
mài fānɡ shì chǎnɡ
  • seller's market
  1. 房地产成了卖方市场,房价急剧上升。

    Housing became a seller 's market , and prices zoomed up .

  2. 银行服务已经从卖方市场转向买方市场,银行界不得不关心市场顾客的需求,迫切需要转向顾客导向的市场营销理念,提升自身的品牌价值。

    Bank service has been changed from the seller 's market to buyer 's market . Banks should concern the requirement of market customer , and customer conception is seriously needed in order to hang up its brand value .

  3. 随着我国加入WTO,电信市场已逐渐由卖方市场向买方市场过渡,电信行业正面临着新的机遇和挑战。

    With China 's entry into WTO , telecommunications industry faces new opportunities and challenges .

  4. TOP外语专业学校所在的成都英语培训市场,经过十余年的发展,已由卖方市场转变为买方市场,竞争非常激烈。

    Chengdu English training market , where TOP Foreign Language Professional Training School has been more than ten years , is full of hot competition .

  5. 卖方市场面向ISCN的MRPⅡ订购策略

    Ordering Strategy of ISCN-oriented MRP ⅱ in Seller Market

  6. 随着农产品市场由卖方市场到买方市场的急剧转变及加入WTO后我国农业与世界农业的全面接轨,我国农产品销售将面临巨大的机遇和挑战。

    With the great change from seller 's market to buyer 's market of agricultural products and the all round connection of our country with the world in agriculture after we joined WTO , our agriculture products will face great chances and challenges .

  7. 再来看美国的经济情况,据CoreLogic分析机构发布的春季购买指数表明,最近房产市场更像是卖方市场。

    Turning to the economy in the US , it may be feeling more like a seller 's market these days if may spring buying numbers from CoreLogic-running indication .

  8. 原有的卖方市场的局面不复存在。

    The seller-oriented market will not exist any more .

  9. 一般在计划经济体制下,都是卖方市场。

    Fall in planned economy system commonly , it is seller 's market .

  10. 未来的市场是卖方市场&解析创造需求理念

    The futuristic market is a sellers ' market

  11. 卖方市场向买方市场的转变,迫使企业必须生产满足消费者需求的产品。

    The change from seller market to buyer market forces enterprises to produce consumer-oriented products .

  12. 在劳动力卖方市场,企业以提供更高的工资来满足雇员。

    In such a tight labour market , companies appease workers by offering higher wages .

  13. 市场格局由短缺经济时代的卖方市场逐步向过剩经济时代的买方市场转变,市场竞争日益激烈化。

    The market structure has changed from sellers'market of shortage economy to buyers'market of surplus economy .

  14. 这都是我国卖方市场转为买方市场的标志。

    This is our country seller 's market turns the mark that is buyer 's market .

  15. 二是供需关系由卖方市场转向买方市场;

    Second , the supply-demand relationship has transformed from a seller 's to a buyer 's market .

  16. 先生,不用担心,现在是卖方市场。

    A : Don 't worry , sir . I think it 's a sellers market center now .

  17. 不幸的是,在新的一年,购房者们可能依旧需要在卖方市场里打拼。

    Unfortunately , buyers will probably have to soldier through another year of a market that favors sellers .

  18. 在现代市场形势下,企业的生存环境正发生着巨大的改变,市场格局由卖方市场过渡到了买方市场。

    In the modern market situation , enterprises are taking place in the living environment of enormous change .

  19. 科技、管理与市场&谈我厂如何在买方市场中营造卖方市场

    Science Technology , Management and Market ── How to Build up " Seller Market " in Buyer Market

  20. 现代酒店的经营已经由卖方市场向买方市场转变。

    The management of modern hotel business has experienced a change from the sellers'market to buying party 's market .

  21. 未来市场将由卖方市场转变到买方市场,顾客已成为新的市场情况下商家研究的中心问题。

    The Market will be changed to the buyer 's market from the seller 's market in the future .

  22. 我国的房地产业经过近二十多年的发展,面临着由卖方市场向买方市场的转变。

    After 20 years development , his real estate industry is gradually achieving transition from seller market to buyer market .

  23. 同样,有许多的报道所需要的条件,作为外国投资者和作为对外国人的房地产的卖方市场。

    Also , there are numerous reporting requirements for foreign investors as well as for sellers of real estate to foreigners .

  24. 同时,现代市场也已经完成了由卖方市场到买方市场的转变。

    In the mean time , modern market has completed the transformation from a seller 's market to that of buyer 's.

  25. 随着高等教育由“卖方市场”转向“买方市场”,高等职业教育正面临着巨大的挑战。

    The transition of higher education from seller 's market to buyer 's market poses rigorous challenges for higher vocational education .

  26. 随着我国经济体制和医疗体制的改革,传统的就医模式正在改变,医院作为提供医疗服务的市场单位,正在从卖方市场向买方市场转变。

    The reform of economy and medical system is changing the hospital from a seller 's market to a buyer 's market .

  27. 经济全球化促使国际竞争加剧,家具业由供不应求的卖方市场向供大于求的买方市场转型。

    Economic globalization promotes international competition . The increase of demand in furniture industry which exceeds production supply leads to market transition .

  28. 市场状态分为以市场自组织功能为运行基础的买方市场和以政府直接调控为运行基础的卖方市场两种基本类型。

    There are two basic types of market conditions : buyers'market operating through self-organized functions and sellers'market based upon governments'regulations and controlling .

  29. 随着品牌及车型的不断增多,汽车市场逐步由卖方市场转变为买方市场。

    With the rapid growth of car brands and car models , automotive market is gradually transformed seller market to buyer market .

  30. 大学生就业已经完全市场化,并由过去的卖方市场转变成现在的买方市场。

    Employment practice for university graduates has already become market-oriented , and changed from the buyer 's market to the seller 's market .