
  • 网络exchange rate mechanism;European Exchange Rate Mechanism;erm
  1. 加入欧洲汇率机制并不是解决英国经济问题的万灵丹。

    Membership of the ERM is not a panacea for Britain 's economic problems

  2. 我们过了好久才认识到,英国加入欧洲汇率机制既不可取也不可行,即便它符合我们亲欧洲的观点。

    We took too long to recognise that British membership of the ERM was neither desirable nor tenable , even if it was in line with our pro-European views .

  3. 他将英国加入欧洲汇率机制描述为具有历史意义的一步。

    He described Britain 's entry into the European Exchange Rate Mechanism as an historic move .

  4. 远在通过迫使英镑退出欧洲汇率机制而获利10亿美元以前,乔治索罗斯(GeorgeSoros)就已经是对冲基金行业的标志性人物。

    George Soros has been the public face of the hedge fund industry since long before he made $ 1bn forcing sterling out the European exchange rate mechanism .

  5. 在推出欧元之前,德国马克是欧洲汇率机制的核心。

    Before the euro , the D-Mark was the centre of the exchange rate mechanism .

  6. 在经历了一波短暂而强烈的投机冲击后,英镑被迫退出欧洲汇率机制。

    After a short , intense wave of speculation , the pound had to withdraw from the programme .

  7. 英镑随后于周一经历了自1992年脱离欧洲汇率机制以来单日最大跌幅。

    The came after it on Monday experienced its biggest one-day fall since its ejection from the European exchange rate mechanism in 1992 .

  8. 欧盟东扩后,加入欧洲汇率机制Ⅱ(ERM-Ⅱ)的国家也会扩大。

    Along with the eastern enlargement of the EU , the members within European exchange rate mechanism ⅱ ( ERM ⅱ) will also increase .

  9. 以及20世纪90年代以来的国际信贷商业银行倒闭、欧洲汇率机制危机、墨西哥金融危机和东南亚金融危机等,金融危机似乎已经成为了人类经济发展的顽症。

    What was worse , European Exchange Rate Crisis , Mexican Financial Crisis , and Asian Financial Crisis made the list even longer in 1990s .

  10. 英镑汇率跌去了近四分之一,该下跌幅度甚至比1992年英镑被踢出欧洲汇率机制时下跌幅度还要大。

    Its trade-weighted value has fallen by around a quarter since mid-2007 , a bigger decline even than after the pound was turfed out of the European exchange-rate mechanism in1992 .

  11. 汇率的稳定性是指,至少在两年以内,现行货币的波动水平维持在欧洲汇率机制的正常范围之内。

    Exchange rate stability , meaning that for at least 2 years the currency has kept within the " normal " fluctuation margins of European Exchange Rate Mechanism ( ERM ) .

  12. 1992年8月,针对英镑的投机行动迫使英国退出了欧洲汇率机制;1997年8月,泰铢暴跌,触发了后来的亚洲金融危机。

    Speculation against the pound forced Britain out of the exchange rate mechanism in August 1992 ; and the Thai baht collapsed in August 1997 , setting the stage for the subsequent Asian financial crisis .

  13. 经历了1992年退出欧洲汇率机制后的持续走低后,英镑汇率于1996至1997年开始攀升,虽然屡次有人做出暴跌预测,但英镑始终维持在高位。

    After the lows sustained following its exit from the European exchange rate mechanism in 1992 , it began to climb in 1996-97 and has remained on a plateau in the face of repeated predictions of a tumble .

  14. 我本人的观点是,在1992年英国被迫退出(欧洲)汇率机制等事件发生后,经济学家的声名一落千丈,以至于一些从业者重新将自己定义为策略师。

    My own observation is that their repute declined so much after events such as the UK 's forced departure from the exchange rate mechanism in 1992 that some practitioners redefined themselves as strategists .

  15. 他说在英国经济与其他欧洲国家的经济实现更大的趋同性之前,英国不会重新加入欧洲汇率机制。

    He said that Britain would not rejoin the ERM ' until there is much greater symmetry between our economy and other European economies . '