
  1. 期权执行价格可变的VMI供应链中零售商收益研究

    On Retailer 's Profit under Vendor Managed Inventory with Variable Option Executive Price

  2. 在风险企业(项目)单位产出价格不变的前提下,投资者保持还是行使期权执行权力,取决于投资机会成本与净投资收益比较的高低;NET技术的解决方案。NET平台开发C/S的遗留应用程序。

    When the unit output price of items remains constant , whether to keep or to exert the options lies on the comparison between opportunity cost and net investment income .

  3. 2009年2月LinkedIn授予的股票期权执行价是2.32美元/股。

    When the company granted options in February 2009 , for instance , it valued them at $ 2.32 a share .

  4. 利用偏尾分布与偏尾过程,首次提出了期权执行价格的DF构造,并在此基础上给出了股票无红利分配条件下期权定价的构造性解析模型&DF构造定价模型。

    Based on the Partial Distribution and the Partial Process , this paper presents the DF structure of strike price of option for the first time , and gives the DF structure pricing models , the constructive analytic models for options pricing on a non-dividend-paying stock .

  5. 经理股票期权执行价格的理论研究

    Research of the exercise price for executive stock options

  6. 美式期权执行日趋于无穷大的渐近分析及计算

    Asymptotic Analysis and Numerical Computation of American Option When Expiry Date Runs to Infinity

  7. 研究并指出最优股票期权执行价格的一个有效范围;

    Gets a better scope it contains the optimal exercise price of ESO plan ;

  8. 基于竞争格局的期权执行博弈

    Competition-Based Games for Future-Rights Execution

  9. 最后,分析了最优期权执行量与四个相关因素的关系。这四个因素为:分销商单位缺货成本,分销商出售产品的单价,期权的执行价格,以及期末分销商手中过剩成品的单位残值。

    Finally , we discuss the relationship between the optimal exercise options units and four related facts .

  10. 二是对非上市公司而言很难确定合理的期权执行价格。

    The second is that it 's difficult to confirm reasonable exercise price of stock options in non-listed companies .

  11. 具体分析了,供应商在期权执行价格可变情况下的决策步骤,并通过算例得到了供应商的最优决策,最后比较得出供应商在供应链中的收益优于期权执行价格不变情况下的收益的结论。

    At last , we draw a conclusion that the profit of the supplier under the variable option exercise price is superior to the case of fixed option exercise price .

  12. 进而本文分别考虑当标的资产价值、无风险利率、期权执行价格不确定时,单个实物期权定价模型的推导。

    So the main body of the paper discusses the methods and models of signal real option pricing under the condition of uncertain parameters : the value of underlining assets , non-risk interest rate , expenditure of execute .

  13. 2010-2011年间公司以营收增长改善、金融市场走强以及IPO可能性上升为由,七次上调股票期权的执行价。

    It maintained that price for the rest of 2009 , before citing improving revenue growth , strengthening financial markets and the increasing likelihood of an IPO for seven grant-price increases in 2010 and 2011 .

  14. 一个期权的执行价等于其原生期货的价格。

    An option with a strike price equal to the underlying futures price .

  15. 其它文献认为,实物期权的执行价格就是执行实物期权时的投资成本。

    The others documents think that the executing price of the real option is the cost of investment when executing the real option .

  16. 做假账的形式多种多样,从在不同报告期内转移成本和收入,到追溯调整股票期权的执行价格,不一而足。

    This has taken many forms , from shuffling costs and revenues from one reporting period to another , to adjusting retrospectively the strike price of stock options .

  17. 在利润最大化目标下,经营性期权的执行与否将直接影响到投资总收益,从而影响项目的决策。

    At the aim of maximum of profits , executing the option or not will affect the gross return directly , accordingly , it will influence the decision making of investment .

  18. 美式看跌期权的最佳执行价格

    The optimal exercise price of the American put option

  19. 只有等待期满的股票期权才可以执行,这是通常的做法。

    The common way is that can be executed when the stock - options are expired .

  20. 是一种零盈利的期权或者是执行价超过资产平均价格的期权。

    A type of option where the payoff is either zero or the amount by which the strike price exceeds the average price of the asset .

  21. 溢价的高低(百分比)取决于很多因素,其中包括达成期权交易时执行价与股价的接近程度。

    The size of the premium ( in percentage form ) is dictated by factors including how close the strike price is to the stock price when the call option is written .

  22. 以执行价值处处相等的一系列连续红利期权和变执行价格期权为例,用有限差分法分别计算其价值。

    As an example , the values of continuous-dividend-paying call options and variable striking price options with the same intrinsic value at any time were respectively calculated by using the finite difference method .

  23. 对于某位享有一笔以上期权的首席执行官来说,当授权月股价最低点与中值之差增大时,每笔期权成为幸运期权的几率就会上升。

    For a given CEO with more than one grant , the odds of each grant being lucky increased when the gap between the lowest and the median price in the grant month was higher .

  24. 期权定价中提前执行价值的实证研究

    The Early Exercise Premium in American Options Prices Top 50 CIO in China : Value of IT

  25. 基本步骤如下:首先运用有限差分法对美式一篮子期权的最优可执行边界进行分析。

    The following is its basic process : First of all we use a finite difference scheme to analyse optimal exercise boundary .

  26. 此项研究是由三位大学老师进行的,其结果将于今日发表,它将率先提供相关证据,表明企业外部董事的期权与授予首席执行官的期权一样,也出现了倒签行为。

    The study by three academics – to be published today – is the first to provide evidence that options of outside directors were backdated in the same way as the ones awarded to chief executives .

  27. 在西方国家,特别是在美国,以长期激励为主要特征的股票期权制度和首席执行官制度被认为是现代公司成功与发展的精髓。

    In the western countries , especially in the U.S , CEO system and stock option systems , which have the characteristic of taking encouraging for a long time , considered to be the cause of modern company successful development .

  28. 本文通过对类似于美式期权的实物期权的执行价格的特征进行分析,并运用几何布朗运动对其进行了描述。

    The paper discusses the character of strike price in pricing real option similarly American Option and describes it using Geometric Brownian Motion .

  29. 论文以再装股票期权为例研究了期权执行价格最低水平的决定机制,并研究了执行价格可变的再装股票期权的定价。

    The third part studies the determination about the minimum level of the reload option strike price , and the pricing of reload stock option with variable strike price .

  30. 相对于欧式期权,美式期权是可以提前执行的。

    Unlike the European options , the American options can be exercised early .