
  1. 真正解决好农民工的就业、居住、社会保障以及享受城市公共资源的平等机会,让农民工成为真正的城市居民,享有和市民一样的生活品质。

    Let the migrant workers become real city residents , enjoy the same life quality as the citizens .

  2. 三是城市公共资源的空间集聚效应带来的城市公共资源的衍生。

    Third is the derivative of urban public resources brought by urban space agglomerative effect of urban public resources .

  3. 城市公共资源运营的绩效评价,也需要引起关注,加以深入研究。

    We also need to attach great importance to and do further research for the performance evaluation of urban public resources operation .

  4. 之后,随着新制度经济学的发展,逐步将城市公共资源运营作为一个主题或是一个框架进行研究。

    Later , with the development of new institutional economics , those issues has been studied as an independent subject or a framework .

  5. 范围性提示我们在公共资源运营中,政府应当站在更大空间范围上看待城市公共资源运营的效益问题。

    The scope nature indicates that the government should see the effectiveness of public resources operation on a larger spatial extent while operating the public resources .

  6. 论文在充分借鉴资源科学理论的基础上,在研究中加以引申,从而确立分析和解决城市公共资源问题理论框架和理论基础。

    Paper reference theories of resources and scientific , the author established conceptual framework and theoretical foundation to analyze and solve the problem of distribution public resources .

  7. 城市公共资源配置中的歧视不仅加大了农民工在城市生活的成本,也对整体社会福利造成损害。

    The discrimination of urban common resource distribution not only increase the living cost of peasant workers , but also hurt the social welfare as a whole .

  8. 由于人口和经济活动的高度集中,使城市公共资源在空间的密集程度和使用效率上都要高于其他公共资源。

    Due to the high concentration of population and economic activity , the space intensity and utilization efficiency of urban public resources are higher than other public resources .

  9. 在城市公共资源的实践中,长期以来,受到传统观念的影响,一直将城市公共资源作为一个封闭的概念体系来看待。

    In the long term practice of urban public resources , under the influence of the traditional concepts , the urban public resources have been taken as a fixed concept of system .

  10. 为此,加强对城市公共资源运营问题的研究,尽快建立和完善适应我国城市发展所需要的公共资源运营理论,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。

    Therefore , to enhance the research of urban public resources operation , establish and improve the theory of public resources operation adapting the urban development has important theoretical and practical significance .

  11. 但本文也存在许多不足之处,比如,尚缺乏对城市公共资源运营理论体系更为深入的研究,这需要在今后的研究中加以弥补。

    However , the paper also has many shortcomings , such as lack of in-depth study of theoretical system of urban public resources operation , which needs to be remedied in further research .

  12. 运营城市公共资源的实践在我国起始于城市化的提速时期,城市的快速发展对城市政府运营公共资源提出了客观要求;反过来,城市政府运营公共资源又进一步推动了城市化的深入发展。

    The rapid urban development proposed objective requirements for city government to operate urban public resources ; in turn , the city governments ' operation of public resources promoted the further development of urbanization .

  13. 以政府主导,政府经营,政府收益为主要的特征的城市公共资源市场化运作产生了大量的货币收益,并极大地支持了政府城市的建设和发展投入。

    With the characteristics of government leading , managing and benefited , marketization of urban public resources has yielded a great amount of capital income , and has been supporting the governmental urban construction and development greatly .

  14. 城市公共资源的漂移理论,则是对公共资源效应外溢的一种理论延伸,目前还没有得到理论界、尤其是实践工作的重视。

    The " drift " theory of urban public resources is the theoretical extension of the spillover effect of public resources , which has not been attached importance by the theory community , in particular in practical work .

  15. 而提高城市公共资源运营的效率,还要进一步研究由谁运营城市公共资源的问题,即运营的主体问题,也就是体制问题。

    However , to improve the operational efficiency of urban public resources , the issue who operate the urban public resources should be further studied , that is the operating subjects issue , as well as the institutional issue .

  16. 城市公共资源与一般公共资源相比较,除了具有一般公共资源非排他性、外部性特征外,由于城市特性的存在,城市公共资源又同时具备其自身的特性。

    Because of the existence of city characteristics , compared with the general public resources , urban public resources also have their own characteristics in addition to the " non-exclusive " and " external " characteristics of general public resource .

  17. 文章认为结合当前的改革实践及其国内实际,短期内没有办法全面放开户籍制度,而应选择渐进式户籍制度改革路径,并着手改革城市公共资源的分配制度。

    The article considers impossible to lift the control of household registration system in a short period based on the current situation and experience , instead , considers reforming the household registration system gradually and starting the reform of distribution system of public resource .

  18. 中小型城市公共图书馆文献资源建设要务

    The Document Resource Construction of the Small and Medium Public Libraries

  19. 在缺乏对政府的有效约束条件下,政府行为对城市公共资产、资源的有效配置和合理利用产生诸多不利的影响,使城市经营偏离了服务效率型的发展轨道。

    On the condition of being short of the operative binding force to government , the government action which adjust and use the public capital and property of city come into being much harmful effects with the valid layouts of resources .

  20. 老龄化不仅影响现有城市地区公共养老保障资源需求的总体增长,而且促动着政府公共资源分配机制的转变。

    While it affects the general increase of the demand for public resources for old age support in the urban areas , it also affects the government efforts in searching for appropriate mechanism for public source distribution .

  21. 但实际上,随着城市化的发展,城市公共资源不再是简单的自然资源或有形资源的代名词,而是包括有形资源和无形资源在内、范围极其宽广的资源集成。

    But in fact , with the development of urbanization , urban public resources are no longer simply a synonym of natural resources or tangible resources , but a very broad range of resource integration including both tangible and intangible resources .

  22. 再比如,在城市经济和社会发展的进程中,城市公共资源和市场资源作为城市资源的两大子系统,其作用的领域和运营的机制存在着一定的差别。

    Additionally , in the process of urban economic and social development , as two sub-systems of urban resources , the urban public resources and market resources have certain differences in functioning field and operating mechanism .

  23. 随着城市化建设进程的不断加快、城市居民人口总数和外来流动人口数量的不断增加,城市人口与城市公共资源、公共环境等之间的矛盾日渐凸出,给城市管理工作带来很大压力。

    With the accelerating of the urbanization process , the growing of the total urban population and the floating population ; the contradiction between urban population and urban public resources and public environment is growing , which bring to urban management the great Pressure .