
qí jiàn diàn
  • flagship store
  1. 公司计划本月在纽约开一家旗舰店。

    The company plans to open a flagship store in New York this month .

  2. 坐落在北京市中心商业区王府井的苹果(Apple)旗舰店人头攒动,但对iPhone的制造商来说,遗憾的是,大多数人来这里并不买手机。

    Apple 's flagship store in Wangfujing , a central shopping district in Beijing , is a hive of activity . But , unfortunately for the iPhone maker , most people are not there to buy .

  3. 它在美囯主要城市的旗舰店主要依赖囯际旅游者消费,而且由于美元强劲,许多零售店旅游消费均出现缩水。

    Its   flagship   stores   in   major   U.S.   cities depend   heavily   on   international   tourist   spending ,   which   shrank   at   many   retailers   due   to   a   strong dollar .

  4. 正好相反:苹果(Apple)每有新品发布,德国媒体就会为之疯狂,人们则会在苹果旗舰店门前排起长队。

    On the contrary : Whenever Apple debuts a new product , our media goes bananas and people line up in front of Apple 's flagship stores .

  5. 唐龙在美国有35家店铺,手表销售经验超过100年,并在纽约拥有全球最大的手表商店&唐龙旗舰店TimeMachine。

    With 35 shops in the US , Tourneau has more than one hundred years ' experience in selling watches and boasts the biggest watch shop in the world : the Tourneau flagship Time Machine store in New York .

  6. 袁亚非打算明年夏天在南京开设东方Fraser(OrientalFraser)旗舰店。

    Mr Yuan intends to open a flagship Oriental Fraser store in Nanjing next summer .

  7. 巴黎旗舰店内的Petith精品店像画廊一样陈列着各色艺术品,更是强化了对工艺的敬重。

    The Petit h boutique within the Paris flagship amplifies that reverence for craftsmanship with gallery-like displays of objets d'art .

  8. 科技巨擘苹果(Apple)计划将过去10年来游客经常造访的那家旗舰店,从如今已成为地标的玻璃方屋下方的地下室中搬出。

    Apple , the tech group , plans to move out of the basement where it has operated a flagship store-cum-tourist attraction for the past decade , underneath a now-iconic glass cube .

  9. 史蒂夫乔布斯(SteveJobs)的公司把纽约旗舰店开在通用汽车大厦广场的地下,仿佛就是为了削弱这家汽车制造商及其已贬值品牌的根基。

    Steve Jobs ' company located its flagship New York outlet below the plaza of the GM building as if literally to undermine the carmaker and its devalued brands .

  10. 她在2012年就重新打造了博柏利的伦敦旗舰店,并对记者表示,设计理念是,让该店以实体形式呈现公司的“博柏利世界直播”(BurberryWorldLive)网站。

    Back in 2012 she reopened Burberry 's flagship London store , telling reporters it was designed to be the physical manifestation of the company 's " Burberry World Live " website .

  11. 为此,他减少了欧洲分销商的数量,并关注于经营lamartina旗舰店,而不是进驻百货商店。

    So he reduced the number of European distributors and has focused on flagship La Martina shops rather than department stores .

  12. 后来萨克斯第五大道精品百货店(SaksFifthAvenue)给了曼哈顿旗舰店鞋履楼层一个专属的邮编(10022-SHOE)。

    Saks Fifth Avenue later gave its Manhattan flagship 's shoe floor a ZIP code ( 10022-SHOE ) .

  13. 著名烘焙师、食谱作者冯美基(MayFung)曾是电视台主管,她在九龙开设的一口曲奇旗舰店很受欢迎。去年她在湾仔中心地带开设了分店,满足港人对烘焙食物的渴望。

    Last year , the TV executive-turned-celebrity baker and cookbook author May Fung planted an outpost of her hugely popular Kowloon flagship in the heart of Wanchai to feed Hong Kong Island 's baked-goods-hungry crowd .

  14. 五年前进入中国市场后,他们在阿里巴巴B2C市场天猫旗舰店和百货商场设立了几个柜台。

    After entering the country 's marketplace over five years ago by setting up several counters in department stores and shops on Alibaba 's B2C marketplace Tmall .

  15. 瑞典时装零售商HM关闭了位于中环(CentralDistrict)的旗舰店,其西班牙竞争对手Zara付双倍租金租下了原址店面。

    HM , the Swedish clothing retailer , shuttered its flagship store leaving its Central District location to Zara , its Spanish rival , to take up the keys and pay double the rent .

  16. 自打那次“出师不利”后,优衣库在纽约第五大道(FifthAvenue)等黄金地段开设了国际旗舰店,并开始大肆宣传品牌,随后的“攻城略地”就变得一帆风顺。

    Since that false start , the going has been somewhat easier as Uniqlo has sought to glamorise its brand by opening flagship international stores in prime locations such as New York 's Fifth Avenue .

