
nónɡ yè báo xiǎn
  • agricultural insurance
  1. 在WTO框架下,农业保险属于绿箱政策,是各国政府保护、促进农业发展的有效工具之一。

    Agricultural insurance is an " Green Policy " and it is one of the effective tools in protecting and promoting agricultural development in the world .

  2. 首先,通过构建SAR模型评价政策性农业保险各主体利益协同度。

    First , the interest synergy degree of each participator of policy-oriented agricultural insurance in China has evaluated by constructing a SAR model .

  3. 在加入WTO的新形势下,必须尽快建立符合我国国情的政策性农业保险体系,确保我国农业的健康发展和农民收入的稳步提高。

    Under the new situation , it is urgent to set up agriculture policy insurance system according to our country .

  4. 农业保险是国家产业政策的重要组成部分,也是WTO允许进行农业补贴的绿箱政策之一。

    Agricultural insurance forms an important part of the national industrial policy , which is also one of " the green box " policies of the WTO that permits agriculture subsidy .

  5. 在国外,政策性农业保险是全球性的农业发展策略,这既符合农业发展自身的需求,同时又是WTO允许的绿箱政策。

    In the abroad , policy insurance in agriculture has been a global strategy , not only according with the agriculture development itself but also complying to green box policy of WTO .

  6. 第三章是对国元农业保险股份有限公司的基本情况进行了介绍,运用SWOT、PEST等分析模型对其发展环境和自身资源进行了分析。

    The third chapter introduced the basic situation of the States Agricultural Insurance Company , using SWOT , PEST analysis model to analyst their development environment and their own resources .

  7. 伊利诺伊大学的加里史尼特基(garyschnitkey)和布鲁斯谢里克(brucesherrick)警告,有些农业保险公司的股东是上市公司,“它们可能尚未意识到自己旗下的农业保险子公司可能产生的亏损规模”。

    Gary schnitkey and Bruce sherrick , at the University of Illinois , warned that some crop insurers were owned by listed companies , " who may not have realised the scope of losses that their crop insurance subsidiaries could generate " .

  8. 本文主要研究内容在于农业保险的经营模式。

    This article main research content is agricultural insurance business model .

  9. 我国农业保险巨灾风险分散机制的原则、内容。

    Catastrophic risk diversification of agricultural insurance system principles , content .

  10. 农业保险属性与政府补贴理论探析

    The Character of Agricultural Insurance and the Theory of Police Subsidy

  11. 第二部分的政策建议旨在为下一部分提出的具体补贴措施的实施提供政策保障,以确保财政补贴农业保险的可行性。

    The policy suggestions guarantee the feasibility of the specific measures .

  12. 国内外农业保险政策性支持的经验与启示。

    Domestic and foreign agricultural insurance policy-type support experience and enlightenment .

  13. 连云港市政策性农业保险试点问题及对策研究

    Lianyungang City 's Political Agricultural Insurance Pilot Problems and the Countermeasures

  14. 农业保险实行自愿原则。

    The principle of voluntariness shall be practised in agricultural insurance .

  15. 政策性农业保险试点面临的问题与对策&以河南省为例

    Problems in Pilot Program of Policy Agricultural Insurance and Their Countermeasures

  16. 支持农业保险;健康与非农就业的关系

    Support the agricultural insurance ; On Health and Off-Farm Employment

  17. 北京市玉米种植保险与政策性农业保险险种的选择和设计

    Beijing Corn Planting Insurance and Selection & Design of Policy-oriented Agricultural Insurance

  18. 农业保险制度是通行的农业保护政策之一。

    Agriculture insurance is one of the current policies in protecting agriculture .

  19. 我国农业保险需要国家政策扶持

    The Agriculture Insurance Needs the National Policy Urgently to Support

  20. 论我国农业保险的模式选择及评价

    On Choices and Appraisal of Agricultural Insurance Mode in China

  21. 农业保险与农业产业化互动机制探析

    A Study on Mechanisms of Interaction between Agriculture Insurance and Agriculture Industrialization

  22. 中国种植业生产风险与政策性农业保险研究

    Study on Production Risk and Policy Agricultural Insurance in Chinese Cropping Sector

  23. 提高农业保险经营主体积极性的政策探讨

    Discussion about Policy Support on Improving Enthusiasm of Policy-guided Agricultural Insurance Organization

  24. 珙县政策性农业保险运行问题分析及对策探讨

    Discussion on Opertion Problems and Countermeasures of Policy Agricultural Insurance in Gongxian

  25. 加快发展农业保险。

    We will speed up the development of agricultural insurance .

  26. 广西农业保险巨灾损失分摊机制探讨

    Shared Mechanism Against Huge Loss In Guangxi 's Agricultural Insurance

  27. 对我国农业保险试点模式的认识及建议

    A Study on the Modes of Experiments on Agricultural Insurance in China

  28. 三是农业保险的经营主体很少。

    The third , the operating main body is absent .

  29. 农业保险通过保险的手段管理农业生产中面临的风险。

    Agricultural insurance through insurance means management the risk of agricultural production .

  30. 中部地区抓好、落实现代农业保险。

    Mid area had caught fulfil , modern agriculture insurance .