
mǎi shòu rén
  • Buyer;vendee
  1. 根据《合同法》第158条规定,买受人收到标的物时应在约定的检验期内检验。

    Basis " contract law " the158th regulation , when vendee gets the thing of mark , should be in of the agreement examine period inside examine .

  2. 因而,买受人购买已购公有住房,需支出两笔费用,即购房款和土地出让金。

    Consequently , vendee is bought already bought public housing , require pay two charge , buy house money and gold of land sell one 's own things namely .

  3. 发货单以我为抬头(买受人),但是我想要把它改为aBC贸易公司。

    The invoice is made out in my name , but I 'd like it to be changed to aBC Trading Company .

  4. 出卖人是一个电脑零售商,接到一个住居在B国的买受人购买一部电脑的定单,该定单所购买的是一台通常用于商业公司的功能强大并且价格昂贵的电脑。

    Seller , a computer retailer , receives an order for a computer from Buyer , a resident of State B.The order is for a powerful , expensive computer of the sort commonly bought for use in business firms .

  5. 但是,买受人违约对风险转移的时间产生影响,交付主义不再适用。

    But buyer default will affect the time of risk transfer .

  6. 买受人必须当场亲自签署成交确认书。

    The buyer himself must sign the Purchase Confirmation on the spot .

  7. 接受运输公司应交付给买受人。

    Acceptance by transportation company shall constitute delivery to buyer .

  8. 买受人期待权的风险承担

    The Assumption of Risk for Purchaser 's Expective Right

  9. 出卖人和买受人都不得擅自转售标的物,否则都属于无权处分。

    Neither the seller nor the buyer has the right to resale the object .

  10. 本文的重点是商品房买受人期待权的法律效力。

    This article focuses on the legal effect of the commercial real estate buyer .

  11. 汇款费(汇款银行)应当由买受人承担。

    The remittance charge ( for remitting bank ) shall be borne by the buyer .

  12. 论所有权保留买卖中买受人的期待权

    Buyer 's Expecting Right in Title Retention

  13. 货物出卖人在交付产品给买受人时,经常提供服务。

    A seller of goods often furnishes services when delivering a product to a buyer .

  14. 我国合同法买受人再履行请求权的不足与完善

    The Defects and Improvement of Subsequent Performance Claim of the Buyer in PRC Contract Law

  15. 分期付款买卖中买受人利益的保护&《合同法》第一百六十七条质疑

    Protection of Benefit of Buyers in Installment Sale & Question of No.167 Term in Contract Law

  16. 免责条件,将因买受人原因和不可抗力作为开发商的免责抗辩事由。

    Reasons of vendees and force majeure will be considered as developers ' reasons for relief condition .

  17. 那么,买受人应提供自己作为爱好者购买那台电脑是用于私人使用的证据。

    Buyer then offers evidence that he bought the computer for his personal use as a hobbyist .

  18. 买受人享有的期限利益是分期付款买卖信用的体现。

    It is the embodiment of installment sale credit in that the buyer enjoys the period benefits .

  19. 风险负担的主要问题是风险何时从出卖人转由买受人承担。

    The main issue of the risk bearing is when the risk is transferred from sellers to buyers .

  20. 假按揭二重买卖中真实买受人所有权保护研究

    On the Protection of Property of Real Buyer in a Dual Buying-and-selling by Means of Deceptive Mortgage Loan

  21. 由于买受人在商品房买卖法律关系中处于相对弱势一方,其遭遇法律风险是为常态。

    Because the purchasers are in weak position in legal relationship , they normally suffer more legal risks .

  22. 权利冲突可分为内外两个方面,对内的冲突体现为合同内出卖人与买受人之间就标的物的所有和占有而产生的冲突;

    The intrinsic conflict lies in the conflict between venders and vendees on ownership and possession of subject matters .

  23. 在英格兰式下,竞买人不断提高竞价,最后的竞买人即为买受人。

    In English system , the bidders keep raising their bids , the last bidder is the successful buyer .

  24. 买受人怠于通知的,视为标的物数量或者质量符合约定。

    Vendee idle at the announcement , the content amount that treats symptom or quality accords with an agreement .

  25. 该部分重点论述了买受人期待权和出卖人的取回权。

    That part focuses on the buyer look forward to the right and the seller to retrieve the right .

  26. 拍卖买受人的合同解除权与承租人的优先购买权&对一起拍卖合同纠纷案的分析

    The Buyer Cancellation Claim and the Tenant Priority Claim in Auction & Analyzing the Disputes in An Auction Case

  27. 买受人拒绝接收多交部分的,应当及时通知出卖人。

    If he refuses to accept the excess part , the buyer shall make a notice to the seller promptly .

  28. 买受人如果不能完成约定条件,出卖人可取回标的物。

    If the buyer has not completed the agreed terms , the seller can get back to the subject matter .

  29. 企业主往往通过松散的信用卡公司这次战斗给买受人,除非非常有据可查的。

    Business owners will often loose this battle to the buyer through the credit card company unless extremely well documented .

  30. 拍卖成交的,还应当由买受人签名。

    In the case of the conclusion of an auction , the record shall also be signed by the buyer .