
  1. 特别是2001年12月末提出的CORBA组件模型(CCM)增强了CORBA在服务器端组件同另外两种组件技术的竞争优势。

    In particular , CORBA Component Model ( CCM ) brought forward in December 2001 , has more advantage to the other two component models in server in competition .

  2. 利用信息技术获取竞争优势

    Utilizing the information technology to obtain the competitive advantage

  3. 印度信息技术产业竞争优势与中国相关产业发展战略研究

    A Study on the Competitive Advantage of India 's Information Technology Industry and the Development Strategies of the Relevant Industries in China

  4. 资金、技术的竞争优势已经变得越来越小,因为这些资源很容易被竞争对手模仿。

    The competitive advantage of capital and technology is becoming increasingly smaller , for these resources can be easily imitated by opponents .

  5. 核心竞争力是保持高新技术企业竞争优势的重要手段,是高新技术企业持续竞争优势的源泉。

    Core competence is the important method to keeping competitive advantage in hi-tech enterprises and is the source of keeping continuing competitive advantage .

  6. 当代社会,知识产权成为了经济全球化时代的生产要素和技术创新竞争优势的基础。

    At present , intellectual property has become the production elements of the developed economic globalization , and it provides the foundation for competitive advantage of technology innovation .

  7. 本工艺具有一定的技术经济竞争优势,社会、环境效益显著,在小城镇和新城市化地区具有良好的实际应用前景。

    This process has certain technical and economic competitive advantage and social and environmental benefits significantly to the small towns and new urban areas with good prospects for the practical application .

  8. 在此基础上建立区域高技术产业竞争优势评价系统,并对各省、市的高技术产业竞争力进行计算;

    On the basis of above analysis , I construct an evaluation system on competitiveness of hi-tech industry , and then using the evaluation system to account the the score on competitiveness of hi-tech industry of all of provinces in China .

  9. 适合我国中小城镇现有的经济和社会条件,符合可持续发展需要,技术经济竞争优势、社会及环境效益显著,具有良好的实际应用前景。

    It was adaptable for the economic and social conditions of the small towns in China and suitable for the requirement of sustainable development and competent in the technological and economic aspects with remarkable social and environmental profits and bright prospect of practical use .

  10. 其中一个重要的原因是缺乏相应的理论体系指导企业如何更有效地利用信息技术增强竞争优势,以及企业信息化带来的竞争力机制模型的理解。这些概念和理论为不确定性信息理论奠定了基础。

    Among an important reason is to lack the homologous theory system to guide the business enterprise how to make use of the information technique to enhance competitive advantage more availably , and enterprise information fetches comprehension of the competition ability machining pattern of the information-based .

  11. 在经济和科技全球化的时代潮流中,跨国公司扮演着举足轻重的角色,通过重整全球科技和人力资源,不断降低研发成本和风险,获得持续的技术和竞争优势。

    In the era of economic and technological globalization , Multinational Corporations ( MNCs ) play an important role . Through the restructuring of the global technology and human resources , MNCs continue to lower development costs and risks , and acquire sustainable technical and competitive advantage .

  12. 但ArxPax这项技术最大的竞争优势或许在于其可扩展性和灵活性。

    The scalability and flexibility of Arx Pax 's technology may be its greatest competitive advantage .

  13. 发展竞争情报技术赢得市场竞争优势

    Developing Competitive Intelligence Technology to Gain Market Competitive Advantage

  14. 网络资源与企业技术创新集群竞争优势

    Network Resources and Technological Innovation Clustering Competitive Edge

  15. 然后,通过建立影响强度指标体系和综合评价模型评估信息系统技术对长期竞争优势的影响强度。

    Then we get the index system and general appraisable system to estimate the intension .

  16. 根据信息技术对企业竞争优势的影响给出信息技术投资的价值计算公式。

    We gave the calculate formula for information technology investment according to the affects to enterprise competent advantage .

  17. 其次,提出并论证社会资本决定高新技术产业群竞争优势这一观点。

    Secondly , it is demonstrated that social capital determines competition advantage of industry cluster of the new and high-tech.

