
cū fànɡ jīnɡ yínɡ
  • extensive operation;extensive farming;extensive cultivation
  1. 后WTO时期流通企业应加快增长式转变:由粗放经营向集约化经营转变,由外延性为主向内涵式增长方式转变。

    After WTO period enterprise in circulation should accelerate growth way change , change from extensive operation to the intensive management , from other ductility in order to mainly transform into intension type .

  2. 20世纪90年代中后期,贵州零售商业规模的盲目扩张和粗放经营,导致零售行业经济效益下降。

    Since the mid 1990s , there has been a fall in the economic efficiency of Guizhou retailing industry due to blind expansion and extensive operation .

  3. 集约与粗放经营杨树人工林生长规律

    Growth and Yield of Intensive and Extensive Culture Poplar Plantation

  4. 由粗放经营向集约经营转化是世界农业发展的客观规律。

    It is the world agriculture development direction to convert extensive farming to intensive farming .

  5. 因此,计划经济时代下的粗放经营模式已被淘汰。

    Therefore , the extensive mode of operation has been eliminated under the planned economy era .

  6. 油茶的组织培养与大田栽培集约与粗放经营杨树人工林生长规律

    TISSUE CULTURE AND PLANTATION OF CAMELLIA OLEIFERA Growth and Yield of Intensive and Extensive Culture Poplar Plantation

  7. 促进整个经济由粗放经营向集约经营转变。

    To bring about a change from extensive to intensive management of the economy as a whole .

  8. 本文对集约经营与粗放经营杨树人工林分的叶面积垂直分布及其季节动态变化进行了对比研究。

    The vertical distribution and seasonal change of leaf area were studied in intensive and extensive culture poplar plantations .

  9. 我国银行卡业务发展已经从粗放经营步入到资源整合的关键阶段。

    The business of the domestic bank card has developed from extensive management to the key phase of resource neatened .

  10. 在农林利用的试验区中,粗放经营的试验区的钾素流失量大于水土保持综合性农林措施的试验区。

    K loss in an extensive farming catchment was higher than that of catchment in which comprehensive measurements for conservation were practiced .

  11. 我国水产养殖业快速增长的历程,正是从粗放经营向集约经营转变的过程。

    The history of rapid increase in aquaculture industry in our country is just the transition process from extensive to intensive management .

  12. 在竞争愈来愈激烈的形势下,靠粗放经营已无法适应,唯有加强管理,向管理要效益。

    The increasingly fierce competition in the circumstances , have been unable to rely on extensive adaptation , the only way to strengthen management .

  13. 因此,中资寿险公司原有的粗放经营模式已经不合时宜,必须尽快提升经营管理水平,加强偿付能力的监管。

    So the extensive management mode has been out of time and must promote managerial skill of Chinese life insurance companies as soon as possible .

  14. 经历了二十多年的发展,工商银行牡丹卡业务从最初的粗放经营步入到现在的资源整合阶段。

    Experienced 20 years of development , ICBC peony cards have gone through the original extensive mode of operation to the period of resource integration .

  15. 采取集约经营的毛竹的平均秆鲜质量可达31.37kg,而一般和粗放经营状态下分别仅为28.46kg和23.33kg。

    The culms weight of moso bamboo managed intensively can reach 31.37 kg , but that managed normally 28.46 kg and 23.33 kg without any measures .

  16. 在该村很多外出务工的农户,宁愿粗放经营或者撂荒也不愿意流转,主要是担心失去土地承包权。

    In this village , many migrant farmers would rather choose expansive management or no farming than transfer , because they worried about losing land-contracted right .

  17. 随着农村农村劳动力的大量转移,土地撂荒粗放经营现象严重。

    With the large number of move of rural labour , abandoned land increases , and the extensive operation also makes the phenomenon to become serious .

  18. 当前国内券商的研究还处于粗放经营阶段,面临着进一步提高研究水平和改善研究成果利用效率的紧迫任务。

    The research work of domestic securities company is really rough at present . The research level and the utilization efficiency of research results need improvement urgently .

  19. 油松中幼龄纯林致灾的可燃物分布结构有集约经营型和粗放经营型两个类型,共3种结构模式。

    There were two forms of forest fuels distribution structures ( intensive management form and extensive management one ) and three structure models in Chinese pine forest .

  20. 对企业而言,营销首先是解决市场和竞争问题的实战工具,而不是简单地追随和模仿。营销应该通过多途径地借鉴经验和结合实际,从经验走向专业,从粗放经营走向精细营销。

    As to enterprise , marketing is a actual combat tool which solves the market and competition problem at first , but not follow and imitate briefly .

  21. 应当延长流转期限,让转入方有积极性对土地进行投入,避免掠夺式经营和粗放经营。

    Therefore , the circulation period should be extended so that the recipients will have enthusiasm to invest the land , avoiding extensive management and predatory management .

  22. 企业可通过粗放经营和集约经营两种方式实现扩大再生产以促进经济增长;

    Investment should not be regarded as the condition for expanding reproduction enterprises can realize reproduction so as to promote economic growth by both extensive and intensive modes ;

  23. 由于过去一直沿用粗放经营高能耗、高物耗为特征的传统发展模式,在氮肥生产过程中造成了严重的环境污染。

    The traditional developing model of " highly consuming of energy and resource " leads to the environment be polluted seriously in the process of the nitrogen fertilizer production .

  24. 由于河北省的核桃生产目前还大多沿用实生繁殖和传统的粗放经营方式,所以产量低、品质差。

    In Hebei province , the traditional and extensive management of walnut culture is still being widely practiced , resulting in inferior quality and low yield per unit area .

  25. 这使农业生产陷入粗放经营状况,农技推广困难,农业产业化面临巨大的压力。

    This make the agricultural production under the condition of extensive management , promotion of agricultural science and technology difficulties , the agricultural industry facing tremendous pressure . 3 .

  26. 通过对山东纺织工业发展历史及现状的分析,认为其发展总体上仍处于粗放经营状态。

    On the basis of the analysis of the historical and current situation of Shandong textile industry , the authors hold that the industry is still under extensive management in general .

  27. 长期以来,对森林资源未实行资产化管理,森林资源被无偿占有使用,实行粗放经营,森林资源的产权关系不清,所有权在经济上得不到体现。

    For a long time , forest resources are failed to implement the assets of management . The property rights are not clear and ownership is not reflected in the economy .

  28. 由于欠发达地区经济基础薄弱、思想观念滞后、总体文化素质低,在生产过程中采取粗放经营的方式,投入比较高。

    Because of the weak economic foundation 、 lagging ideas and low culture quality of underdeveloped regions , they adopt the way of extensive operation , and the input is higher .

  29. 半个世纪来,世界石油石化工业的三次产业结构调整推动了世界石油石化工业从粗放经营向资本集约经营,再走向技术集约经营的发展。

    In the past half century the three structural readjustments have enabled the global petroleum and petrochemical industries to change from extensive operation into capital-intensive operation and further into techn ology-intensive operation .

  30. 农业技术进步对实现农业从粗放经营到集约经营,从传统农业到现代农业的两个根本性转变将产生重要的促进作用。

    The progress in agricultural technology will significantly promote two fundamental changes in agriculture , the change from extensive farming to intensive farming , and the change from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture .