- 网络Real exchange rate;Effective Exchange Rate;rer

The Sources of RMB Real Exchange Rate Fluctuations : An Empirical Study Based on Structural VAR under Long-term Restrictions
The undervalued Chinese real exchange rate generated a contribution of net exports of 5.6 per cent of GDP between 2006 and 2008 .
The paper calculates the Real Effective Exchange Rate ( REER ) of RMB from 1978 according to the method that IMF recommends .
The next bank of Japan governor is sure to be a dove , and in real terms against trading partners the yen is still almost 10 per cent stronger than before the subprime crisis .
According to ARIMA theory , we finally have two models for RMB real exchange rate .
First , as the Nobel laureate Paul Krugman notes , the real exchange rate may just not fall far enough .
According to JPMorgan , it has depreciated by about 7 per cent since January 1998 ( see chart ) .
Over the same period the trade-weighted real exchange rate ( calculated by JP Morgan ) appreciated by only 13 per cent .
The real remained about 20 per cent overvalued in real terms in spite of a 20 per cent depreciation from its recent highs , said David Rees , economist at Capital Economics in London .
The trade-weighted real exchange rate , on the JPMorgan measure , is 10 per cent below the average of the oil years between 1980 and 2007 .
Then it examines the transmission mechanism of labor productivity to trade balance , combining with the coefficient of labor productivity and the mediating variables FDI , and the coefficients of relative labor costs and real exchange rate .
On RMB Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate Based on Montiel Model
Empirical analysis using the Johansen Cointegration Test of the RMB real exchange rate movements on the impact of China-USA bilateral trade volume .
It concludes that there is nonlinear and asymmetric cointegration relationship between exchange rate and interest which can not be tested by Johansen method .
Lastly , Granger Causality Tests shows that the international oil price and the exchange rate are both the Granger reason of enterprise value index under the5 % confidence level , while the reverse is not true .
Since early 2002 the dollar has been on a steep downward path : on JPMorgan 's trade-weighted real exchange rate it has depreciated by 23 per cent since February 2002 ( see chart ) .
Taking ADF method and EC mothod to test unit root and test EG harmonization and adjustment can judge that if our country 's actual rate was the stable time alignment , and infer that if RMB rate fit purposing power parity .
Section II analyzes data stationarity of the real exchange rate and trade balance , with the ADF test , we found that these two types of data are integrated of order one I ( 1 ) .
On this basis , this article applies H-P Mean Filter to estimate the Equilibrium Rate of Exchange of RMB and make a rationality assess on the Real Exchange Rate of RMB .
Using the monthly data from 1994.1 to 2005.3 , we employ a new cointegration technique , i. e. ARDL approach to perform an empirical analysis on income elasticities and real exchange rate elasticities of the export and import functions of Sino-US trade .
Effect of Relative Government Expenditure on Real Exchange Rate of RMB
Determination of RMB Real Exchange Rate and Its Trend of Evolvement
This means China is targeting the real exchange rate .
Estimating RMB Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate and Measuring Real Exchange Rate Misalignment
A Study on Real Exchange Rate and Equilibrium Exchange Rate of RMB
An Empirical Analysis on RMB Real Exchange Rate and Terms of Trade
But real exchange rates will also have to change .
That strongly suggests that the real exchange rate remains enormously overvalued .
It has also depreciated by 8 per cent since October 2008 .
The Resource Allocation Effect of the Real Exchange Rate Behavior