
mài chū huì lǜ
  • selling rates
卖出汇率[mài chū huì lǜ]
  1. 中间汇率是买入汇率和卖出汇率的算术平均数。

    Middle rate is the arithmetic average rate of buying rate and selling rate , used for inter-bank .

  2. 买进和卖出汇率的差额&以这里20点为例称为“差幅”。

    The difference between the rates , 20 points in this case , is known as the " spread " or " margin " .

  3. 银行卖出外汇之汇率(卖出价)高于买入外汇之汇率(买入价)。

    The rates at which the banks sell foreign exchange ( selling rates ) are higher than the rates at which they buy ( buying rates ) .

  4. 外汇经纪人通常标两种汇率:一种是他买进外汇的汇率,另一种是他卖出外汇的汇率。

    An exchange dealer always quotes two rates : at one of which , he will buy and at the other of which be will sell the foreign currency .

  5. 改革汇率制度的可行方案是:允许人民币汇率在一定区间内波动,而国家卖出外汇的汇率仍锁定在现有水平。

    The feasible scheme of reforming the exchange rate system is : Allowing the exchange rate of RMB to fluctuate within a certain band while locking the exchange rate that the country sells the foreign currency at the existing level .

  6. 远期汇率可能会高于、低于或等于银行卖出外汇(卖出汇率)要比买入外汇(买入汇率)的价格要高。

    The forward rate may be higher or lower than , or on the same level as , the spot rate .

  7. 英国也不会像中国那样,通过持续卖出本币来操纵汇率,从而累积起外汇资产。

    Nor does the UK pile up foreign assets by persistently selling its own currency to manipulate the exchange rate , as does China .