
  • 网络the cohesive force in enterprise
  1. 增强企业凝聚力的有效途径

    The Effective Way of Strengthening the Cohesive Force of the Enterprise

  2. 浅谈企业凝聚力工程建设的操作思路

    On the Train of Thought for Operation in Engineering Building of Enterprises ' Cohesion

  3. 浅议我国电子信息领域企业凝聚力

    Discussion on Enterprises Cohesion in Electronic Information Fields

  4. 从国企改革谈增强企业凝聚力

    A discussion on enhancing the enterprise 's cohesiveness from the reform of state-owned enterprises

  5. 增强企业凝聚力提升员工忠诚度

    Strengthening Enterprise Cohesion to Improve Staff Loyalty

  6. 论增强企业凝聚力

    On Increasing the Cohesive Force of Enterprises

  7. 浅谈影响企业凝聚力的主要因素及对策

    Main factors and countermeasures affecting enterprise attraction

  8. 增强企业凝聚力的一种博弈分析

    An Analysis of Reinforcing Enterprise 's Cohesion

  9. 论企业凝聚力与职工积极性

    On enterprise cohesiveness and employee enthusiasm

  10. 试论如何增加企业凝聚力

    How to increase enterprise affinity

  11. 论企业凝聚力

    Study on the Enterprise Solidification

  12. 企业凝聚力是国有企业改革和发展的珍贵资源。

    The cohesive force of enterprises is the precious resource in the SOE s ' reform and development .

  13. 关爱员工,增强企业凝聚力,是企业的首要社会责任;

    It is the first and foremost responsibility for the enterprise to care their staff and enhance their cohesion .

  14. 在非线性行为的研究中,通过分析试验数据,证实了初晶结晶前沿存在温度振荡现象和多重态现象。论企业凝聚力

    According to data analysis there is surge and multimode on the solidification front . Study on the Enterprise Solidification

  15. 同时通过热力学计算预测了不同冷却条件下Al206%Si158%Mg三元合金的凝固路径和相析出规律。论企业凝聚力

    The solidification paths and the phase precipitation sequence were predicted coupled with the thermodynamic calculation . Study on the Enterprise Solidification

  16. 作为一种激励手段,股票期权激励计划具有激励员工、保留员工、提高企业凝聚力等多种功能。

    As an incentive means , Stock option incentive plan has many functions such as encouraging and retaining employees , raising company cohesion , etc.

  17. 本文介绍了凝聚力的理论上的知识,并结合了重庆联通公司的实际,提出了如何增强重庆联通公司的企业凝聚力。

    This article describes the cohesion theory of knowledge , combined with the actual Chongqing Unicom , the question of how companies enhance the cohesion of Chongqing Unicom .

  18. 企业凝聚力的提高需要通过恰当的激励机制来吸引人才,这是目前激企业激励要解决的关键问题。

    Enterprise cohesion is needed to develop through the appropriate incentive mechanism to attract talents , this is the current shock enterprise incentive to solve the key problems .

  19. 薪酬不仅影响着员工的工作积极性,还对员工满意度的培养、企业凝聚力乃至企业团结和谐的氛围的形成都起着重要作用。

    Pay not only affects the staffs work enthusiasm , also plays an important role to employee satisfaction of the training , the formation of enterprise centripetal force .

  20. 本文依据企业凝聚力理论,力图通过对重庆联通企业文化的深入全面的研究,探讨建设有竞争力的企业凝聚力策略。

    According to the cohesion theory and studying the corporate culture of Chongqing Unicom depth , this paper is trying to discuss the strategy of building competitive enterprise cohesion .

  21. 增强企业凝聚力是现代企业运作过程中的一个重要方面,而增加对职工公益福利的投资则是增强企业凝聚力的一种途径。

    Reinforcing enterprise 's cohesion is one important aspect of running the modem enterprise , and increasing the investment of employee 's commonweal is one approach of achieving the aim .

  22. 同时经过文中的分析,可以更加肯定企业凝聚力是企业行为的基本标志,凝聚力的大小对企业的效率、利益、长远发展以及企业员工的成长和发展有着重要影响。

    After the analysis of the text at the same time , can be more certain cohesion is the fundamental symbol of corporate behavior , cohesion of the size of the business efficiency , benefits , long-term development and growth and development of employees have an important impact .

  23. 关怀备至,绩效为本的氛围,增强了企业的凝聚力,促进IIPC人与企业一起成长。

    Through a nurturing and achievement-oriented environment , IIPC encourages employees to participate actively in company growth .

  24. 浅析工会在增强企业内部凝聚力方面应发挥的作用

    The role of trade unions in strengthening the internal cohesion of enterprise

  25. 如何增强企业员工凝聚力

    How to Increase the Cohesion of Employees in Enterprises

  26. 从而提升企业的凝聚力和向心力。

    So as to enhance the cohesion of the enterprise and centripetal forces .

  27. 在收益方面,我们认为代际传承可以维持家族企业的凝聚力和稳定预期,减少家族企业继任过程中带来的震荡。

    First of all , we consider inter-generational succession can maintain stability and cohesion of family business , to reduce the shock .

  28. 为增强企业的凝聚力,首先要树立本企业的理念&企业哲学;

    In order to strength the cohesive force of the enterprise , the first is to establish the enterprise conception , the enterprise philosophy ;

  29. 完善的激励制度能够增强企业的凝聚力,提高员工的士气和工作绩效,从而给企业带来更好的利益。

    Perfect incentive mechanism can enhance the cohesiveness of enterprise and raise staffs morale and work performance , which can bring more profits to enterprise .

  30. 流程的改进必将导致组织的变革,通过变革,在提高组织的灵活性和办事效率的同时,还可以提高员工士气,增加企业的凝聚力。

    However , changes in the processes will result in organizational transformation , which can increase the flexibility and efficiency , while raising morale and coherence of the whole company .