
máo lì rùn
  • gross profit;gross margin
  1. 毛利润是销售额减去生产成本。

    Gross profit is that sale minus production cost .

  2. 销售团队的薪酬第一次跟其对毛利润的贡献挂上钩。

    For the first time , sales teams were paid according to their contributions to gross profit .

  3. 第三步:粉碎谷歌(Google)毛利润率的模型。

    Step three : shred models for Google 's gross margins .

  4. 波士顿咨询集团(BostonConsultingGroup)的调查显示,2007年,基金经理的平均毛利润超过40%。

    A survey by Boston Consulting Group showed the average fund manager profit margin was above 40 per cent in 2007 .

  5. 水平轴:毛利润(GP)所占总利润的比例

    Horizontal axis : Gross profit ( GP ) margin percentage

  6. 惠普声称,硬件被亏本出售,但其中一些成本被计为营销支出,这让autonomy有可能在硬件销售方面录得毛利润。

    Although the hardware was sold at a loss , some of the costs were booked as marketing expenses , the US company claimed , making it possible for autonomy to record a gross profit on the sales .

  7. 阿迪达斯首席财务官罗宾•斯托克(RobinStalker)表示,他预测,该公司毛利润率将超过48%,此前的预测是47.5%至48%之间。

    Robin Stalker , chief financial officer of Adidas , said he expected a gross margin of more than 48 per cent compared with a previous forecast between 47.5 and 48 per cent .

  8. 不过,毛利润率只是略有提高,从11%升至11.1%。该公司警告称,降价和假冒产品在中国非常普遍,压低了诺基亚(Nokia)和摩托罗拉(Motorola)等移动电话品牌的平均零售价。

    Gross margins however improved only slightly from 11 to 11.1 per cent , with the company warning that price cutting and fake products were widespread in China , depressing average retail prices for mobile brands such as Nokia and Motorola .

  9. 就算利润率更低(比如40%),并且替代率为1/3(即全价iPhone的客户流失三分之一),低价iPhone也能提高苹果的营收和毛利润(见上表)。

    That even at a lower profit margin ( say , 40 % ) and a 1 / 3 cannibalization rate ( i.e. customers buy one third fewer full-priced iPhones ) , the cheaper iPhone would increase Apple'srevenue and gross profits ( see her spreadsheet above ) .

  10. 一家ISI组织的分析师马歇尔(BrianMarshall)说,他认为iPhone5C令人印象深刻,但质疑这款新设备能否具备必要的总体成本和毛利润率,从而帮助它打入大众市场。

    Brian Marshall , an analyst an ISI group , said he believes the iPhone 5C is impressive , but he questions whether the new device will have the total cost , and gross margins necessary , to help it hit mass market .

  11. 2012年底,Shutterstock的销售总额达到1.69亿美元,毛利润高达1.05亿美元,利润比2011年猛增了40%。

    Shutterstock finished 2012 with gross profit of $ 105 million on sales of $ 169 million , a 40 % percent profit jump over 2011 .

  12. 在截至9月30日的上半财年,这家英国时装零售商实现了18%的销售增长,毛利润率也有所提高,因此,公司首席执行官安吉拉阿伦茨(AngelaAhrendts)小幅上调了全年利润预期。

    Angela Ahrendts , chief executive of the UK-based fashion retailer , edged up full-year profit expectations after the company achieved 18 per cent sales growth and an improvement in its gross margins in the first half to September 30 .

  13. 经济效益显著:试验组仔猪增重1Kg获得的毛利润比对照组多0.12元,试验期间每头小猪比对照组多盈利16.87元。

    Every piglet of the experimental group is 16.87 Yuan more than the control group , increasing 0.12 Yuan per kilogram on the gross profit of the experimental group , compared to the control group .

  14. 毛利润率增加,表明亚马逊业务兴旺?

    Are rising gross margins signs that Amazon is thriving ?

  15. 单位水体产值3182.79元,毛利润率1039.73元,系统能耗占总成本的13.79%;

    The cost of power consumption was 13.79 % of gross cost .

  16. •毛利润率:41.4%,指导值为38.5%

    • gross margin : 41.4 % , compared with guidance of 38.5 %

  17. •3季度毛利润率指导值:38%

    • gross margin guidance for Q3 : 38 %

  18. 此成本估计是在毛利润的水平上来准备项目章节的。

    This estimate is prepared at a gross level for the project charter .

  19. 毛利润率低是另一个危险的信号。

    Poor gross margins are another red flag .

  20. 完成年度销售指标,毛利润和货款回收指标。

    Achieve annual sales , gross margin and money collection budget for the office .

  21. 后来,我们把价格提高了25%,公司的毛利润由此增加了13个百分点。

    By raising them 25 % , I increased my gross margins by 13 percentage points .

  22. 该公司农产品业务的毛利润为2.093亿美元,同比增长三倍以上。

    Year-on-year gross profits at the company 's agriculture division increased more than four-fold to $ 209.3m .

  23. 2004年底,华为进入欧洲市场之前,爱立信和阿尔卡特-朗讯的毛利润率也能达到这个比例。

    Before Huawei entered Europe in late 2004 , margins for Ericsson and Alcatel-Lucent were that high too .

  24. 阿迪达斯的毛利润率跟美国同行相似,但运营层面的利润率更低。

    Gross margins at Adidas are similar to US rivals but at the operating level margins are lower .

  25. 最后1个目标是,特斯拉必须连续四个季度实现30%的毛利润率。

    Finally , Tesla has to make a gross margin of 30 per cent for four consecutive quarters .

  26. 扣税之后,净利润会比毛利润少很多钱。

    After we deduct taxes , the net profit will be a lot less than the gross profit .

  27. 在当前全球常规观赏植物利润微薄,需求萎靡的环境下,香草类和蔬菜类观赏植物可以带来更高的毛利润。

    In an environment of shrinking margins and flat demand , herbs and vegetables are offering higher gross margins .

  28. 在经济减速期间,要保持42%的毛利润率会有难度。

    Gross profit margins , at 42 per cent , will be tough to sustain in a slowing economy .

  29. 从总的毛利润来看,公司总毛利的50.5%现在来自服务业务。

    And at the gross margin line , 50.5 percent of our gross margin dollars are now coming from services .

  30. 但无论如何,别指望谷歌未来还会有近40%的毛利润率。

    But in any case , gross margins of near 40 per cent are not in Google メ s future .