
  • 网络Buyer-lever competition
  1. 与协议出让方式相比,土地招拍挂出让通过促进土地市场的买方竞争、降低房地产增量市场的垄断性,在显化土地价格的同时,降低了地价对房价的影响程度。

    Compared with the selling means by reaching an agreement through consultations , the land bidding and auction selling policy helps to lower land price 's influence on housing price by way of improving the competition in land and real estate market .

  2. 借助迈克尔·波特五种力量模型,明确了企业面临的各方面竞争压力中,来自买方和竞争对手的竞争压力相对十分强大。

    The five power models of Michael Porter is applied to analyze the enterprise 's environment and figures out the competition pressure the enterprise has been facing .

  3. TOP外语专业学校所在的成都英语培训市场,经过十余年的发展,已由卖方市场转变为买方市场,竞争非常激烈。

    Chengdu English training market , where TOP Foreign Language Professional Training School has been more than ten years , is full of hot competition .

  4. 世界经济的高速发展和工业竞争的日益激化,促使了卖方市场转向买方市场,竞争的焦点也由价格竞争转向了质量竞争。

    The high speed development of world economy and the increasingly sharpening of industrial competition make the seller 's market divert to the buyer 's market .

  5. 中国已经进入了社会主义市场经济时代,整个中国市场由卖方市场逐渐过度到买方市场,竞争变得异常激烈,这对企业的市场营销工作提出了非常高的要求。

    With the development of China 's market economy , the market has turned to the buyer 's market which has a characteristic of stiff competition .

  6. 近年来,随着医药产业的高速发展,医药市场已成为买方市场,竞争日趋激烈。

    Theses years , the pharmaceutical markets have been buyers ' ones after the rapid development of the medical industry , and the competition becomes more severe .

  7. 中国改革开发30年来,市场形态从卖方市场到买方市场,竞争愈演愈烈。

    Over the past 30 years since Chinese economic reform , the market pattern from buyers market to sellers market and the competition has grown more and more fiercely .

  8. 第三章:通过对房地产企业的价值链及房地产品牌对买方价值、竞争优势的影响进行分析,说明房地产品牌营销的重要性。

    Chapter 3 : Through the analysis of real estate value chain , the influence of real estate brand to purchaser value and competitive advantage , illuminate the importance of real estate brand marketing .

  9. 随着新场馆的不断建设,展览场馆市场将从卖方市场转向买方市场,而且竞争格局也将发生重大变化。

    Along with continuous construction of exhibition and conference halls , the exhibition market trend will shift from seller 's side to buyer 's side and the competition pattern will change .