
jìnɡ mǎi rén
  • bidder
  1. 只要达到了拍卖底价,标的物就会出售给出价最高的竞买人。

    The sale will be made to the highest bidder subject to a reserve price being attained .

  2. 把某物公开卖给最高价竞买人。

    The public sale of something to the highest bidder .

  3. 拍卖,就是把财产卖给出价最高的竞买人的一种公开的销售方式。

    Auction , a public sale of property to the highest bidder .

  4. 以最高应价购得拍卖标的竞买人。

    A person who buys something , especially something expensive .

  5. 指竞买人出价时手中举起的数字牌。

    The number plate when bidder upraised at the hands for bidding .

  6. 拍卖人应当向竞买人说明拍卖标的的瑕疵。

    The auctioneer shall state the drawbacks of auction targets to the bidders .

  7. 第四十一条竞买人之间恶意串通的,拍卖无效。

    Malicious collusion between bidders makes the auction invalid .

  8. 去军事器材黑市找最高价竞买人。

    Black-marketing military hardware to the highest bidders .

  9. 挂牌期间可根据竞买人竞价情况调整增价幅度。

    Listing period of adjustment may be based on competitive bids were increased price range .

  10. 如果出价最高的竞买人是露天采矿公司,大峡谷将会被开采。

    If the highest bidder was a strip mining company , the Canyon would be mined .

  11. 参与恶意串通的竞买人应当承担拍卖船舶费用并赔偿有关损失。

    Any bidder involved in malicious collusion shall pay expenses for auctioning the ship and compensate losses incurred .

  12. 在英格兰式下,竞买人不断提高竞价,最后的竞买人即为买受人。

    In English system , the bidders keep raising their bids , the last bidder is the successful buyer .

  13. 马丁:他们在代表不能到场的真正的竞买人出价。

    Martin : They are bidding on behalf of people who can 't be here , the absentee bidders .

  14. 不仅如此,由于买家无法得知其他竞买人的报价,他们也无法相应地调整自己的报价。

    Furthermore , as bidders cannot see the bids of other participants they cannot adjust their own bids accordingly .

  15. 如果你能进任何银行,那你还在乎什么最高价竞买人?

    If you can break any bank , what do you care about the highest bidder ? I don 't.

  16. 竞买人可以自行参加竞买,也可以委托其代理人参加竞买。

    Bidders may participate in bidding on their own , or may trust their agents to participate in bidding for them .

  17. 竞买人有权了解拍卖标的的瑕疵,有权查验拍卖标的和查阅有关拍卖资料。

    A bidder has the right to know the drawbacks of an auction target , to check the said auction target and consult relevant auction data .

  18. 没有人竞价,这时,价格就以事先确走的数量下降,直到有竞买人愿意接受为止。

    No one auction , at this point , the price to the number of prior does go down , until the person is willing to accept .

  19. 不过却很少有豪华游艇被无底价拍卖。无底价拍卖指的是无论价格多少,拍品都会卖给出价最高的竞买人。

    But rarely , if ever , has a major yacht sold at an unreserved auction , meaning it will sell to the highest bidder regardless of price .

  20. 有人主张,这一模式应该扩展到野生区域,例如,科罗拉多大峡谷应该卖给出价最高的竞买人。

    It has been argued that this model should be extended to wilderness areas , so that , for example , the Grand Canyon would be sold to the highest bidder .

  21. 因此,本文得出结论,宗地面积通过影响竞买人数量,引起不同的竞争程度,进而影响住宅用地的成交楼面地价。

    Therefore , this paper concludes that the parcel area first affected the number of bidders , causing varying degrees of competition , thereby affecting the floor price of residential land transactions .

  22. 英式拍卖的缺点是:既然获胜的竞买人的出价只需比前一个最高价高一点,那么每个竞买人都不愿马上按照其预估价出价。

    English auction is : given that the winning bidder 's bid was simply more than the highest Price a little , so each person would immediately follow its estimated price offer .

  23. 表盘式无声拍卖方式,使拍卖过程机械化、电子化,使交易速度大大加快。但是,叫价递减过程往往导致竞买人坐等观望,企盼价格不断减低。

    Table disc silent auction , the auction process machinery , electronic trade significantly faster . However , asking prices decline process often cause the person so vital and expecting prices to reduce .

  24. 公司内部设有拍卖业务部、宣传策划部、财务档案部、标的交接服务部和委托人、竞买人、买受人服务大厅。

    With the auction business unit within the company , publicity Planning Division , Finance Department of Archives , the subject of transfer of Services and clients , Bidders , buyer services hall .

  25. 拍卖是一种公开竞争出价而定价金的买卖方式,其特有的竞价方式具有强烈的吸引力和新闻性。在英格兰式下,竞买人不断提高竞价,最后的竞买人即为买受人。

    Making a price by public competition , auction 's bidding method has a strong attraction . In English system , the bidders keep raising their bids , the last bidder is the successful buyer .

  26. 对竞买人和买受人负有拍卖物瑕疵说明义务,保证公平竞争的义务,交付拍卖物并转移所有权的义务,瑕疵担保义务;

    Owes to the bidder and the buyer the duty to tell the defect of the property , to secure the fair competition , to deliver the property and transfer the ownership , to warrant the defect ;

  27. 三峡峡谷长达90千米。如果出价最高的竞买人是赛拉俱乐部,大峡谷就得救了;

    The Three Gorges themselves , not including the waterway that connects one with the other , are in all 90 km long . If the highest bidder was the Sierra Club , the Canyon would be saved ;

  28. 这个结果表明宗地面积对成交楼面地价的影响只有一部分是通过中介变量&竞买人数量实现的,而竞拍轮次作为中介变量的中介效应不显著。

    This result suggests that the impact of parcel area on the the floor price were only part of by mediating variables-the number of bidders , and the mediating effect was not significant when auction rounds be treated as mediating variables .

  29. 拍卖船舶委员会组织对船舶鉴定、估价;组织和主持拍卖;与竞买人签订拍卖成交确认书;办理船舶移交手续。

    The ship auction committee organizes appraisal and valuation of the ship ; organizes and presides over the auction ; signs a letter of confirmation for conclusion of the auction with the bidder ; and handles procedures for the transfer of the ship .

  30. 同时根据我国不良资产处置的实际情况将组合拍卖模型进行扩展,引入xp:竞标价格、xq:竞买人信誉、xr:不良资产处置的资源配置效率这三个变量建立多属性不良资产组合拍卖模型。

    According to the actual situation , combinatorial auction model should be extended and introduce three variables : xp : bid , xq : Bidders credibility and xr : allocation of non-performing assets disposal efficiency to establish multi-attribute combinatorial auction model of non-performing assets .