
  • 网络Roughcast House;The semifinished materials room
  1. 取消毛坯房的影响浅析

    Analysis On Effecting Of Abolishing Roughcast House

  2. 本文根据我国商品住宅建设的实际情况,分析了取消毛坯房对各方面的影响。

    According to actual status of merchandise dwelling house construction in our country , this paper analyses the effect of abolishing roughcast house .

  3. 毛坯房的装修施工及质量控制

    Teh decorating construction and the quality control of bland houses

  4. 南北通的版式房,房型正气,毛坯房可以自由发挥设计布局!

    Model-style house connecting South to north , upright style , simple house and you can design yourself with freedom !

  5. 由于很多公租房都是“毛坯房”,年轻的租客担心装修房屋以及置办家具的开销过大。

    As many of the properties are not furnished , young renters are worried about the cost of furnishing them and buying equipment .

  6. 建筑师不再为房间而自劳神费心,将毛坯房交给装修商做下一步的装修。

    He troubles himself no more with the house and hands over the bare , empty rooms to the decorator and upholsterer for more extensive fittings .

  7. 该公司每卖出一套1100平方英尺(约102平方米)的毛坯房就能拿到60万美元。

    Later that year , Aliber visited the office of an upscale developer in Beijing , who was getting $ 600,000 for 1100 square foot units with bare walls .

  8. 2002年7月19日,建设部发出了关于《商品住宅装修一次到位实施导则》的通知,明确提出逐步取消毛坯房,直接向消费者提供全装修成品房的目标。

    In July , 19 , 2002 , the ministry of national construction intended to concel the semi-finished house step by step and to offer finished house for consumer .