
  • 网络dual listing;dual-listed;Dual-Listed Company
  1. 双重上市(DualListing)是指同一家公司分别在两个不同的证券交易所挂牌上市的行为。

    Dual listing is referring to the behavior that the same company listed separately at two different stock exchanges .

  2. 双重上市对公司治理和公司绩效的影响研究&基于中国双重上市公司的证据

    Research on Impact of Dual Listing on Corporate Governance and Corporate Performance : Evidence from Chinese Dual Listed Companies

  3. 我国AH股双重上市公司资本结构与公司绩效的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on AH Shares of China 's Dual-Listed Company Capital Structure and Corporate Performance

  4. 我国AB股双重上市公司经营业绩变化的实证分析汇率波动对我国跨国经营企业经营业绩的实证分析

    An empirical study on operating performance of dually-listed firms in China A Study on the Effect of Changes of Exchange Rate on Multinational Enterprises ' operating performance

  5. 本文拟以A、H双重上市股票为例,深入分析价差产生的原因,揭示中国股票市场分割产生的根源。

    This paper is organized to analyse the causes of the price difference , discover the origination of the saparation in china 's stock market with the dual-listed corporation on A , H stock markets as the example .

  6. 企业在香港和内地的双重上市,混淆了人们的视线。

    Dual listings in Hong Kong and China muddy the waters .

  7. A股H股双重上市公司股票价格差异横截面研究

    Cross-sectional Research on Stock Price Discrepancy of A Share and H-share Dual-listed Companies

  8. 市场分割下中国双重上市公司资产定价效率问题研究

    Research on the Asset Pricing Efficiency of Dual-listed Companies of China Under Market Segmentation

  9. 银行类双重上市公司A-H股价格差异分析

    An Analysis of the Price Difference of A and H Stock of Dual-listed Banks

  10. 双重上市公司管理层讨论与分析披露差异研究

    A Research on the Differences of MD & A Disclosure in Dual Listed Companies

  11. 双重上市公司A股与H股协整关系的实证研究

    Empirical Study on Co-Integration of A and H Stocks Listed in Two Stock Markets

  12. 这也是中资银行首次以双重上市的形式发债。工行是中国规模最大的银行。

    The dual-listing of tranches is also the first of its kind for a Chinese bank .

  13. 大多数在沪港两地双重上市的公司,在上海市场的交易价格都高于香港。

    Most of the companies with dual listings are trading at a premium in Shanghai over Hong Kong .

  14. 在纵向维度,本文选择了10家双重上市公司为样本实证检验其双重上市前后公司治理、企业绩效的变化。

    The paper examines changes in corporate governance and performance around dual listing based on longitudinal data of ten companies .

  15. 双重上市有望使京东在与亚马逊和阿里巴巴等电子商务对手的竞争中更具竞争力。

    The dual listing is expected to make JD.com more competitive against its e-commerce rivals such as Amazon and Alibaba .

  16. A股价格下跌表明国内企业管理层双重上市的主要目的不是为了增加股东价值,而存在其他的非经济利益的考虑。

    The dual-listing performance implies that the purpose of management is not to increase the wealth of shareholders , but other non-economic considerations .

  17. 股权分置时代,双重上市公司的A股价格要明显高于H股价格。

    In the period of equity split , A share price of Dual listed companies is significantly higher than its H share price .

  18. 同时,也要关注基于中国的双重上市动因下,上市公司的经营业绩是否存在着双重上市之后业绩下滑的现象。

    At the same time , on the Chinese dual listing motivation , if there is a decline of performance after the dual listing should be concerned .

  19. 在存在套利机会的基础上,第六章设计了具体的套利策略并计算了规模最大的17家双重上市公司套利收益与风险。

    Grounded on the existence of arbitrary possibility , Chapter 6 specifically designs arbitrary strategies and we calculate the arbitrage yields and risks relating to 17 cross-listed companies .

  20. A+H双重上市公司不仅受到政府、企业、投资者的关注,也成为金融研究领域的一个热点问题。

    Therefore , A + H dual-listing companies not only be of important to government , firms and investors but also be a core subject in the finance literature .

  21. 如果将噪音交易者风险纳入定价体系,那么A+H双重上市公司股票间的价格差异问题就可以部分得到解释。

    If we take noise trader risk into the pricing system , the problem of price differentials about A + H dual-listed companies ' stocks will be partially explained .

  22. 去年农行在港交所和上交所的双重上市让他名声大噪,该上市融资规模高达220亿美元,迄今为止是史上最大的公开发行。

    He made his mark with the dual listing of ABC shares last year in Hong Kong and Shanghai , which at $ 22 billion was then the biggest public placement ever .

  23. 然而,这些研究多是针对国外双重上市公司或在中国A股市场与B股市场同时发行股票的公司,对A股与H股的价格差异研究相对较少。

    However , most of researchers focus on foreign dual listing companies or companies issue shares both on A-share market and B-share market , lacking of studies on price variances between A-share and H-share .

  24. 本文以同时发行A股和H股的16家双重上市公司为样本,利用固定效应模型对H股折价率作了实证分析。

    This paper makes a pragmatic study on discount rate of H share , taking 16 dual listing corporations on A and H share market as samples by means of the fixed effect model .

  25. 近几年,已在境外上市的中国企业返回内地A股市场实行双重上市,成为当前我国资本市场发展中令人瞩目的一个现象。

    In recent years , these corporations that had listed on oversea stock markets returned to the A-stock market in Mainland and issued stocks , which is becoming a conspicuous phenomenon on the capital market .

  26. 根据有效市场理论,在不同市场上市的双重上市公司由于基本面信息一致,其股票具有相同的现金流和风险特征,因此股票价格在不同市场上应保持一致。

    The EMH believes the dual-list company , has same base information , so the stock has same cash flow and risk exposure , when it trade in different stock market , the stock prices must be consistent .

  27. A+H股双重上市公司股票价格在两个市场存在的巨大差异,意味着两个市场间的套利行为受到极大限制,也说明A、H股市场存在着严重的市场分割。

    When a stock is listed in both A-shares market and H-shares market in China , there is a price gap between the two markets . It means arbitrage is limited and there is heavy market segmentation in these markets .

  28. 本文采用事件研究和面板数据回归方法对我国A股~H股双重上市公司境内外报表披露的会计盈余和帐面净值与股票超额收益的相关性进行了研究。

    By means of Event Study and Panel Data Regression , the paper studies the relevance between the CAR and earnings and book value of annual reports disclosed by Chinese dual listing companies according to PRC-GAAP , HK-GAAP or IASs , which issue A shares and H shares simultaneously .

  29. 在经济全球化的背景下,出于吸收外资和提高企业在海外知名度等目的越来越多的上市公司选择在多个市场发行股票进行融资,于是就出现了一批所谓的双重或者多重上市公司。

    In the context of economic globalization , for absorbing foreign capital and increasing overseas awareness , more and more enterprises issue shares in multiple markets , so a group of so-called dual or multiple listed companies appeared .

  30. 投资者具有双重身份:上市公司的股东或债权人、证券交易者,应依法享有证券财产权和证券请求权,具体来讲包括:公司盈余分配请求权;

    Investors have dual identity : the shareholder of the listed company and securities trading person . They should enjoy the proprietary of the security and ask for rights in accordance with the law , particularly including : right of asking for the company 's surplus distribution ;