  17. 每家旗舰店都将拥有室外空间——在旧金山店,绿树成荫的广场将覆盖免费WiFi,每逢周末还有音乐家现场演奏。

    Every flagship store will have outdoor space - in San Francisco , the greenery-lined square will feature free WiFi and acoustic musicians on weekends .

  18. 首家JILSANDER旗舰店在上海开幕

    The First Jil Sander Flagship Store Opens In Shanghai

  19. 芭比(Barbie)美国式消费主义纤巧的象征关闭了在上海的门店,这家全球最大芭比旗舰店只营业了两年。

    Barbie , the slender symbol of American consumerism , has shut up shop in Shanghai just two years after opening her biggest flagship store there .

  20. 瑞典时装零售商H&M关闭了位于中环(CentralDistrict)的旗舰店,其西班牙竞争对手Zara付双倍租金租下了原址店面。

    H & M , the Swedish clothing retailer , shuttered its flagship store leaving its Central District location to Zara , its Spanish rival , to take up the keys and pay double the rent .

  21. 上个月的一个下午,在TowerRecords位于涩谷摩天大厦林立的商业区的旗舰店,少女组合Kokepiyo在为粉丝表演和签售CD,她们的母亲和经济人则守护在一旁。

    At Tower 's flagship store , in the heart of the skyscraper-lined shopping district of Shibuya , a group of preteen girls called Kokepiyo performed for fans and autographed CDs one afternoon last month , while their mother-managers watched protectively .

  22. 接下来开张的店在更靠近上城的地方,是林能平(PhilipLim)在NoHo区的旗舰店。然后是托德斯(Tod's)在麦迪逊大街重开的门店。

    Next and further uptown was Phillip Lim 's new flagship in NoHo , followed by the Tod 's reopening on Madison Avenue .

  23. 不过,据知情人士透露,花旗决意打造一个精巧的旗舰店网络效仿科技集团苹果(apple)的店铺模式以巩固西欧重点区域的业务。

    But , according to people close to the bank , Citi is determined to rebuild a slim network of flagship outlets mimicking the store model employed by apple , the technology group to underpin an operation in key parts of Western Europe .

  24. 本周一,美泰公司(Mattel)位于上海的6层楼芭比旗舰店也关门歇业,对于在其传统市场无处不在的芭比娃娃,中国消费者的热情正逐渐消退。

    On Monday , Mattel shuttered its six-storey flagship Barbie store in Shanghai , in the face of waning enthusiasm for a doll ubiquitous in its established markets .

  25. 法国主要化妆品零售商丝芙兰(Sephora)获得准许,其巴黎旗舰店的营业时间可以超过晚上9点半。

    Major French cosmetics retailer Sephora has won the right to keep its flagship Paris store open past 9:30 PM .

  26. 雅凡蒂AVANTI,现已在上海新天地开设国内首家旗舰店,北京店即将开业!

    AVANTI has launched its first flagship boutique in Xintiandi , Shanghai , and Beijing store opening soon !

  27. 然而,虽然银座旗舰店是gucci在零售店方面的最大投资之一,但它的真正意义却在于,奢侈品零售商们开始采取百货公司式的策略。

    Yet while the Ginza store represents one of the biggest investments Gucci has made in a retail space , its real significance lies in the adoption of department-store tactics among luxury retailers .

  28. 在这条街道的南端,一间宏伟的中世纪宫殿里,有一间1937年开业的萨瓦托·菲拉格慕(SalvatoreFerragamo)旗舰店。

    At the southern end of the street , in a grand medieval palazzo , is the flagship store that Salvatore Ferragamo opened in 1937 .

  29. 蒂芙尼(Tiffany)、路易威登(LV)和阿玛尼(Armani)等高端品牌是首批在本世纪初在香港开设旗舰店的西方零售商,它们坚定地着眼于中国内地需求。

    Tiffany , Louis Vuitton , Armani , and other high-price brands were among the first western retailers to set up flagship stores in Hong Kong in the early 2000s with a firm eye on mainland Chinese demand .

  30. 萨克斯百货的纽约旗舰店算得上一个旅游目的地,在每年的感恩节及诞节期间会迎来近百万顾客,它的每张购物小票的底部都印着该商场总经理约翰・克鲁兹(JohnCruz)的电子邮件地址。

    At the Saks Fifth Avenue flagship New York City store , a tourist destination that sees close to a million shoppers between Thanksgiving and Christmas , every receipt has the email address of John Cruz , the store 's general manager , printed at the bottom .