
  • 网络extensive management
  1. 通过抽样、统计,分析了台湾草、假俭草草坪精细管理区、粗放管理区春夏季杂草的优势种和对草坪构成危害的主要杂草种类。

    Meanwhile , the dominant and harmful weed species were analyzed and proposed under fine and extensive management conditions , respectively .

  2. 在我国,建筑业长期以来就是一个粗放管理、手工作业、技术含量低的行业。

    In China , the construction industry has been an industry which needs extensive management , manual operation , and low-technology .

  3. 在粗放管理条件下,适宜选用高羊茅类草坪品种。

    While under extensive conditions , varieties , such as Tall Fescue should be applied .

  4. 预算控制是企业内部会计控制的重要方法之一,我国企业在从粗放管理走向精细化管理的过程中,也正在积极推广全面预算管理。

    The budgeting control is one of the important methods for the internal accounting control .

  5. 当前,城市公园绿地对资源的利用还处于粗放管理的状态,对水资源的浪费很严重。

    Currently , the resource utilization in urban park is under extensive managment , and its utilization of water resource is unreasonable .

  6. 根本原因是政府投入不足,体制不顺,观念陈旧,粗放管理,维修保养滞后等。

    The reason lies in insufficient government investment , unclear role of system organization stereotype ideas , rough management and lagging-behind of maintenance etc.

  7. 以施氮为例,精确管理的施肥方案要比粗放管理节约肥料48.7%。

    As an example , the amount of nitrogen fertilizer application by site specific management could be decreased by 48.7 % when compared with the traditional management .

  8. 建筑企业如何将自身的粗放管理模式向集约化、精细化方向转变,完善建筑企业的内部控制,成为建筑企业健康发展的关键。

    How construction enterprises make their own extensive management pattern change to intensive and fine direction , improve the internal control of construction enterprises , become the key to the healthy development of construction enterprises .

  9. 它是以精细操作为基本特征,关注量化、绩效、执行、结果的一种管理模式,也是一种与粗放管理迥异的管理文化。

    It is the management model which has the basic feature of delicacy operation , also concerns about quantization , performance , execution and results . Delicacy management is in a very different management culture from extensive management .

  10. 新疆在长期的农业发展过程中,由于典型的环境气候、水资源短缺和农业生产的粗放管理方式,多数灌区出现了负效应问题。

    During long-term of agriculture development process in Xinjiang , because of the typical environment and weather 、 scarce water resources and extensive cultivation way of agriculture produce , the negative effect is appeared in most of irrigation area .

  11. 但由于长期受到计划经济的影响,我国粮食加工企业的成本管理仍然处于传统的粗放管理状态,管理制度和管理方法落后、效率还不高。

    But because of influencing by planned economy for a long time , the cost management of the grain processing enterprise of our country is still in traditional managing the state extensively , management system and office procedure lag behind , efficiency is also not high .

  12. 奥运会志愿者的管理经历了萌芽阶段、松散管理阶段、粗放管理阶段、集约管理阶段四个历史时期,每个时期奥运会志愿者的人员构成、管理模式和服务领域都表现出了不同的特点。

    Secondly , the management of Olympic volunteers experienced four different historical stages , which are beginning , disorganized management , extensive management and intensive management . In each stage different traits are reflected with regard to personnel composition , managing model and service fields of the Olympic volunteers .

  13. 耕作粗放、管理落后;

    The technique and management of farming are bad .

  14. 医院后勤工作粗放型管理模式和封闭型福利供给模式亟待改革。改革方向是服务社会化,措施是改革用人制度,激活人才潜能;

    Traditionally the extensive management pattern and closed welfare supply pattern have existed in hospital 's rear service .

  15. 改变现在粗放的管理模式,建立高效的数字有线电视网络管理系统。

    Thus , present managing model is changed and effective digital television network managing system is set up .

  16. 努力改变对于鉴定机构传统的经验和粗放的管理模式。

    The paper also aims to help to change the traditional experience for appraisal agencies and extensive management pattern .

  17. 而公司长期所依靠的粗放式管理,已经不能使企业满足市场的需求。

    And the company long-term depends vulgar management , enterprise has been unable to satisfy the needs of the market .

  18. 各大移动通信运营商逐渐从早期面向网络的粗放式管理,转向面向客户和服务的精细化管理。

    The mobile CSPs are turning the management focus gradually from early network oriented management to customer and service oriented management .

  19. 同时也是对集团目前由粗放的管理向数据规范化管理转变的一种探讨和尝试。

    But also for the group is from extensive management to the data specification an attempt to explore and management changes .

  20. 目前整个房地产行业的成本控制仍呈粗放式管理态势,精细化管理之路尚处于探索阶段,这就要求我们在成本控制管理的很多细节性问题上还要进行不断的探索和研究。

    At present , cost control is still extensive management in Real Estate . Delicacy management is still the stage of exploration .

  21. 目前中心的信息管理一直沿用粗放式管理,主要依靠工作人员手工记录。

    Currently , comprehensive information management of the center has been using extensive management , mainly relies on manual records of staff .

  22. 房地产企业单单靠以往的粗放式管理,难以在竞争激烈的市场中获得一席之地。

    The real estate companies simply rely on extensive management ; it is difficult to gain a foothold in the highly competitive market .

  23. 由于出租车投放数量的增加,以前粗放的管理模式使得出租汽车的运营效率呈下降趋势。

    Due to the increase in the number of taxis , running in the past made extensive management of the taxi operational efficiency decline .

  24. 原来铁路施工企业的粗放型管理模式已经难以为继,企业经营举步维艰。

    Extensive management , the former model of railway construction corporation , is hard to carry on . Enterprise operation is hard to continue .

  25. 长期以来,我国许多厂商把经营重点都放在生产和销售环节上,对物流实施比较粗放的管理。

    For a long time , many enterprises in our country focus on phrases of manufacturing and selling , and implement relatively extensive management pattern .

  26. 要提高中国轿车制造业的综合竞争力,必须改变其粗放的管理方式与较低的成本管理水平。

    If Chinese saloon car manufacturers want to enhance comprehensive competitiveness , they must change their careless means of management and low level of cost management .

  27. 主观原因主要也可归纳为两方面:一是缺乏清晰的战略思路,经营战略、产品战略等都不够清晰;二是管理比较粗放,管理模式不够科学。

    The subjective reasons can be also summed up into two aspects . One is the lack of clear strategic idea , enterprise strategy and product strategy .

  28. 民营企业在原有的粗放式管理模下,生产成本高,生产效率低下等因素已经严重的制约着企业的发展。

    Moreover , high cost production and low efficiency of production for private enterprise , the old extensive management is the bottleneck for the continuous and well growth of the company itself .

  29. 该体系的应用将改变粗放的管理方式,改善管理水平,合理控制运营成本,不断提高利润率,促进高速公路的可持续发展。

    The application of this system will change careless means , improve the management level , control operating cost reasonably , enhance profitability continuously , and promote the sustainable development of the expressway .

  30. 当前税务工作的重中之重就是如何在税源管理中改变过去惯有的放任自流的粗放式管理模式,建立一套严密、细致、科学的管理和评价体系。

    How to change the past extensive taxation management mode in managing revenue sources , and how to establish a strict-detailed-scientific management and evaluation system are our top important work for taxation staff .