
nónɡ zuò wù báo xiǎn
  • crop insurance
  1. 系统性风险与我国农作物保险市场失灵&基于M-V偏好模型分析

    System Risk and the Failure of China 's Crop Insurance Market & An Analysis Based on M-V Preference Model

  2. 但并不是每个美国农民都选择购买农作物保险。

    But not every farmer in the United States chooses to buy crop insurance .

  3. 灾害损失率计算是农作物保险费率确定的基础。

    Calamity loss rate is the base for calculation of insurance premium .

  4. 加拿大于1959年通过和颁布了《农作物保险法》。

    Canada passed and promulgated " Crops Law of Insurance " in 1959 .

  5. 它还能为农作物保险、银行账户和驾照等其他系统打下基础。

    It can underpin other systems such as crop insurance , bank accounts and driving licences .

  6. 1938年,美国率先颁布《联邦农作物保险法》。

    In 1938 , America took the lead to promulgate " Federation Crops Law of Insurance " .

  7. Ewolt说真正能帮助他们的是农业法案提供诸如农作物保险这样的帮助。

    Ewolt says what would help are certain benefits provided by the farm bill , such as crop insurance .

  8. 农作物保险项目是构成整个加拿大农业收入安全网的核心部分,支撑着整个农业收入安全网实施的有序进行。

    Crop insurance program is a core part in this system , supporting the whole agricultural income safety net .

  9. 一些农业院外游说人士希望提高农作物保险,从而弥补直接补贴的损失。

    Some farm lobbyists want to boost crop insurance as a trade-off for the   loss of direct payments .

  10. 这项预算还将削减对农作物保险的补贴,农作物保险能够偶在收入或产量下滑时为农民提供保障。

    The budget would trim subsidies for crop insurance , which indemnifies farmers when revenues   or   harvests drop .

  11. 法案扩大了联邦农作物保险比重,结束了政府给农民的固定直接补偿,同时也消减了粮食券项目。

    The bill expands federal crop insurance , ends certain direct government payments to farmers , and trims the food-stamp program .

  12. 农作物保险和微观金融等金融创新正在促进新种子和肥料的传播使用,而期货市场为套期保值和价格发现提高了便利。

    Financial innovations such as crop insurance and Microfinance are promoting the diffusion of new seeds and fertilisers , and futures markets are facilitating hedging and price discovery .

  13. 此外,本研究也表明了在我国现行“低保费、低理赔”的农作物保险制度下,鼓励农户参保并不会给环境带来显著的负面影响。

    The results also imply that encouraging farmers'participation in crop insurance under the current " low-premium , low indemnity " terms may not bring significant impacts on the environment .

  14. 文章介绍了日本农业保险的发展概况、制度结构和主要经验,并以农作物保险为例介绍了农业保险的主要内容。

    In this paper has introduced the development situation 、 systematic structure and main experiences of it , and has recommended the main contents of it by took the crop insurance for an example .

  15. 与此同时,某些国家的公共部门为贫困人口在社会保险方面提供高额利率-通过对医疗、自然灾害或气候有关的农作物保险提供公共资助的保险计划。

    In parallel , in some countries the public sector is taking a greater interest in the provision of social insurance to poorer populations-through subsidized public insurance schemes for health , natural disasters , or weather-related crop insurance .

  16. 调查报告呼吁亚太政府贯彻直接提高农业生产率的重点政策,比如将农村的贫困人口同城市和市场相连接,让农民更容易得到贷款和农作物保险服务。

    The report called on governments to implement policies that focus directly on improving agricultural productivity , such as connecting the rural poor to cities and markets and making it easier for farmers to access loans and crop insurance .

  17. 比较并总结了洪水保险费率的各种计算方法;针对洪水保险的风险特征,引入资本资产定价模型运用于洪水保险费率的计算,并以荆江分洪区农作物保险做实例研究。

    In chapter 3 , with the reference to the hazard transfers method of many countries , the flood insurance police that suits for the flood detention district is educed , Draw the CAPM model and it is utilized for the rate calculation of flood insurance .

  18. 提供适度的金融服务如贷款、储蓄账户、人寿保险、农作物收成保险、医疗保险,能够帮助那些人更好地把握自己的命运。

    And the provision of modest financial services-loans , savings accounts , life insurance , crop insurance and medical cover-can allow those people to take more control of their own destinies .

  19. 国际金融公司(IFC),世界银行推动私营部门投资的成员机构,正在建议为发展中国家的小农户提供农作物和牲畜保险支持。

    IFC , the World Bank Group member that promotes private sector investment , is proposing to support crop and livestock insurance for small-holders in developing countries .

  20. 他表示:现在的焦点议题是农作物和收入保险。

    The focus now is on crop and revenue insurance , he says .

  21. 农作物区域产量保险作为农业保险制度的一种创新,可以在一定程度上减少或消除道德风险,部分地消除逆向选择。

    Crop area yield insurance that is as an innovation of agricultural insurance contract can not only reduce or eliminate , moral hazard , but also partly mitigate the inverse selection .

  22. 假如下雨过多或过少造成农作物受损,那么农作物保险公司需要赔偿。

    If it rains too much or too little , crop insurance can pay for losses .