
  1. 应完善城市应急机制,构建良好的城市形象。

    We must perfect urban crisis mechanism and build favorable modern urban image .

  2. 我国城市应急联动机制建设,关键在于建立一个指挥有力、统一协调、快速高效的城市应急联动中心。

    The crucial factor for the establishment of city emergency response system in our country is to create a powerful , integrated and effective integrated city emergency response center .

  3. 提出中小城市应急管理机制主要包括预防准备、监测预警、信息报告、决策指挥、危机沟通、社会动员、恢复重建、调查评估、应急保障等内容。

    The emergency management mechanism of small and medium-sized cities proposed include prevention and preparation , monitoring and early warning , information reporting , decision-making command , crisis communication , social mobilization , restoration and reconstruction , survey and assessment , emergency security and so on .

  4. 第二部分,在分析我国城市应急管理协调机制研究视角的基础上,剖析了我国城市应急管理的相关原则和主要协调形式。

    The second part , the analysis of the city emergency management coordination mechanism based on the perspective , analyzed the correlation of urban emergency management principles and main forms of coordination .

  5. 第三部分,在分析我国现行应急管理协调机制的基础上,指出我国城市应急管理协调机制存在的结构性缺陷、功能性缺陷、主体性缺陷和参与者不足等问题。

    The third part of the analysis of the existing emergency management coordination mechanism , based on that of urban emergency management coordination mechanism in the structural defects , functional defects , the main defect and the lack of participants .

  6. 第四部分,针对我国城市应急管理协调机制存在的相关问题,从法律机制、职能结构、组织运行机制、参与机制和信息协调机制等五个方面对构建我国城市应急管理协调机制提出建议。

    The fourth part , for our city emergency management issues related to existing coordination mechanisms , from the legal system , functional structure , organization operating mechanism , mechanisms , and information coordination mechanisms involved in five aspects of the construction of our City Emergency Management Coordination machinery .

  7. 国内城市突发事件应急联动机制与平台建设研究

    Research on Construction of Emergency Response Mechanism and Platform for Domestic Urban Incidents

  8. 大城市突发自然灾害应急机制建立情况分析及对策

    Analysis and Measures of Establishing Emergency System of Burst Natural Disasters on the Metropolis

  9. 我国城市社区防震减灾应急机制研究

    Study on Machenism of Earthquake Prevention and Disaster Reduction in Urban Community in China

  10. 城市安全管理和应急机制的建设是中国城市化和城市现代化的重要发展内容。

    The management of urban security and the construction of emergency mechanism is one of important development matters .

  11. 我国自2003年非典引起的公共危机以来,城市安全管理和应急机制建设被提到了重要议程。

    Since the public conjuncture by the SARS in China in 2003 , the management of urban security and the construction of emergency mechanism were placed on the important agenda .