
qí jiàn
  • flagship
旗舰 [qí jiàn]
  • [flagship] 载有海军将官或舰队、分舰队司令官并悬挂其旗帜的军舰

旗舰[qí jiàn]
  1. 这家医院一直是政府的旗舰机构,引领着医疗服务的改革。

    The hospital has been the government 's flagship , leading the health service reforms

  2. 公司计划本月在纽约开一家旗舰店。

    The company plans to open a flagship store in New York this month .

  3. 绿色和平组织的旗舰正在穿越巴伦支海的北极寒冷地带。

    The Greenpeace flagship is voyaging through the Arctic cold of the Barents Sea .

  4. 旗舰引领着舰队。

    The flagship led the fleet .

  5. 它在美囯主要城市的旗舰店主要依赖囯际旅游者消费,而且由于美元强劲,许多零售店旅游消费均出现缩水。

    Its   flagship   stores   in   major   U.S.   cities depend   heavily   on   international   tourist   spending ,   which   shrank   at   many   retailers   due   to   a   strong dollar .

  6. 你可能不知道的是,泰坦尼克号甚至不是奥林匹克级邮轮的旗舰。

    What you may not know is that the Titanic wasn 't even the flagship of this class .

  7. WebSphereProcessServer是IBM的旗舰集成产品,支持SOA生命周期中的运行时活动。

    WebSphere Process Server is an IBM flagship business integration product that supports the runtime activities in the SOA lifecycle .

  8. 国内航空客流增速亦在放缓;今年前5个月,中国旗舰航空公司&中国国航(AirChina)的客运量下降了将近11%。

    Growth in domestic passenger traffic on flights is also decelerating ; Air China , the flagship carrier , saw traffic slump nearly 11 per cent in the year to May .

  9. 创建于荷兰的SolutionsDesign公司最近发布了他们旗舰产品的一个里程碑版本&LLBLGenProv2.5。

    Solutions Design based in the Netherlands has recently released a milestone of their flagship product , LLBLGen Pro v2.5 .

  10. 因而,1998年eastcapital在俄罗斯创设旗舰基金时,她已经颇为了解这个国家。

    It also meant that by the time east capital set up its flagship Russia fund , in 1998 , she had a depth of knowledge about the country .

  11. 规模更小的中国初创公司一加科技(OnePlus)把中国和海外的销售看得同样重要。去年12月,一加科技开始销售其旗舰手机一加手机(Onephone),目前为止已经卖出20万部。

    The smaller Chinese start-up OnePlus , which puts equal emphasis on selling in China and abroad , began selling its flagship One phone in December , and has sold 200000 phones already .

  12. 美好集团(MusicalGroup)总部设在香港,其在中国南部的旗舰工厂遭遇了严重的劳动力短缺,而且工人工资飙升,于是该集团决定在印度修建最新的孩之宝工厂。

    The Hong Kong-based Musical Group decided to build the latest Hasbro factory in India after facing severe labor shortages and soaring wages at its main factory in southern China .

  13. RUP指出对于全面正式的特定软件开发过程来说,使用统一方法体系架构(UnifiedMethodArchitecture,UMA)是一种产业旗舰和标准。

    RUP now specified using Unified Method Architecture ( UMA ) is an industry flagship and standard for a comprehensive , formally specified software development process .

  14. 中华文明黄金时期明代的稀世珍宝将在大英博物馆(BritishMuseum)的一个旗舰展亮相。

    Rare treasures from the golden period of Chinese civilisation under the Ming dynasty are to go on display in a flagship exhibition at the British Museum .

  15. 唐龙在美国有35家店铺,手表销售经验超过100年,并在纽约拥有全球最大的手表商店&唐龙旗舰店TimeMachine。

    With 35 shops in the US , Tourneau has more than one hundred years ' experience in selling watches and boasts the biggest watch shop in the world : the Tourneau flagship Time Machine store in New York .

  16. 袁亚非打算明年夏天在南京开设东方Fraser(OrientalFraser)旗舰店。

    Mr Yuan intends to open a flagship Oriental Fraser store in Nanjing next summer .

  17. JohnsonMatthey公司:世界贵金属领域的旗舰之一

    Johnson Matthey Company : World leader in the precious metals area

  18. 新的奔驰c级同奔驰旗舰s级别的新设计风格一样采取了刀锋设计的风格,同时也比目前的版本无论从内部还是外观都要大了少许。

    The new C-class follows the recent redesign of the brand 's flagship S-class , giving the car a sharper-edged look . It 's also slightly larger , inside and out than the current version .

  19. iPhone5S一上市便搭载着iOS7系统,旗舰功能之一就是指纹传感器TouchID。

    One of the flagship features of Apple 's iPhone 5S , which debuted running iOS 7 , is the fingerprint sensor .

  20. 现在,凯迪拉克正在为2016年研发一款V8引擎的旗舰车型。

    it is now developing a V-8 powered flagship sedan for 2016 .

  21. 巴黎旗舰店内的Petith精品店像画廊一样陈列着各色艺术品,更是强化了对工艺的敬重。

    The Petit h boutique within the Paris flagship amplifies that reverence for craftsmanship with gallery-like displays of objets d'art .

  22. 今年11月,在本财年启动后不久,该公司发布了iPhoneX,这是人们期待已久的旗舰产品升级。

    In November , shortly after the start of the current fiscal year , the company released iPhone X , a long-awaited upgrade to its flagship product .

  23. 其之前的旗舰手机P8销量约为500万部。

    The previous flagship phone , the P8 , sold about 5m units .

  24. 史蒂夫乔布斯(SteveJobs)的公司把纽约旗舰店开在通用汽车大厦广场的地下,仿佛就是为了削弱这家汽车制造商及其已贬值品牌的根基。

    Steve Jobs ' company located its flagship New York outlet below the plaza of the GM building as if literally to undermine the carmaker and its devalued brands .

  25. 随着旗舰手机黑莓(BlackBerry)的衰落,RIM在去年孤注一掷地推出了平板电脑Playbook。

    With sales of its flagship BlackBerry phones shrinking , rim bet big on the playbook tablet last year .

  26. 雷克萨斯LFA堪称所谓“光环车型”(或曰“旗舰车型”)的活标本。

    The LFA is the living definition of the halo car .

  27. 管理学研究生(PGP)项目——基本上参照法国高等商学院课程、为期两年的无工作经验商业硕士——长期是精英的印度管理学院(IndianInstitutesofManagement)的旗舰课程。

    The PGP , a two-year pre-experience business masters that largely mirrors the French Grandes Ecoles programmes , has long been the flagship programme of the elite Indian Institutes of Management .

  28. 对于一个1960年才取得菲律宾国籍、1965年才创办了后来成为其旗舰企业的福川烟草公司(fortunetobaccocorporation)的人来说,他的发迹堪称不同寻常。

    It is a remarkable rise for somebody who became a Philippine citizen only in 1960 and formed what was to be his flagship company , fortune Tobacco Corporation , only in 1965 .

  29. GalaxyNote已经成为三星移动设备业务最大的利润来源之一,作为三星旗舰产品的Galaxy智能手机也是主要利润来源。

    The Galaxy Note has grown to become one of the biggest profit contributors to Samsung 's mobile business , along with the company 's flagship Galaxy smartphones .

  30. 支持这种功能的多数数据库是小型的专用数据库,不过现在可以把IBM的旗舰数据库DB2添加到原生XML数据库的名单中了。

    Many of the databases that supported this were small , specialized databases , but now you can add the IBM flagship database , DB2 , to the list of native XML databases .