
qī fánɡ
  • futures marketable housing
  1. 因在建工程的工期长,交易标的有许多不确定的因素,因而购买期房面临的风险比一般购买现房的大得多。

    Because there are many uncertain factors in the transacting subject in the long period of building , the purchase of futures marketable housing is facing greater risks than the purchase of existing housing .

  2. 期房销售、首次公开发行(ipo)、发行高收益率债券和可转换债券都不再是可行选择。

    Pre-selling flats , seeking an initial public offering , issuing high-yield bonds and selling convertible notes no longer became viable .

  3. 急性闭角型青光眼发作期cAMP含量与眼压水平正相关,缓解期房水cAMP含量低于正常眼和发作期;慢性闭角型青光眼房水cAMP含量与眼压水平无显著相关性,但明显低于正常眼。

    The level of cAMP in AACG during an acute attack was positively correlated with the intraocular pressure , whereas during remission , the level of cAMP was lower than the normal .

  4. 浅议期房按揭的实质及现实问题

    The essence and problem in actuality of mortgage on forward house property

  5. 期房按揭法律性质探讨

    Probe into the Legal Nature of Mortgage on Future Realty

  6. 潍坊九龙山一期房地产项目可行性研究

    A Weifang Jiulongshan Issue of Real Estate Project Feasibility Study Picks Wanting

  7. 期房价格博弈模型的一个均衡解及其应用

    A Equilibrium Value and Application about Game Model of Forward Housing Price

  8. 有人还提议,严格限制开发商销售期房。

    Proposals were floated to restrict developers from selling apartments ahead of construction .

  9. 期房按揭法律问题研究

    Probe into Legal Problems of Forward House Mortgage

  10. 由现房销售建筑面积和期房销售建筑面积两部分组成。

    It constitutes floor space of completed housing and floor space of future housing .

  11. 期房抵押价格评估探析

    On Price Evaluation of Forward House Mortgage

  12. 预售合同必须合法有效,才允许期房转让。

    If the contract is lawful .

  13. 权威部门确信依旧有大量的销售商忽视规则出售期房。

    The authorities know that a large number of realtors ignore the rule and presell under the table .

  14. 第二,为健全期房再转让法律制度提供理论依据。

    Secondly , provide a theoretical basis for improving the legal system for the transfer of pre-sale housing .

  15. 个人住房期房抵押已突破了我国传统的抵押权制度。

    The mortgage with personal residence being built has broken through the traditional system of mortgage in China .

  16. 期房按揭贷款银行债权的风险分析及其法律保障

    The Risk Analysis and Legal Protection of Bank 's Creditor 's Rights on Mortgage Loan with Personal Residence Being Built

  17. 期房按揭是房地产交易中的一种融资购房方式。

    There is a type of payment in real property market where a mortgage is placed on forward house property .

  18. 第一章主要是对期房按揭制度及银行债权的法律保护相关问题做一个概述。

    The first chapter gives an overview of relevant issues of the mortgage system and the legal protection of creditor banks .

  19. 第一部分介绍期房按揭模式来源、法律性质和法律关系。

    The first part introduces the origin , the legal nature and the legal relationship of the forward house mortgage pattern .

  20. 因此,买卖双方应该待期房变现房后再通过正常交易途径交易。

    Therefore , the seller and the buyer should be faster cash transactions through the normal channels after the Housing transactions .

  21. 期房交易的巨大商业风险及某些商家恶意设计的商业陷阱也,是不容忽视的现实。

    However , we can 't be blind to the great commercial risk in estate bargains and business tricks by vicious merchants .

  22. 琴告诉我,她现在住的房子已还清贷款,所了她准备再买一套期房。

    She told me sha had paid off the house mortgage she now living , so she was going to by another house .

  23. 位于中国南部的广西壮族自治区将在省会南宁市禁止预售期房。

    South China 's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region is to ban the presale of forward delivery houses in its capital city , Nanning .

  24. 迄今国家执行的是期房销售制度,就是先付款再交房的方式。

    What heretofore country carries out is system of period room sale , pay to make the way of the room again first namely .

  25. 文章通过建立两个模型分别描述了期房销售中和期房销售后开发商和消费者之间的博弈。

    Two models will be built to describe the actions of the developers and consumers in the process of pre-selling and after pre-selling in this article .

  26. 通过这三种方式效力进行研究,得出期房再转让的法律实质应是合同转让的结论,为下文的研究奠定理论基础。

    By studying the effectiveness of these three methods , this paper concludes that the transfer of pre-sale commercial housing contracts provides the theoretical foundation for the following study .

  27. 而令人尴尬的是,相当一部分期房销售阶段的所谓“明星楼盘”到入住时却折戟沉沙,投诉、纠纷接踵而至。

    And the embarrassing is that a considerable number of auction sales phase of the so-called " star property " to live in when broken , complaints , disputes followed .

  28. 在介绍我国当前期房按揭的立法现状和按揭实务程序的基础上,结合案例,指出我国法律方面的不足。

    This chapter points out the deficiency at the legal aspect by introducing the current situation of legislation in china and the procedures of future housing mortgage combined with the cases .

  29. 我国应借鉴让与担保制度来规制期房按揭关系,以衡平双方当事人之合法权益,促进房地产业的健康发展。

    Regulate relation of mortgage of future realty by referring to transferred guarantee so as to balance the parties ' legal rights and promote the healthy development of estate in realty housing .

  30. 据报道,我国房地产开发企业负债率高达76%,房地产企业多依赖卖“期房”或扩大流动资金贷款融通资金。

    According to reports , China 's real estate development enterprise debt rate as high as76 % , more dependent on the sale of real estate enterprises " faster " or expand liquidity loan financing funds .