
  • 网络innovation profit
  1. 智力资本不仅已经成为企业创造价值和获得持续竞争优势的重要源泉,而且也是企业创新和利润增长的关键所在。

    IC is not only the important source for enterprise to create value and gain sustainable competitive advantage , but also the key factor for enterprise to innovate and increase profit in the future .

  2. 每当有新的专有技术设备问世,他们会提问,“开放源”战略会不会更有利于让个人得以执掌自己的命运,并给创新提供利润动机以外的激励?

    And with each new proprietary device , they question whether " open source " strategies might be better at empowering individuals to direct their own destinies and create incentives for innovation other than the profit motive .

  3. 大量成功企业的实践表明,智力资本不仅是企业获取持续竞争优势的关键所在,而且也是企业未来创新和利润增长的主要驱动因素。

    The practice of a large number of successful enterprises shows that , intellectual capital is not only the key to gain sustainable competitive advantage , but also the main driving factor of future innovation and corporate profit growth .

  4. 鉴于MBA学生纷纷追寻创业梦想,期望通过创新获得丰厚利润和辉煌成就,美国各地的商学院都在增设与创业相关的课程。

    Across the U.S. , business schools are ramping up entrepreneurship programming , as students pursue dreams of lucrative innovation , and startup glory .

  5. 企业科技创新的影子利润率测度

    Measuring Shadow Profit Rate of Technology Innovation for Enterprise

  6. 利润操纵与盈余管理企业管理创新:从利润到责任

    The Relations between Profit Operating and Surplus Management

  7. 技术创新与超额利润的来源&基于劳动价值论的各种解释

    Technological Innovation and Sources of Extra Profit : Explanations Based on the Labor Theory of Value

  8. 与此同时,在无拘无束的全球互联网上,通过创新获取切实利润的机会多得惊人。

    Meanwhile , the opportunities for true profit from innovation in the unfettered global Internet are staggering .

  9. 其作为专利法中一种特殊的许可形式,具有共享性,能够促成企业间在技术创新和收获利润上的双赢甚至多赢局面。

    As a special license form in Patent Law , cross license can encourage win-win situation in technological innovation and interest between companies .

  10. 其中,市场势力很大程度上决定了技术创新活动的利润实现和利益分配,从而影响着企业技术创新决策。

    Among them , the market power largely determines the technology innovation activities profit realization and distribution of interests , and then affects innovation decisions .

  11. 通过比较不同假设条件下供水企业进行节水灌溉设施技术创新的预期利润,得出了不同情形下的纳什均衡。

    By comparing expect profits of water supply companies from innovation of water saving irrigation facilities under different hypothesis , Nash equilibriums under different situation are analyzed .

  12. 谷歌表示,摩托罗拉移动正在“将重心从多功能手机转移到更富有创新性、利润更高的设备上”,后者指可以用来上网的更复杂的智能手机。

    Google said it was " shifting the emphasis from feature phones to more innovative and profitable devices " , meaning more complex smartphones that can be used to surf the Internet .

  13. 但摩登天空唱片公司总裁沈黎晖却认为,中国乐坛长期处于创新匮乏、利润分配不均的病态下,选秀节目的勃勃商机并非一剂“良方”。

    But Shen Lihui , president of Modern Sky , a record company , doesn 't think the booming business of music talent shows is a cure for the music industry , which has long been haunted by a lack of innovation and unequal profit distribution .

  14. 第三,把重点放在创新,并把利润再投资给研发。

    Third , focus on innovation and reinvest profits into R & D.

  15. 制度保证市场的有效运行,但制度创新活动是追求利润的活动,它反过来又受市场需求的引导与制约。

    Though institutions ensure an effective operation of the market , the institution innovation is led and constrained by the market for it is profit-oriented .

  16. 从某种程度上来说,研发成本得到分摊,使得创新主体各自的利润增大,也是一种统筹机制方面的创新。

    To some extent , R & D cost apportion , make innovation main body their profit , is also a kind of balancing mechanism innovation .

  17. 本文的创新点在于将利润链思想引入商业银行营销体系设计过程中,将市场驱动战略思想引入商业银行营销管理过程中,并具体设计了中国银行廊坊分行的营销体系和管理过程。

    Its innovations lie in designing marketing system of commercial bank based on bank profit chain theory , designing marketing management process of commercial bank based on market-driving theory , and designing marketing system and marketing management process of Bank of China , Langfang Branch in detail .

  18. 本文将拥有企业家才能的地方政府官员定义为官员企业家,并对其基本特征进行阐述,认为其是政治市场中处于核心地位的竞争主体,通过企业家警觉进行制度创新并获得政治利润。

    This paper defines the local government officials with entrepreneurship as official entrepreneurs and elaborates their basic features . This paper suggests that official entrepreneurs are the competition subjects at the core of the political market and make the institutional creation to gain political profits via entrepreneurial alertness .

  19. 产业集群内企业技术创新动力的根源在于追求技术创新利润。

    The dynamic source of technological innovation within the industrial cluster is pursuing profits of technological innovation .

  20. 装备工业企业自主创新内系统的最终目的是获得超额创新利润,获得持续快速发展的核心竞争力。

    Equipment industrial enterprises for independent innovation system is the ultimate goal in excess profits , innovation won the sustained and rapid development of core competitiveness .

  21. 较之基于利润的企业管理创新,基于责任的企业管理创新有利于企业利润的实现和持续成长。

    Compared with profit-based business management innovation , responsibility-based business management innovation helps business attain admired profit and continuous development .

  22. CBI与3M公司和设计委员会2002年在创新方面的调查显示,英国商界在通过创新提高利润方面可以做更多的事情,特别是在承担风险、吸取教训和接受失败的方式上注入一些激情。

    The CBI 2002 survey on innovation , conducted with 3M and the Design Council , shows that UK businesses could do a lot more to improve their profitability through innovation , not least inject some passion into they way the take risks , learn from mistakes and accept failure .

  23. 技术创新的成功主要表现在绩效上,希克斯指出创新是通过利润率发生作用的,只有产生绩效的创新才是成功的创新。

    The success of technological innovation is mainly reflected in the performance . Hicks pointed out that " Innovation makes a effect through the profit rate ", so that innovation with no performance is unsuccessful innovation .

  24. 在深入分析影子价格理论和技术创新理论的基础上,建立了基于C-D函数的科技创新影子利润率测度模型,并对影子利润率测度结果进行了经济分析。

    The paper analyzed the shadow price theory and technology innovation theory deeply , established the shadow profit rate-measuring model for technology innovation based C-D function , and analyzed the economic meaning of measuring result of shadow profit rate .

  25. 主要结论:新经济是一种主要以知识产品创新为基本生产活动的新型经济形态,且这种创新活动以市场为导向,创新目的是追逐利润最大化。

    The conclusion suggests that : new economy is a new economic model mainly based on knowledge product innovation which is directed by market for profit gain .

  26. 正是由于大量突破性创新属于前者并且主导企业控制了大部分的互补性资产,开发了突破性创新的新进入企业只能与主导企业建立合作关系,共同分享创新利润。

    Just because a lot of radical innovations belong to the former type and established firms control most complementary assets , new entrants who initiating radical innovation will have to cooperate with established firms and share profits of innovation .

  27. 企业持续创新动力模式与技术创新动力模式最大的差异在于如何确保企业具备持续不断的动力来进行技术创新,而非在一段时间内推出一两个创新项目而享受创新垄断利润。

    The biggest difference between the sustainable innovatory motive models and the technical innovatory motive models finds expression in the former 's sustainable motive force for technological innovation rather than several monopolized innovations for high profits in a certain time .