
  • 网络bilateral exchange rate
  1. 双边汇率贬值对双边贸易收支的影响可能呈现J曲线或W曲线形态。

    The influence of depreciation of bilateral exchange rate on bilateral trade balance appears J curve or W curve .

  2. 在研究我国遭受反倾销总量的背景下,双边汇率无法反映出人民币与这些对华反倾销国家货币之间的汇率的整体情况,而有效汇率(EffectiveExchangeRate,EER)则弥补了上述缺陷。

    In the study of the total anti-dumping amount against China , the bilateral exchange rate does not reflect the exchange rate between RMB and the currencies of these countries anti-dumping against China , but the effective exchange rate makes up for the shortcoming .

  3. 仅仅专注于双边汇率的价值,可能会适得其反。

    An exclusive focus on the value of the bilateral exchange rate could be counter-productive .

  4. 东亚内部双边汇率波动对东亚内部双边贸易与经济波动的影响

    The Effects of Bilateral Exchange Rate Volatility on the Bilateral Trade and Economic Volatility in East Asia

  5. 就此而言,随着一些新兴市场努力保持双边汇率稳定,市场对美国债务的需求有所上升。

    Here , demand for US debt has increased as emerging markets try to keep their bilateral exchange rates steady .

  6. 定性分析中,从中美、中欧、中日双边汇率的变动形势下,结合数据图表分析了中美、中德、中日的进出口贸易状况。

    The qualitative analysis shows the trade institution between China and America , Germany , Japan under the bilateral exchange rate fluctuation , based on data and graph .

  7. 从直观上判断该指标不但能够反映出人民币与主要贸易伙伴国的双边汇率水平变动情况,同时还可以反映出贸易伙伴国贸易权重的变动情况。

    This index can not only reflect the RMB and major trade partners bilateral exchange rate changes , also can reflect the weight of trading partners to trade fluctuant circumstance .

  8. 德国在该体系中起主导作用:各国货币都在一个双边汇率的复杂体系之下以官方的形式和其它国家货币紧密相连,但事实上所有的货币都和德国马克有关联。

    Germany was at the scheme 's heart : currencies were officially pegged to each other in a complex grid of bilateral rates but all were , in effect , tied to the D-mark .

  9. 与此同时,人民币汇率制度改革被重新启动,央行在公布进一步提高人民币汇率弹性的同时,还提出了将人民币有效汇率取代人民币双边汇率作为人民币汇率水平的参照系和调控的依据。

    Meanwhile , the RMB exchange rate reform is restarted , the central bank announced to further improve the RMB exchange rate flexibility , put forward the RMB effective exchange rate to replace bilateral exchange rate .

  10. 而后结合理论研究和中国的实际国情,建立实证模型,采用对我国直接投资最多的19个国家和地区的FDI、双边实际汇率等面板数据进行分析,从而使结论更稳定可靠。

    Combining the theoretical research and Chinese current conditions , we establish the empirical model and adopt the panel data of FDI from the largest 19 countries and areas and the bilateral real exchange rate , which would help get more stable and reliable results .

  11. 进一步,基于面板数据分析方法,构建人民币双边实际汇率变动对园艺产品分国别出口影响的贸易引力模型,以分析双边实际汇率变动在国家间园艺产品贸易的影响。

    After that , based on panel data analysis methods , we built a trade gravity model to analyze the effect the bilateral real exchange rate changed on horticultural export .

  12. 分析了1994-2005年间人民币/美元双边真实汇率的决定和其间中国货币政策和汇率政策的效果。

    It studied the decision of Bilateral External Real Exchange Rate of RMB / USD during 1994-2005 , and the effectiveness of the monetary policy and exchange rate policy during the period .

  13. 结果,2010-2011年间双边实际有效汇率上升了约20%,使得中国无法再像之前25年那样,大幅扩大自己在世界贸易中的份额。

    The result was about a 20 per cent bilateral real effective exchange rate increase over 2010-11 that has left China unable to repeat the huge gains in world trade share of the previous quarter-century .

  14. 结果表明,日本对华直接投资的主要影响因素包括中国市场容量、中日双边贸易、实际汇率和中日实际工资差异。

    The data regression reveals that the main determinants for Japan 's FDI to China includes the market content of China , the Sino-Japanese bilateral trade , the real exchange rate and the Sino-Japanese real wage differential .