
  • 网络agricultural industry clusters
  1. 农民的素质对于农业产业集群的形成和发展具有重要的意义。

    Farmers quality is meaningful to the formation and development of agricultural industry clusters .

  2. 农业产业集群作为一种网络组织,高效运作依赖于信任机制作用的发挥。

    As a network system , the effective operation of agricultural industry clusters need give full scope to trust mechanism .

  3. 采用SWOT分析法对黑龙江省农业产业集群的发展状况进行因素识别,定性分析了黑龙江省农业产业集群发展的优势、劣势、机遇和威胁。

    We can make the factor identification by the SWOT analysis to the Heilongjiang agricultural industrial cluster development and analysis his strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats .

  4. 二是本文借鉴产业经济学的SCP分析框架,构建了农业产业集群的SCP框架分析结构,并论证了农业产业集群在结构、行为和绩效三方面所具备的竞争优势。

    Second , to build a SCP framework for the agricultural industrial clusters according to the SCP analytical framework of industrial economics , and demonstrates the competitive advantages of agricultural industrial clusters in structure , conduct and performance .

  5. 发展广西农业产业集群问题研究

    A Research on Developing the Industrial Cluster of Agriculture in Guangxi

  6. 新阶段农业产业集群发展及其思考

    Growth of Agricultural Clusters in the New Stage of Development

  7. 鉴于此,本文从供应链视角来研究农业产业集群。

    This article researches the agricultural industry cluster in perspective of supply chain .

  8. 湘西民族地区生态农业产业集群机理路径研究

    Research on Ecological Agriculture Industry Cluster Mechanism and Way in Xiangxi Multi-national Area

  9. 农业产业集群发展研究

    Study on the Development of the Agriculture Industrial Clusters

  10. 农业产业集群与农村劳动力就业的机理研究

    The Research on the Mechanism of Agricultural Industry Cluster and Rural Labor Employment

  11. 基于分形理论的农业产业集群形成机理研究

    Study on Formation Mechanism of the Agricultural Industrial Cluster Based on Fractal Theory

  12. 农业产业集群的发展与农村城市化

    Development of Agricultural Industrial Cluster and Rural Urbanization

  13. 欠发达地区发展农业产业集群的思考

    The Development of Agricultural-industrial Cluster in Underdeveloped Areas

  14. 基于集群机理的农业产业集群成长障碍与路径分析

    Analyzing the Obstacle and Path of Shaping Agriculture Industry Group Based on Group Effect

  15. 农业产业集群的形成机理。

    Formation mechanism of agricultural industry cluster .

  16. 吉林省新农村建设中农业产业集群发展研究

    Study on the Development of Agricultural Industrial Cluster in the New Rural Construction of Jilin Province

  17. 第二章简要论述了我国农业产业集群发展的历程、现状和存在的主要问题;

    Secondly , it deals with the agricultural clusters development processes 、 mainly characteristics 、 key problems ;

  18. 农业产业集群的发展模式&基于安徽特色农产品的研究

    Development Model of Agricultural Industrial Cluster & Based on researches on the characteristics of Anhui 's agricultural produce

  19. 第四,分析了扬州市农业产业集群对农村经济发展的关系。

    Fourth , the analysis of the agricultural industry cluster of Yangzhou City and regional rural economic development .

  20. 基于农业产业集群的我国农村剩余劳动力就业问题研究

    The Research on the Employment Problem of Rural Surplus Labor in China Based on the Agricultural Industry Cluster

  21. 本文通过分析以上各因素的运作机制,对农业产业集群的发展机理进行了比较全面的探讨。

    Thirdly , this thesis conducts empirical studies on the tea industrial cluster of Fujian Province qualitatively and quantitatively .

  22. 指出了农业产业集群是农业产业化的关键环节和重要组成部分。

    It points out that agricultural industrial cluster is a key link and an important part of agricultural industrialization .

  23. 发挥政府职能,促进嫩江流域绿色农业产业集群的发展。

    Accelerating the development of the green agriculture industry in Nenjiang River valley by bringing the government into full play .

  24. 农业产业集群固然不是实现海南农业产业现代化的唯一方式,但却是海南建设现代化农业的一条重要途径。

    Agricultural industry cluster is not the only way to build a modern agriculture in Hainan but an important way .

  25. 农业产业集群的形成与政府的发展干预&京郊平谷区大桃产业集群的个案分析

    Development Intervention of Government and the Formation of Agricultural Industry Clusters & Evidence from Peach Clusters Development in Pinggu , Beijing

  26. 因此,对我国农业产业集群的研究或许能为我国现阶段农业的发展找到一条可行之路。

    So , studies in this subject in our country may give us some clue to find a feasible agricultural development path .

  27. 农业产业集群作为一种新的产业发展形式,对欠发达地区经济发展有着重大的推动作用。

    As one new form of industrial development , agricultural industrialagglomeration gave significant impetus to the economic development in the undeveloped areas .

  28. 主要分为以下四个部分:1.农业产业集群的总体认识部分。

    The paper can be divided into the following four main parts : 1 . The overall consideration of agricultural industry cluster .

  29. 最后,本文分别从龙头企业和政府层面提出了发展农业产业集群的政策建议。

    Finally , this paper put forward the policy suggested on development of agriculture industry clusters from the level of leading enterprises and government .

  30. 本文的理论意义是将农业产业集群与农产品供应链管理结合研究,这是对农业产业集群理论研究的深化,也为广大的新疆中小特色林果企业实现林果产品供应链提供了理论依据。

    The paper has theory meaning that is it deepens agricultural clusters theory and improves theoretical basis for middle-small enterprises to practice supply chain management .