
  • 网络Agricultural University Of Hebei;Hebei Agricultural University;hebau.edu.cn
  1. 对河北农业大学公共英语分级教学的分析和探讨

    The analysis of level-based English teaching of Agricultural University of Hebei

  2. 2001&2006年《河北农业大学学报》主要文献评价指标分析

    Analysis on principle literature evaluation index of Journal of Agricultural University of Hebei from 2001 to 2006

  3. 通过对河北农业大学棉花遗传育种室培育的转基因抗虫无色素腺体棉花新品系KW1、KW2、KW3、KW4、KW5的营养成份进行测定。

    An analysis was given to the ingredient of five transgenic insect-resistant glandless cotton , which were named KW1 , KW2 , KW3 , KW4 and KW5 by the Cotton Institute of Agriculture University of Hebei .

  4. 河北农业大学图书馆读者信息需求研究

    Research on information demand of Agricultural University library of Hebei

  5. 动物科学实验教学示范中心建设在创新型人才培养中的作用&以河北农业大学为例

    Effect of construction of animal science experiment teaching center on cultivating veterinarian talents with initiative

  6. 教育用地价值变动分析研究&以河北农业大学为例

    Analysis study on value change of education land & a case on Hebei Agriculture University

  7. 试验于2001~2003年度在河北农业大学教学实验基地进行。

    The experiment was carried out at the experimental station of Hebei Agricultural University in 2001-2003 .

  8. 河北农业大学学报第十卷总目次

    Journal of Hebei Agricultural University

  9. 因此,以河北农业大学为例研究校园人文景观的营造,对现代高等学校的人文景观营造,具有深远的借鉴意义。

    Therefore taking Hebei Agricultural University as regular research campus humanity landscape had far-reaching significance for reference .

  10. 河北农业大学农林新品种新技术综合示范基地建设实践与思考

    Practice and Thinking of New Agriculture and Forestry Varieties and Technology Integrated Demonstration Base in Hebei Agricultural University

  11. 从河北农业大学早期期刊溯太行山道路的起源与发展

    The origination and development of the Taihang Mount Road reflected from the early periodicals of Agricultural University of Hebei

  12. 河北农业大学根据自身情况,通过设立创新基金激发了研究生的创新能力;

    According to agricultural university of Hebei , the innovation ability of postgraduates was stimulated by setting up innovation fund .

  13. 河北农业大学女大学生参加课外体育活动的时间差异与锻炼效果的比较研究

    Comparative study on the time difference and the effects of exercise of college female students participation in extracurricular sports activities

  14. 农业高校大学生文学阅读取向分析及对策&以河北农业大学为例

    Analysis and countermeasures on literary reading orientation of students in agricultural universities & A case study of Agricultural University of Hebei

  15. 他的丈夫左启华是河北农业大学老师,在张家口上班。

    Her husband , Zuo Qihua , was a teacher at the Agricultural University of Hebei and worked in Zhangjiakou City .

  16. 本试验于20082009年河北农业大学西校区教学实验基地进行。

    This experiment was performed at the Teaching Experiment Station in West Campus of Agricultural University of Hebei from 2008 to 2009 .

  17. 为更好地发挥高等农业院校肩负的农业人才培养、农业科技创新、服务地方经济社会发展三大职能,结合河北农业大学的实际,对高等农业教育服务社会主义新农村建设的实践进行了探索。

    Agricultural universities have three great functions : agricultural talents ' training , agricultural scientific-technical innovation and serving the development of the local rural economy .

  18. 通过对河北农业大学学生食堂设计方案的介绍,旨在探讨建筑设计中追求建筑个性和特色的途径。

    This article has introduced the design project of canteen of Hebei agriculture university in the purpose of discussing the approach of architectural individuality and feature .

  19. 高校二级学院教学管理信息系统的设计与应用研究&以河北农业大学商学院为例

    Research on the design and application of management information systems for secondary colleges & Taking the business school of Agricultural University of Hebei as an example

  20. 介绍了河北农业大学农林新品种新技术综合示范清苑基地的建立背景、运行机制、示范项目,并对基地良好的示范效果及带动作用进行了研究与总结,提出:建立合理的管理和组织体系;

    In this paper , backgrounds , mechanisms and projects of New Agriculture and Forestry Varieties and Technology Integrated Demonstration Base in Hebei Agricultural University are introduced .

  21. 用科学的发展观指导期刊栏目的策划与创新&以《河北农业大学学报(农林教育版)》为例

    The innovation of column design with the guidance of scientific development concept with journal of Agricultural University of Hebei ( Agriculture and Forestry Education ) as an example

  22. 提出以河北农业大学和泊头东方果品公司为典型案例的多元化农业推广组织的协同运行模式。

    This study takes Agricultural University of Hebei and Botou Oriental Fruit Co. as typical case and puts forward the co-operation mode of the diversified agricultural extension organizations .

  23. 并结合河北农业大学的科技入股治山模式的实践,通过农业科技成果资本化在实践中所产生的良好效果,给农业科技成果资本化模式的普遍应用提供了实践论证。

    It combine agricultural university of Hebei of becoming a shareholder , capitalizing use offer practice demonstration generally of the capitalization mode for the agricultural scientific and technical results .

  24. 问卷首先分发给河北农业大学中兽医学院和海洋学院的英语专业的137名学生。

    The designed questionnaire was administered to 137 first grade students from the English majors in Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine College , and Ocean College of Hebei Agriculture University .

  25. 本人的研究成果也希望为今后河北农业大学西校区景观的命名提供参考。

    The research achievement of this paper is expected to provide reference for the denomination of the landscape of the west campus of Agricultural University of Hebei in the future .

  26. 试谈地方农业高校科技开发推广的有效途径和方法&河北农业大学科技开发推广的几点成功经验


  27. 通过总结河北农业大学近20年开设专项课的经验,结合对学生和教师双方面的调查,在分析的基础上得出了一系列结论,并提出有益的建议。

    By concluding the 20 year experience to run specified events in the sports class of Hebei Agriculture University and an analyzed investigation of both teachers and students , some suggestions will be mede .

  28. 在大学校园这个文化的发源地也是如此,本文进行了大学校园景观依据校园文化命名的研究,并以对河北农业大学西校区的景观为例进行了命名。

    Therefore , this paper researches on the denomination of the landscape of university campus according to the campus culture , and the landscape of the west campus of Agricultural University of Hebei is denominated as an example . 1 .

  29. 河北农业大学西校区规划设计方案通过对校园空间意象的营造、人性化交通组织以及体现校园精神的环境设计,塑造出具有农大特色的校园形象。

    The program planning design of the west campus of agricultural university of Hebei demonstrates an unique image of its characteristics of AUH , with establishment of the space image , People-oriented transportation organization and environment design of campus spirit .

  30. 作者搜集了河北农业大学农科三个专业300名学生的英语作文,认真批改后首先将错误进行分类,然后探究其产生原因。

    The author collected 300 English writings of students of agricultural majors in Hebei Agricultural University . After examining these samples carefully , the author first classified the errors appeared in these writings , and then did some research on the possible reasons for these errors .