
  1. 构建创新型政府,首先要树立创新理念和文化。

    Constructing the innovation oriented government , we must first establish the concept of innovation and culture .

  2. 而创新型政府又是实现这一系列进步、创新的关键。

    But the innovation government is to achieve this a series of progress , the key of innovation .

  3. 公共物品供给:从BOT向PFI转换中的低成本路径&基于英国PFI创新的服务型政府视角

    Public Goods Supply : The Low-cost Path in the Transition from BOT to PFI & A Perspective of the PFI Innovation in Britain Service-oriented Government

  4. 立足制度创新推进服务型政府建设

    The Service-type Government 's Construction Based on the System Innovation

  5. 随着服务型政府建设的不断推进,水域活动通航安全管理部门如何逐步建立并创新与服务型政府相适应的海事监管服务,成为摆在我们面前的重大课题。

    With the service-oriented government construction progresses , the maritime department as an important function of government departments , how to gradually establish and innovation and service-oriented government suited to the waterborne engineering service model , as we have before us a major issue .

  6. 全面推行制度创新,推进服务型政府建设

    Promoting the Construction of Service-oriented Government by the Innovation of System

  7. 地方服务型政府创新实践是服务型政府构建的重要组成成分。

    Local service-oriented government renewing practice is vital part of service-government construction .

  8. 立足制度创新,塑造服务型政府新形象

    Base on the innovation of system , mold the new image of government which service type

  9. 同时现在也是一个创新型的社会,政府鼓励民族企业进行创新和发展。

    At the same time the current society is an innovative society , the government encourages the innovation and development of national enterprises .

  10. 县级政府将服务职能直接延伸到公众,其改革、创新是全国服务型政府建设的突破口。

    The functions of county level government directly extend its service to the public , and the reform and innovation of it will bring out breakthrough in the construction of service-oriented government .

  11. 制度创新的前提是进行学习,学习的最终目的也是为了推动制度创新,学习型政府的实质就是通过学习推动政府管理制度创新。

    Learning , whose ultimate goal is to promote institutional organization , is also the prerequisite for it , which is the very essence of learning government .