
nónɡ mào shì chǎnɡ
  • farmers' market;a market of farm produce
农贸市场 [nóng mào shì chǎng]
  • [free market of agricultural products] 农村中临时或定期买卖农副业产品和小手工业产品的市场

  • 我到农贸市场去赶集

  1. 超市提供的商品种类比以往任何时候都多,美国的农贸市场是20年前的四倍多。

    Supermarkets offer more variety than ever , and there are over four times as many farmers'markets in the U. S. as there were 20 years ago .

  2. 我整个周末都在享受游泳池、品酒和粉红色的日落(通常是晚上,而不是下午4点),但对吃了几个月冬季根茎类蔬菜的我来说,最棒的是早上7点去萨拉索塔农贸市场的冒险。事实证明,这值得我提前起床。

    Swimming pools , wine tasting , and pink sunsets ( at normal evening hours , not 4 in the afternoon ) filled the weekend , but the best part — particularly to my taste , dulled by months of cold-weather root vegetables - was a 7 a.m. adventure to the Sarasota farmers ' market that proved to be more than worth the early wake-up call .

  3. 他们中的一些人去农贸市场买蔬菜。

    Some of them went to the farmer 's market to buy vegetables .

  4. LIFE项目毕业生已经开办了类似理发、在农贸市场销售产品之类的生意。

    Graduates of the LIFE program have started businesses like cutting hair and selling goods at farmers markets .

  5. 研究了农贸市场生物废弃物进行不同接种物浓度、颗粒度及pH值的厌氧发酵产气特性。

    The effect of factors , like the ratio of material and sludge , the degree of granule and different pH in anaerobic fermentation , on the production of biogas was studied .

  6. 农贸市场蔬菜中DEHP含量的初步研究

    Study of DEHP in Vegetables from Farmers Markets

  7. 他的报刊亭就在稀奇古怪的“口香糖墙”景点的拐角,位于河畔派克农贸市场(PikePlaceMarket)附近。人们来这通常都没什么准备。

    He works at a newspaper stand just around the corner from a bizarre attraction called the gum wall near Pike Place Market just off the waterfront here , and people show up unprepared .

  8. 方法:采用抗体捕获RT-PCR和直接RNA提取RT-PCR对细胞传代的甲肝病毒、模拟染毒水产品中甲肝病毒、上海农贸市场水产品中的甲肝病毒进行检测。

    Methods : Hepatitis A virus from cell cultivation , simulate contaminated aquatic products and aquatic products in Shanghai terminal market were detected by direct-RNA-extracted RT-PCR and antibody capture RT-PCR method .

  9. 每周四下午营业的地方农贸市场,是当地人和在附近工作的联邦调查局(FBI)探员的最爱。

    The local farmers ' market , which runs every Thursday afternoon , is a favourite with locals as well as FBI agents who work nearby .

  10. Ong有一个食品制造业的朋友,为了把自己的产品从当地一家农贸市场推广到杂货店里而费尽周折。

    Ong watched a food-making friend struggle to move her business from local farmer 's markets to grocery store shelves .

  11. 在海南某县一农贸市场对市售松花蛋(皮蛋)随机取样,在实验选定适合的测定条件下,通过原子吸收光谱法分析市售松花蛋重金属铅(pb)的含量。

    By sampling preserved eggs at random at a farm produce market in a certain county of Hainan , under suitable experimental determination condition , the amount of heavy metal lead in preserved eggs on sale has been analyzed by means of atomic absorption spectrum .

  12. 方法将6种诱蝇材料组成的捕蝇笼成组放置在饭店、公园、农贸市场,观察72h和168h笼诱法的诱蝇数量和蝇种。

    Methods To put six materials into fly trap laid on restaurant , park and food market . After 72 h , 168 h to observe amount and species of the attracted flies by the six materials in the three fields .

  13. DADIRINURO:“我们种有土豆、西红柿、甘蓝、生菜、卷心菜、洋葱、葱……”该社区组织在农贸市场出售部分产品,现在已购买了冰柜。

    DADIRI NURO : " We have potatoes , we have tomatoes , we have kale , lettuce , cabbage , onion , The community group sells some of its produce at a farmers market and has now bought storage freezers .

  14. 广州市农贸市场出售青蛙感染裂头蚴的调查

    A Survey on Sparganum Infection of Frogs Sold in Guangzhou Markets

  15. 他父母在农贸市场摆摊儿卖水果。

    His parents are fruit peddlers in a farm produce market .

  16. 连锁超市替代农贸市场的对策研究

    Study on the substitution of Chain Supermarkets for Agricultural Products Markets

  17. 从农贸市场带些新摘的花装饰一下屋子吧。

    Bring flowers into your home cut fresh from the farmers market .

  18. 兰州农贸市场猪肉卫生质量的调查

    Survey on Pork Hygiene Quality of Farming Market in Lanzhou

  19. 鉴于朝鲜推出新的边界规定,上述农贸市场日益繁荣。

    The markets are thriving thanks to new border regulations .

  20. 长沙市农贸市场规划布局研究

    The Research on the Planning and Arrangement of Wet Markets in Changsha

  21. 游览一下当地的农贸市场并挑选一些新鲜瓜果。

    Visit your local farmers markets and pick out some fresh produce .

  22. 用自制的蔬菜有机磷农药残留检测试剂&速测灵,在田间或农贸市场条件下,检测蔬菜中农药残留水平。

    An reagent was developed for detection of organophosphate pesticide residues in vegetables .

  23. 尼基塔,我要去农贸市场

    Nikita , I 'm gonna head out to the farmer 's market .

  24. 我想,这是我假期最后一次来这个农贸市场了。

    I think that this is my last vacation to the farmers market .

  25. 农贸市场里会有很多新鲜可口的水果、蔬菜等等。

    Farmers markets are full of delicious fresh fruit , veggies and more .

  26. 在地图上找到你当地的农贸市场然后去游览一番。

    Find your local market and take a visit .

  27. 农贸市场噪声对其周围环境的影响

    Effects of Farm Product Market Noise on the Surrounding

  28. 然而,超市和餐饮连锁企业与传统农贸市场的要求大不相同。

    Yet supermarkets and restaurant chains have very different requirements from traditional markets .

  29. 哈尔滨城市社区农贸市场的环境行为研究

    E City Men-environment and behavior-studies in community markets

  30. 我顺路去了农贸市场

    I stopped by the farmers ' market .