
  • 网络visual communication
  1. 中小企业新产品开发中的视觉沟通及其实现

    Visual Communication and Realization in New Product Development in Small-and Middle-sized Manufacturing Enterprises

  2. 从事视觉沟通领域有许多专业性的可能,而且设计总是需要表现各种创意和概念。

    Working in the visual communication field offer many professional possibilities and designs are always needed to express any kind of ideas and concepts .

  3. 然后我会介绍一些用视觉沟通的人——比如来自密西西比的梅丽莎o文森特,她在Instagram上已经有了几十万名粉丝,她还在这个过程中发现了一些讲故事的新方法。

    I will introduce you to the communicators - the artists like Mississippi-based Melissa Vincent who are building hundreds of thousands of followers on Instagram , and discovering new ways of telling stories in the process .

  4. 同时,分析了影响设计批评进行的几个主要因素:审美感知、审美趣味和视觉沟通,并以实例进行了论证。

    Some factors that influence criticism are also specialized here . They are apperception , gusto and communication .

  5. 图形传播的质量涉及到诸多方面,主要从视觉沟通、服务受众、信息编码、理解媒介、创意语言几个方面进行了探讨。

    The factors influencing the quality of graphic communication were discussed , such as visual communication , audience service , information coding , understanding media , and initiative diction .

  6. 不同仿形加工方式之间的自动化转接视觉的沟通&浅谈抽象因素与视觉经验的关系

    Automatic Connection of Different NC - copy Processes Connection of Vision

  7. 这系列包含整个荷兰同时代的荷兰设计和视觉的沟通作品。

    This series encompasses the entire spectrum of contemporary Dutch design and visual communication .

  8. 在具有初步合作意向的基础上,进行视觉策略沟通,深入分析客户相关资料和行业资料,探讨设计概念和设计思路。

    In a preliminary intent to cooperate on the basis of a visual communication strategy , in-depth analysis of relevant information , and industry information on design concepts and design ideas .

  9. 能与受众从视觉角度进行沟通与交流。

    You can also carried out from the visual angle of communication .

  10. 并从培养特殊需求理念,丰富视觉资源,增强沟通能力、尝试补偿应用和建设特殊需求资源等方面提出了教学改进建议。

    It needs to improving in the binging up conception of special needs , increasing visual resources , enhancing the communicating ability , attempting the applying of compensation and constructing special resources .

  11. 通过观念图形对广告的视觉传达,语言沟通,引导消费,利于竞争等方面的功能进行论述,从而为新形势下广告设计中观念图形的使用提供参考。

    Language communication , guiding consumption and benefiting competition , by concept to ads , which gives a reference to the use of concept pictures in ad design in the new situation .

  12. 通过利用细分市场、消费者需求特征等因素、设计师需要精确地定位客户,有效的利用视觉设计进行有效沟通来与消费者建立某种沟通关系,这一关联过程也是品牌价值传递的过程。

    Through the use of market segments , consumer demand characteristics and other factors , designers need to accurately target customers , effective use of visual design to communicate effectively to establish a communication relationship with consumers , the brand value of the transfer process is associated with the process .

  13. 广告的视觉传播是通过视觉语言与受众沟通的,广告视觉语言的表达清楚与否,会直接影响广告的传播效果。

    The visual dissemination of advertisement is done by communicating the advertisement viewers through visual language . So whether the visual language is clearly conveyed has a direct influence on the effect of advertisement dissemination .

  14. 网络课程的视觉传达设计应通盘考虑网络结构、视觉沟通、互动设计及导航设计等要素。

    The visual design of online courses needs to treat the structure of web , visual communication , interactive design and navigation design as inseparable parts of an entity .

  15. 基点设计坚持“简单、直接和概念”等视觉设计服务,为很多知名品牌创造了众多成功的视觉沟通;

    BASE Design insists " simple , straightforward and conceptual " visual design service , they created many successful visual communication examples for lots of high-end brands ;