
  • 网络apparent weight;visual weight;apparent gravity
  1. 重力和视重与万有引力的关系

    Discussion on the Relation of Gravity , Apparent Weight and Universal Gravitation

  2. 您应该将模板视为重定义满足您企业需求的起点。

    The templates should be considered as starting points that you can refine to meet the needs of your enterprise .

  3. 她指出,我们的身体通常把保持平衡放在其他所有需求之上,但在她的研究中,一个最重要的发现也许在于,参试者的身体和大脑似乎把发短信视为重中之重。

    Normally , the body prioritizes maintaining balance over almost all other demands , she pointed out . But in perhaps the most significant implication of her study , her volunteers ' bodies and brains appeared to be prioritizing texting .

  4. 她指出,我们的身体通常把保持平衡放在其他所有需求之上,但在她的研究中,一个最重要的发现也许在于,参试者的身体和大脑似乎把“发短信视为重中之重”。

    Normally , the body prioritizes maintaining balance over almost all other demands , she pointed out . But in perhaps the most significant implication of her study , her volunteers ' bodies and brains appeared to be " prioritizing texting . "

  5. 我视此礼物重于一切。

    I value this gift above everything .

  6. 特别是在家天下的传统政治文化的影响下,武帝更是视血缘亲情重于姻缘亲情。

    Especially with the influence of " family country ", Emperor Wu Di regarded that the blood affection was more important than the marriage affection .

  7. 远视性弱视P100波异常发生率低于近视性弱视,示近视性弱视的视功能损害较重;

    The abnormal rate of P_ ( 100 ) in hyperopic amblyopia group were lower than the myopic amblyopia group , which suggests a significant injury of visual function occurred in the myopic amblyopia .

  8. 视光荣与荣誉重于生命的骑士和武士。

    The Knights and warriors who valued glory and honour above life .

  9. 饥饿者视粮食贵于金钱,寒冷者视衣帛重于珠玉,只因他们真正体会到衣食的重要。

    Hunger see a food expensive at the money , cold see to dress in silk heavy at the bead jade , only because they be real to realize food and clothing of importance .