  18. 战略联盟是高新技术企业保持竞争优势,实现持续发展最重要的组织形式之一。

    Strategic alliance is an effective and important organization of sustaining competitive advantage and constant development for high & new enterprises .

  19. 当时,面对基金业开始变得拥挤的情形,本土基金公司也希望借助外国资本和技术来获得竞争优势。

    Local partners were looking for foreign capital and technical know-how to create a competitive advantage in what was beginning to become a crowded industry .

  20. 我国微型乘用车企业坚持走打造民族品牌的道路,通过进行行业内的重组,整合优势资源,提升技术获得了竞争优势。

    These enterprises undertake to regroup industrial structure , optimize advantage resources , and lift their technical power , walking a way to shaping a national brand .

  21. 在全球市场竞争日益残酷激烈和国内经济环境复杂多变的环境下,如何有效进行技术创新获得竞争优势成为企业关心的核心问题。

    Under the background of the hotly global competition and domestic economic change , how to control technology innovation obtain competitive advantage is becomes corporation concern important question .

  22. 美国政界人士和防务分析人士表达了担忧,认为中国可能会通过密切合作而窃取技术或取得竞争优势。

    In the United States , politicians and defense analysts say they are worried about Chinese theft of technology or advantages gained by close cooperation in the semiconductor industry .

  23. 新技术企业的竞争优势建立在知识的获取、应用及创新能力上,而这些都是由知识的具体载体&知识型员工来实现的。

    The competitive advantages of hi-tech enterprises are based on knowledge acquisition , application and innovation , which can be achieved by the specific carrier of knowledge & kowledge worker .

  24. 一国尽管有资源禀赋的比较优势,但若缺乏技术优势和竞争优势,该国企业就不可能有自生能力;

    If there is comparative advantage in resource endowments in a country , but the country is short of technology advantage and competitive advantage , the enterprises in the country don 't possess viability .

  25. 虽然丰田汽车曾授权其他公司使用普锐斯混合动力车的发动机,但其他公司试图将专有电动汽车技术转变成竞争优势时,便会与这一授权产生冲突。

    Toyota may have licensed the guts of the hybrid Prius out to other companies , but other car companies have clashed as they tried to use proprietary EV technology to gain a competitive edge .

  26. 通过组建结盟企业、尤其是组建跨国结盟企业,资源全球配置、要素全球流动,形成技术及市场竞争优势,已成为企业在市场中谋求生存和快速发展的一种必然趋势。

    It is the inevitable trend for enterprise to survive in globalization and develop fast by setting up Alliance Company , especially the International Alliance Company , to pursue the advantage of resource technology and market .

  27. 文章提出,要实现我国纺织工业可持续发展,必须转变产业发展模式,增强企业创新能力,提高产品科技含量和附加值,化基于资源禀赋的比较优势为基于技术进步的竞争优势。

    To realize the sustainable development , upgrading industry development mode , enhancing enterprise creative ability , and increasing the technical factors or suffix value are required . In short , it means the transformation from comparative advantages based on resource endowment to competitive advantages based on technology advancement .

  28. 但是对于支撑国民经济发展的中小企业实施AMT却面临着相当的困难,与大型企业采用AMT进行企业内部的技术改造,培育竞争优势又有着很大的差异性。

    But SMEs are facing considerable difficulties to implementing AMT compared to large-scale enterprises using AMT for technological improvement , fostering competitive advantage , though there are very important in national economy .

  29. RFID(RadioFrequencyIdentification无线射频识别)是自动识别技术中最具竞争优势的一个分支,与其它自动识别技术相比,具有识别速度快、信息载体适应性强、非视觉范围读写等优点。

    Radio Frequency Identification ( RFID ) is a branch of the most competitive advantage in automatic identification technology . Compared with other automatic identification technologies , RFID has many advantages such as faster identification speed , stronger adaptability , non-visual range reading and writing and so on .

  30. 技术多样化对企业竞争优势的影响机制探析

    Impact of Firm Technological Diversification on Its Competitive Advantage