
qī huò shì chǎnɡ
  • futures market;forward market
期货市场 [qī huò shì chǎng]
  • [futures market] 商品交易所中进行期货合同买卖的市场

  1. 加强有效监管是我国期货市场健康发展的当务之急

    Tighten One 's Control , Develop The Forward Market of China

  2. 上海期货市场能为开放中国黄金市场提供舞台

    Shanghai forward market to provide a stage for gold market

  3. 期货市场表明,到2019年,油价仅会略有回升至每桶60美元,无形中也支持了上述观点。

    Futures   markets ,   which   show   only   a   modest   recovery   ofprices   to   around   $ 60   a   barrel   by   2019 ,   support   this   view .

  4. 有了以上对于中国期货市场的初步探索,本文第三章引入了VAR模型来度量期货市场中的风险,介绍了期货市场中利用VAR模型确定期货保证金的方法以及如何衡量期货交易的风险。

    At last , we introduce VAR model into Future Market to measure the risk of Future Dealing .

  5. Brent原油期货市场的协整性分析

    The cointegration Analysis of the Brent Futures Market

  6. 本文正是应用极值理论和下界VaR方法对国内的股票市场和期货市场的风险进行了实证研究,并针对国内市场的风险特征提出了风险管理的建议。

    In this paper , the VaR bound method and EVT method are applied to study the risk of domestic stock market and the risk of domestic future market .

  7. 我国已经加入WTO,五年过渡期过后,期货市场将全面放开,我国农产品期货市场将面临哪些机遇,又将受到那些挑战?

    After the five transitional years since China 's WTO accession , its futures market is bound to open in an all round way , and the futures market of farm produces will experience both opportunities and challenges .

  8. 通过实证分析,得出根据VaR方法计算风险值确定的交易保证金比例能及时反映期货市场价格风险的变动情况。

    Through demonstration we can conclude that the ration set accord VaR method can reflect price changes timely , so futures exchanges can adopt VaR method to control risk validly in theoretical .

  9. DEA-DA判别分析方法在期货市场评价中的应用

    The Application of DEA - DA Model in Evaluating the Futures Market

  10. 本文借助多变量DCC-(BV)GARCH模型,研究了国际汇率、利率变动对金属期货市场价格变动的影响。

    This article chooses DCC - ( BV ) GARCH model to study the effect of the international exchange rates , interest rates on metals futures market price changes .

  11. CME集团旗下的芝加哥商品交易所(ChicagoMercantileExchange)是全球最大的期货市场和明富环球金融集团的自我监管机构,该交易所表示这种做法违反了规定。

    According to the CME Group 's ( CME ) Chicago Mercantile Exchange , the world 's dominant futures market and the designated " self-regulatory organization " of MF Global , those rules were violated .

  12. 此举使CFTC能够监控英国西德克萨斯石油期货市场参与者的行动,并将其与纽约商品交易所(NewYorkMercantileexchange,另一种西德克萨斯中质油期货合约在该交易所交易)提供的类似报告结合起来。

    This allows the CFTC to see what a participant in the UK West Texas oil futures market is doing , and put it together with similar reports provided by New York Mercantile Exchange , with its rival West Texas contract .

  13. 中国加入WTO后,经济全球化进程明显加快,对期货市场也提出了更高的要求,发展期货投资基金是期货行业创新发展的必然选择。

    Since we entered the WTO , the process of the economic globalization is improving , and the higher requirement is put forward to the futures market , Therefore , developing the futures investing funds is the necessary choice to have a creative development in this field .

  14. Granger因果检验模型得出大豆和玉米期货市场、现货市场价格存在格兰杰双向引导关系,只有小麦期货合约仅存在从期货价格到现货价格的单向格兰杰因果关系。

    Soybean and corn futures market , spot market prices Granger two-way causal relationship exists , only the wheat futures contract exists only the spot price from the futures prices to a one-way Granger causality .

  15. 作为波动较大、相对新生的运费期货市场上一名熟练的玩家,su还使自己的公司tmt成为一家油轮及干散货船的主要运营商。

    An adroit player of the volatile , relatively new paper market in freight futures , Mr Su has also turned TMT , his company , into a leading operator of real tankers and dry bulk ships .

  16. 美国国会召开了长时间、有时一片混乱的听证会,在这些听证会上,当时芝加哥商品交易所(cme)总裁埃弗雷特哈里斯(everetteharris)试图让国会议员相信,洋葱期货市场不是价格剧烈波动的原因。

    Congress held long and sometimes tumultuous hearings in which Everette Harris , then president of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange , tried to convince lawmakers that the futures market for onions was not the cause of the volatility .

  17. 最近,众议院农业委员会举行了连续3天的听证会以考察各项立法提案,其中一些涉及cftc是否拥有足够的资源来监管蓬勃发展的期货市场。

    This week , the House Committee on agriculture is to hold three consecutive days of hearings to examine the various legislative proposals , some of which address whether the CFTC has sufficient resources to oversee the burgeoning futures market .

  18. 在BDSS模型的基础上,结合我国股指期货市场的实际,建立了LA-VaR模型。

    On the basis of BDSS model and with the reality of stock index future market in china , a VaR model adjusted by liquidity risk is established .

  19. 把证券组合保险的思想引入了期货市场,通过实证检验了该技术的效果。

    The idea of portfolio insurance was introduced into future market .

  20. 建立中国期货市场的政策研究

    A Study of Policies On Setting up Futures Markets in China

  21. 加强监管下中国期货市场格局形成阶段;

    The formative stage of Chinese futures market under reinforced regulation ;

  22. 我国期货市场功能有效性研究

    The Study of the Functional Efficiency of China 's Futures Market

  23. 期货市场风险的模糊量化动态监控模型

    Study of dynamic fuzzy quantitative supervision model on futures market risks

  24. 中国期货市场国际化发展战略研究

    Some Strategical Research on China 's Futures Market Development in Internationalization

  25. 积极扶持和发展大连商品期货市场。

    And actively supporting and developing Dalian commodity futures market .

  26. 建立煤炭期货市场的必要性和可行性分析

    Analysis on Necessity and Feasibility of seting up of Coal Futures Market

  27. 我国期货市场结算会员制研究

    Study on the Futures Clearing Member System of Our Country

  28. 浅谈股指期货市场的风险防范

    A Brief Discussion About Risk Control of Chinese Stock Index future Market

  29. 基于遗传技术辅助设计的神经网络期货市场预测

    Futures Trading Market Prediction Using Neural Network Based on Genetic Algorithms Learning

  30. 关于利用期货市场为粮改服务的研究

    A Study on Promoting Grain System Reform by Future Market