
  • 网络Equalization of Profit
  1. 马克思利润平均化理论与当前产业结构的调整

    Marxist Theory of Interest Average and the Structural Regulation of Industry

  2. 而在社会主义经济条件下,资本在部门间的流动要受到许多因素的阻碍,因而利润平均化的过程也就变得非常困难。

    However , under the circumstances of socialist economy there are many obstacles in capital transference between departments .

  3. 马克思关于利润平均化和平均利润率规律作用的理论具有普遍价值,尤其对当前我国产业结构的调整具有非常现实的指导意义。

    Marx 's theory of " the equality of profits and the law of average rate of profit " is of universal significance , especially to the current reform of industrial structure in China .

  4. 实现利润率平均化,促进社会公平和谐

    Achieve Average Profit Rate and Promote Social Justice and Harmony

  5. 析利润率平均化和非平均化趋势

    An Analysis of Trends of Average Profit Rate and Non-Average Profit Rate

  6. 必须正确理解利润率平均化规律&利润率非平均化质疑

    How to Understand the Law of Profit Rate Averaging

  7. 资本利润率平均化规律与国家保护农业政策的关系问题

    Law of Average Rate of Return on Capital Run Parallel with National Protective Farm Policies

  8. 首先,商业资本也参加了剩余价值的瓜分,同时也参与了利润的平均化。

    Firstly , commercial capital takes its share of the surplus value and the averaged profit .

  9. 实际上,一切以迂回生产方法为前提的劳动,社会都会把它折合为多量的简单劳动,从而形成利润的平均化趋势。

    As a matter of fact , all roundabout labors will be converted into multiple simple labors in a society , thus bringing about averaged profits .

  10. 正因为马克思利润率平均化理论的重要地位,使得该理论也成为颇受争议和非难的理论之一。

    It is because of the important status of the theory of average rate of profit that the theory is also to become one of quite receives disputed and rebukes one of theories .

  11. 马克思利润率平均化理论是马克思在批判的继承了资产阶级古典经济学家利涧率平均化理论的基础之上,提出的科学化、系统化的理论。

    The theory of average rate of profit raised by Marx is scientific and systemic . The theory is on the base of critique inheritance the theory of average rate of profit raised by bourgeoisie classical economist .

  12. 我国家电连锁已进入高速发展期,竞争激烈,利润率趋于平均化,利润空间进一步压缩。

    Our national appliance chain industry is in high-speed development period at present in which the competition is fierce , the profit rate tends towards melting equally and the profit space is compressed further .

  13. 他们平均分享利润。资本未平均化的利润率

    They divided their profits equally between themselves . it rate of capita

  14. 各行业的实际利润率受多种作用方向不同的因素影响,有些因素引起利润率平均化,有些因素则引起利润率非平均化。

    The actual profit rates in all industries are influenced by multi-factors with different acting directions . Some of them may cause profit rates to be average and others lead to non-average profit rates .