds from the Middle East and North Africa ( MENA ) have taken a battering , losing 20-25 per cent last year , the global consultancy monitor group says in its report that will be made public today .

  3. 咨询公司摩立特集团(monitorgroup)驻中国的合伙人唐仕德(torstenstocker)说,拥有品牌组合也使零售商在选择想要进驻的地区时拥有更大的灵活性,允许他们在改变消费者习惯方面进行尝试和学习。

    ' having a portfolio of brands also gives retailers more flexibility for locations they want to enter and allows them to experiment and learn about changing consumer behaviors , ' said Torsten stocker , a China-based partner for consultancy monitor group .