
Jì nán dà xué
  • Jinan University;Ji'nan University
  1. 文章介绍了暨南大学图书馆以人为本、读者满意与科学管理的基本办馆理念,总结了该馆十五期间在数字图书馆建设、文献资源建设、读者服务与管理机制等方面的改革举措及其取得的成效。

    The article introduces the basic concepts of human-oriented , reader satisfaction and scientific management in Ji'nan university library , summarizes its reform measures in aspects of digital library construction , information resources development , reader services and management mechanism during 10th Five-Year Plan period , and overviews their effectiveness .

  2. CRF患者存在外周血DC数量及功能紊乱,氮质血症期代偿性数量增多且活化,暨南大学硕士学位论文尿毒症期数量减少且功能缺陷:维持性腹膜透析患者DC数量改善,但功能仍低下;

    The quantity and activity of DC increased in azotemia stage but decreased in uremic stage ; DC from PD patients had defective function , while ameliorated in quantity ;

  3. 材料与方法(1)搜集暨南大学附属第一医院住院病人颅脑MR扫描的成人高血压和血压正常者资料237例,按年龄段将其MRI表现进行详细对比分析。

    Methods : ( 1 ) Two hundreds and thirty-seven cases of adult with hypertension and normal blood pressure were scanned by MRI in First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University . We grouped these cases according to age and analysed their MRI findings in details .

  4. 方法:实验于2004-11在暨南大学附属第一医院进行,应用Meta分析方法对5项研究卡巴拉汀治疗AD的自身前后对照实验进行再分析,评价其综合的显著性差异和效应大小。

    METHODS : The experiment was finished in the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University in November 2004.Five self - controlled trials of rivastigmine in the treatment of AD were analyzed with Meta - analysis , and synthetically significant difference and effect size were evaluated .

  5. 其中第三、四章是全文的重点,即BPR思想在高校会计业务中的应用研究,尤其是对暨南大学会计业务流程再造的实证研究。

    Among them the third , and the fourth chapters are focus of the full thesis , namely the application of BPR to the university accounting business , especially the positive research given to Jinan University 's accounting business process re-engineering .

  6. 对象:实验于2001-10/2003-05由暨南大学医学院第二临床学院脊柱外科完成。健康家猫30只,体质量3~5kg,雌雄不限。

    MATERIALS : The trial was completed in the Spinal Surgery Department of the Second Clinical Hospital of Jinan University from October 2001 to May 2003.The subjects were 30 healthy cats of either gender weighing 3 to 5 kg .

  7. 单位:暨南大学生物材料研究室。

    SETTING : Research Laboratory of Biomaterials , Jinan University .

  8. 今天来暨南大学和大家见面,我感到很荣幸。

    It is an honor to be with you at Jinan University .

  9. 暨南大学有着悠久而曲折的历史。

    Jinan University has had a long and chequered history .

  10. 暨南大学南洋文化教育事业部的历史成就与贡献

    Department of Nanyang Culture and Education of Jinan University and its Historical Achievements

  11. 暨南大学数学系,广东广州;

    Department of Mathematics , Jinan University , Guangzhou ;

  12. 单位:暨南大学附属第一医院医学影像中心,暨南大学生命科学技术学院生物医学工程研究所。

    SETTING : Medical Imaging Center , the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University ;

  13. 我是广州暨南大学经济学院的刘长江。

    This is Liu Changjiang from the College of Economics , Jinan University in Guangzhou .

  14. 杨洸:暨南大学新闻与传播学院教师。

    Yang Guang : Teacher in the School of Journalism & Communication , Jinan University .

  15. 暨南大学环境噪声污染现状评价

    Environmental noise pollution evaluation in Jinan University

  16. 再过几个小时,我还要去暨南大学与那里的大学生和老师交谈。

    In a few hours , I 'm going to speak with students and faculty at Jinan University .

  17. 在这方面,你们暨南大学,通过成立广东省首个知识产权学院,已经迈出了一大步。

    Jinan has established a College of Intellectual Property , the first of its kind in Guangdong Province .

  18. 我是暨南大学的一名研究生,本科专业是英语。

    I am a student of Jinan University for master degree , and my bachelor major is English .

  19. 为了充实自己,我还去进修,现在是暨南大学的一名学生。

    To equip themselves , I also went to training , it is one of Jinan University students .

  20. 结论:暨南大学东区和北区噪声普遍超标。

    Conclusion : The noise levels in North Zone and East Zone of Jinan University generally exceeded the national standard .

  21. 暨南大学外招生体育课程一体化模式的构建与实施

    Establishment and implementation of an " integrated " physical education curriculum mode for foreign students admitted by the Jinan University

  22. 这是一份关于暨南大学公关形象的调查问卷,问卷中我们会问一些关于你对暨大的个人感受的问题。

    This questionnaire is about JNU 's Images , we will ask some questions about your personal feelings of JNU .

  23. 在一般分析的基础上进一步研究了暨南大学会计业务流程再造的切入点,为实施再造找到了突破口。

    Further research on Jinan University accounting business process re-engineering focusing on its breach on the basis of above general analysis .

  24. 今天下午,让我首先祝贺各位入读作为中国著名大学之一的暨南大学。

    Let me begin this afternoon by congratulating each of you for your acceptance at one of China 's premier universities .

  25. 与此同时,他在上海暨南大学、中央图书馆和清华大学执教或任职。

    At the same time , he Jinan University in Shanghai , Tsinghua University and the Central Library or coaching tenure .

  26. 第十四“应氏杯”中国大学生围棋赛15日在暨南大学珠海学院拉开帷幕。

    The14th Chinese university & college students ying 's cup I-go contest opened on august15th at Zhuhai College of Jinan university .

  27. 他的观点得到了广州暨南大学旅游规划设计研究院副院长董观志的赞同。

    His view is shared by Dong Guanzhi , vice president of the Institute of Tourism Planning and Designing at Guangzhou-based Jinan University .

  28. 暨南大学学报(自然科学与医学版)2006年第27卷总目次《黄帝内经》的成书年代


  29. 在广州暨南大学校园内,每晚都有一群学生表演抖空竹,围观的人们无不惊呼连连。

    Every night on Jinan University 's campus in Guangzhou , a group of students plays diabolo as a crowd watches on in amazement .

  30. 高校经济管理类专业实验室建设与管理&暨南大学管理学科实验中心建设实践

    The Construction and Maintenance of Economic and Managerial Laboratory in the High Education & The Practice in Construction of Managerial Experiment Centre in Jinan University