
shuānɡ xiànɡ ɡōu tōnɡ
  • two-way communication
  1. 学校和社区的双向沟通将进一步加强。

    Third , further strengthen two-way communication between communities and schools .

  2. 对彼此关注的各项事宜,我们鼓励双向沟通。

    We encourage two-way communication regarding any subject of mutual interests .

  3. 非语言之要素在任何形式的双向沟通中占了很重要的一部份。

    Nonverbal elements form a major part of any communication interchange .

  4. 论研究生培养中的双向沟通

    On the Two-way Communication between Postgraduates and Tutors in Postgraduate Training

  5. 实现治理的最重要的能力是有效的双向沟通。

    The most important capability for implementing governance is effective two-way communications .

  6. 双向沟通帮助我们理解彼此。

    ex : Two-way communication helps us understand each other .

  7. 双向沟通在绩效管理中的作用机制研究

    A Study of Two-way Communication Mechanism in the Performance Management

  8. 二是双向沟通策略;

    Secondly , it is a double direction communication strategy ;

  9. 全面预算管理系统需要进行充分的双向沟通以及公司所有相关部门的参与。

    The comprehensive budget management system requires all relevant departments full two-way communication and participation .

  10. 只有当你条理清楚,声音才能转达。有效地双向沟通才能建立。

    Only if you are clear and vocal can effective communication take place in both directions .

  11. 现在,你知道如何做一个双主机之间的双向沟通的工作流。

    Now , you know how to do a bi-directional communication between a host and a Workflow .

  12. 连同合成物们一起,共同增进神经系统与所构建世界之间的双向沟通。

    along with synthetics to enhance the bidirectional communication between the nervous system and the built world .

  13. 在薪酬体系改进的过程中试图建立与薪酬体系相适应的绩效考核体系及双向沟通的管理机制。

    Tried to establish performance examine system that accommodate to the salary system and bidirectional communicating management mechanism .

  14. 互动性分为三个维度即活动控制、双向沟通和同步性。

    The interaction is divided into three dimensions , that is , activity control , two-way communication and synchronization .

  15. 开放和坦诚的双向沟通积极地分享见解与观点,问题与挑战来提高业务决定和组织表现。

    Open and candid dialogue actively shares insights and opinions , questions and challenges to enhance business decisions and organizational performance .

  16. 优化分为两个部分:多种渠道的融合与双向沟通,呼叫中心业务的深层次应用。

    Optimization divided into two section : multi channels and mutual communication , and deep-going application of business of calling center .

  17. 当今社会,儒家文化与现代文明需要双向沟通与交流,实现儒学与现代社会的双向互动,才是应有之局。

    Confucian culture should communicate with modern civilization bi-directionally . It 's desirable to achieve bi-directional interaction between Confucian and modem society .

  18. 照着这些有益的提示,你不久也会走在通往常成功的双向沟通的路上。

    Follow these helpful hints and you , too , will soon be on the path toward successful two - way communication .

  19. 祷告是一种双向沟通,我先倾听父神的回答,然后祈求我所需要的。

    Prayer is a dialogue where I listen to what the Father says in reply and then ask for what I need .

  20. 因特网作为一种有效的双向沟通渠道,使企业与顾客之间可以实现低成本、高效率的沟通和交流,为关系营销提供了有效的技术保障。

    As an effective channel for mutual communication , internet realizes the communication between customer and enterprise , offering substantial technical support to relationship marketing .

  21. 学生社团这种双向沟通的对接能力,是校内其它任何教育形式都无法具有和替代的。

    This kind of competence has the quality of mutual communication , and no other form of education at colleges has this , hence replace it .

  22. 通过绩效评估建立有效的反馈,实现公司地双向沟通,形成一个完整的绩效管理体系。

    With the effective feedback from the performance evaluation , tow-way communication in the company is realized , which forms a thorough complete performance management system .

  23. 互联网和电视、录影带非常非常明显的的区别在于它是“互动的”,也就是说它允许双向沟通。

    The most remarkable difference of the Internet from TV and video is that it is " interactive ", that is , it allows two-way communication .

  24. 阐述无店铺销售具有店外交易、媒体促成、双向沟通、交易空间大等特征及发展背景。

    Non-store selling includes the characteristics of business trade outside the shop , media facilitate , two-way communication , trade space getting large and so on .

  25. 研究表明,互动性与顾客感知价值显著相关,而且互动性三个因子对顾客感知价值影响程度的高低依次为双向沟通因子、同步性因子、活动控制因子。

    Of the three factors on customer perceived value , the high and low degree followed by a two-way communication factor , synchronization factor and activity control factor .

  26. 第二,发展期的激励对策,包括设立针对员工的个人发展规划机制和建立企业的双向沟通机制。

    Second , the incentive of the development period , including the establishment for the workers ' personal development planning mechanism and the establishment of a two-way communication mechanism .

  27. 卫生保健业务流程属于最复杂的流程,而不仅是简单地在卫生保健专业人士和IT专家之间实现简单的双向沟通。

    The business processes of healthcare are among the most complicated ones , and it is not a simple task to build a clear two-way communication between healthcare professionals and IT gurus .

  28. 绩效管理意味着绩效经理同员工之间持续的双向沟通,绩效管理系统,绩效考评的完成并不意味着着绩效管理的结束。

    What the most important is performance management presents a continuous communication between manager and employee . As a complete PM system , completing performance evaluation does not mean PM is over .

  29. 静态生态系统通常采用中心辐射型组织结构,在这种结构中,参与者与组织者保持双向沟通,但与同一系统的其他参与者却很少有联系。

    Static ecosystems are typically organized in a hub and spoke fashion , where participants maintain two-way communication with the organizer but have little contact with other participants in the same community .

  30. 这种教学法能加强师生之间的双向沟通,提高学生主动学习,主动思考的能力,培养学生积极发言从而进行有效的英语语言实践,促进文学知识的掌握。

    In this way , the two-way communication will be strengthened so that we can develop the students ' ability to learn and consider actively , and also stimulate them to speak effectively .