
  • 网络short call;sell call option;Write a Call
  1. 投资者也可以卖出看涨期权(以预定价格购买的权利),但这种操作的风险更高,而且需要抵押。

    You could also sell a call option , the right to buy at a set price , but that is riskier and requires collateral .

  2. 他们将能够卖出看涨期权,这样,如果价格在一个规定期限内达到一个既定水平,他们就必须卖出自己的股票。

    They will be able to sell call options , under which they would have to sell their shares if the price reaches a predefined level within a set period .

  3. 但是中航油却出乎意料地选择了在30美元大量卖出无保护看涨期权,进行投机交易。

    CAOSC , however , and surprisingly , heavily sells unprotected call options at US $ 30 for the purpose of speculation .

  4. 期权交易对供电公司购电组合的影响同时,买进期货合同和卖出一个看涨期权的组合,叫做组合卖出看跌期权。

    Effects of Options Trade on Purchasing Portfolio for Load Serving Entities ; Also , a combination of a long futures contract and a short call , called a synthetic short put .