
nónɡ chán pǐn shì chǎnɡ
  • market of agricultural products;farm produce mart
  1. 农产品市场过度竞争的初步探讨

    Discussion on the excessive competition in the market of agricultural products

  2. 随着农产品市场由卖方市场到买方市场的急剧转变及加入WTO后我国农业与世界农业的全面接轨,我国农产品销售将面临巨大的机遇和挑战。

    With the great change from seller 's market to buyer 's market of agricultural products and the all round connection of our country with the world in agriculture after we joined WTO , our agriculture products will face great chances and challenges .

  3. 加入WTO与福建省农产品市场开拓

    Entry into WTO and the market expansion of agricultural products in Fujian

  4. 随着我国加入WTO和农业国际化进程的加快,我国农产品市场面临着前所未有的压力。

    Along with the rapid progress of agriculture internationalization after China joined WTO , the market of agriculture products in China are confronting an unprecedented pressure .

  5. 尤其是中国加入WTO,对于农产品市场既是一个机遇,又是一个挑战。

    Especially after China joins WTO , for the agricultural products , it is a new opportunity , while in the mean time it is also a challenge .

  6. 相反,2000年全面改定的农业基本法主要根据WTO出台、农产品市场开放压力等对新的农业情况进行了修订。

    On the other side , the agricultural standard law fully revised in the year 2000 came to reflect agricultural situation such as market-opening pressure for agricultural products due to WTO departure .

  7. 在加入WTO谈判中,我国承诺扩大农产品市场开放程度,降低关税,逐步取消非关税壁垒和粮食出口补贴等。

    In the negotiation of joining WTO , China promised to enlarge the market of farm products , reduce the tariff and cancel non-tariff barrier and allowance of foodstuff export step by step .

  8. 此外,论文还引申出这样的观点,即中国在加入WTO之后,需要在开放农产品市场、推动农产品贸易自由化与合理保护本国农业之间找到一个平衡点以获得国家利益的最大化。

    Moreover , this thesis expresses such a viewpoint that China should look for the balance between opening domestic market and protecting agriculture in order to realize the maximum of national welfare after entry into WTO .

  9. 随着加入WTO以后中国农业国际化与贸易自由化程度的提高,以及国内农产品市场供求结构的变化,中国在实行农业生产结构战略性调整的同时,也进一步深化农产品对外贸易政策。

    As the promotion of Chinese agriculture internationalization and trade liberalization after entering WTO , adding to the Chinese agricultural products market structure reform , the agricultural trade policy are developing while the inter agriculture structure are modified .

  10. 提出了基于Internet的空间数据和非空间数据分布存储的空间数据仓库模型,并将其与数据挖掘技术相结合,开发了基于Internet的农产品市场行情时空演变可视化信息系统。

    This paper proposes a model of spatial data warehousing based on Internet and distributive storage of spatial data and non-spatial data . The model combined with data mining technology , a visual information system of time-space evolution of the agriculture products market is developed .

  11. 面对我国加入WTO后国内外农产品市场竞争日趋激烈的新形势,加快农业和农村经济结构战略性调整,建设现代生态农业,实现可持续发展,是我国农业发展的必然选择。

    With China entering WTO , the competition becomes more and more severity both at home and abroad , especially for farm products market . In order to change the backward situation , we must prompt agricultural structure adjustment and construct modern eco-agriculture .

  12. 文章介绍了Linux操作系统下,基于Apache和Tomcat服务器以及JSP和其它Internet技术综合集成的农产品市场信息分析预测系统的结构、功能、关键技术和特点。

    The article introduces its architecture , func ˉ tionality , key techniques and characteristics about the system of agricultural market information analysis and forecast based on the Linux , Apache and Tomcat Server and other Internet technology .

  13. 日本商社丸红(Marubeni)以逾50亿美元,押注于未来几年中国将成为玉米净进口国,且这一过程将改变全球农产品市场格局。

    Marubeni , the Japanese trading house , has bet more than $ 5bn that China will become a net importer of corn for years to come , in the process reshaping the global market for agricultural commodities markets .

  14. 河北省农产品市场形势分析

    Analysis of the situation of agricultural products market in Hebei Province

  15. 开拓贵州特色农产品市场研究

    A Study of Exploiting an Agricultural Product Market with Guizhou Characteristics

  16. 绿色农产品市场中的柠檬效应及应对策略

    " Lemon Effect " in Green Agricultural Products Market and Handling Strategy

  17. 提升郑州农产品市场竞争力研究

    Promote The ZHengzhou State AgriculTural Product Market Competition Ability Research

  18. 这次禁运,是在农产品市场已经颇为紧张的背景下实施的。

    The embargo comes against the backdrop of a tight commodities market .

  19. 我国农产品市场营销及其问题研究

    Studies on Agricultural Product Marketing and Its Problems in China

  20. 印度农产品市场准入:分析及借鉴

    The Agricultural Market Access of India : Analysis and Advices

  21. 信息不对称与农产品市场发育:来自食品市场的经验证据

    Asymmetric Information and Agricultural Product Market Development : Test from Foods Market

  22. 农产品市场信息发布机制的创新;

    Innovation on the dissemination institution of agricultural market information ;

  23. 浅议贫困地区农产品市场化

    A Superficial Comment on the Marketization of Agricultural Products in Poverty-stricken Area

  24. 通过农产品市场立法,稳定发展农产品市场;

    Agricultural products market has been developed steadily by agricultural products market legislation .

  25. 农产品市场近似于完全竞争市场。

    Agricultural product markets nearly belong to complete competition .

  26. 改善消费环境,完善农产品市场体系;

    Improving consume environment and complete agricultural products systems ;

  27. 其它发展中国家则坚持征收关税,以保护自己的农产品市场。

    The rest insist on maintaining tariffs so as to protect farm markets .

  28. 但政府需要增强对农产品市场价格的调控。

    But the government needs to enhance the agricultural product market price regulation .

  29. 欧盟农产品市场需求分析及出口策略研究

    The Demand Analysis of European Agricultural Market and the Study of Export Strategy

  30. 第二,农产品市场风险。

    Second , the natural risk that agriculture faces .