
  • 网络urban management;city management;City Marketing
  1. 浅谈WBS在城市经营中的应用

    Talking about the Application of WBS ( Work Breakdown Structure ) in the Urban Management

  2. 简要介绍了工作分解结构(WBS)的概念及其内涵,分析了目前我国城市经营中存在的问题,并进一步探讨了WBS在城市经营中的应用。

    This paper introduces the concepts and connotations of WBS , analyzes on the problems existing in Chinese urban management at present , and probes into the application of WBS in the urban management .

  3. 因子分析与DEA模型结合在城市经营效率分析中的应用

    Factor analysis and DEA model apply to city management efficiency analysis

  4. DEA方法在城市经营效率分析中的应用

    The DEA Analysis to City Management

  5. 本文以山东省17个市为例,运用DEA方法探讨城市经营效率的评估方法。

    I use the Date Envelopment Analysis ( DEA ) to evaluate the efficiency of Shandong province in this paper .

  6. 过去5年,郭台铭已扩张进入电影界,集团旗下一家子公司在中国各城市经营着赛博(cybermart)卖场。

    In the past five years , Mr Gou has expanded into the film industry , and a group affiliate operates CyberMart outlets in Chinese cities .

  7. 城市经营与企业经营的比较研究

    The Contrast Study of Cities ' Marketing and Enterprises ' Management

  8. 城市经营宜采用组合融资。

    The fund raising in urban operation should apply financing portfolio .

  9. 但城市经营的理论严重滞后于实践。为什么要城市经营?

    However , the study of urban management lags its practice .

  10. 城市经营性建设用地需求预测方法与供应计划的制定&以浙江省绍兴市为例

    Urban Commercial Construct Land Demands Forecasting Methods and Supplying Plans Establishment

  11. 论城市经营中的政府功能定位与行为原则

    On the Government Function Positioning and Behavioral Principles in Urban Management

  12. 城市经营的核心和依据是城市理念。

    Urban idea is the core and foundation of city operating .

  13. 城市经营中的筹资问题:思路与建议

    Ideas and Suggestions on the Financing problem in Urban Management

  14. 城市经营区域协作模式探讨

    A Discussion of Urban Management with a Regional Cooperation Model

  15. 基于城市经营战略趋同的战略管理创新

    Analysis on the Strategic Homology and Strategic Innovation of the Urban Governance

  16. 浅议城市经营中文化景观的营造与保护

    Discussion on the Creation and Protection of Cultural Landscapes in City Management

  17. 城市经营的内容包含城市资本与城市文化,经营实力的提升是通过资本运营能力和城市文化影响力实现的。

    City operation contains both city capital and city culture .

  18. 城市经营中的资金筹措与项目融资研究

    Research on fund raising and project financing in urban operations

  19. 目前对于城市经营和生态建设都存在着许多认识误区,并因此产生了很多矛盾冲突。

    It leads to many errors in the practice of urban construction .

  20. 城市经营本质是对公共物品和公共服务的管理

    City Management : the management for the public goods and civil service

  21. 提出了城市经营绩效评价的原则;

    The principles of the performance appraisal is put forth .

  22. 现代城市经营理念与实证研究

    The Research on Modern Urban Management Theories and Practices

  23. 城市经营性停车场投资机会分析

    The analysis of the investment opportunity on the construction of commercial parking lots

  24. 用城市经营理念构筑和谐廊坊

    Constructing Harmonious Langfang by the Concept of City Management

  25. 将企业经营战略、策略融入到城市经营之中,建立城市经营的新体系,加快城市发展。

    We can carry through enterprise operation strategy and tactics in city operation .

  26. 北京城市经营与城市发展环境的关系

    Relationship Between City Management and Development Environment in Beijing

  27. 木材业和后来的造纸都由较小的城市经营。

    Lumbering and , later , paper-making were carried out in smaller cities .

  28. 城市经营中的政府职能转换研究

    Study on the Transformation of Government Function in the Process of Urban Management

  29. 公众参与城市经营的分析与对策

    Analysis and Countermeasures of Public Participation in Urban Management

  30. 城市经营的资产负债纬度

    On Urban Management from the Angle of Assets