
  1. 价格战(卖方在竞争中不断削价以吸引买主)。

    Price war ( situation in which competing sellers repeatedly reduce their prices in order to attract buyers )

  2. 第三方应不属于卖方的竞争对手,并且卖方在知识产权方面的保密要求。

    The third party should not belong to the competitors of the seller , while the Seller shall hold requirement of confidentiality for the intellectual property purpose .

  3. 但是,我国的航空公司刚刚走出卖方市场竞争的阶段,有时候仍然会忽视企业品牌忠诚管理,导致消费者在购买和使用电子机票的过程中没有形成满意和品牌忠诚。

    However , the airline companies in our country just walk out the stage of seller market , and they sometimes neglect the companies ' brand loyalty management , which is important to form customer satisfaction and brand loyalty during the ticket booking and flying process .

  4. 在告别了“短缺经济”年代后,商品供求关系已由“买方市场”转向整体性的“卖方市场”,竞争加剧。

    After bidding farewell to the age of " the shortage economy ", relations between commodity 's supply and demand have changed from a " buyers'market " to an integrated " sellers'market " and competition will be intensified .