
  1. 我国餐饮业发展特许经营的SWOT分析和对策

    SWOT Analysis & Suggestions of Restaurant Enterprise in China Carrying on Franchising

  2. 然而,我国在发展特许经营的过程中,依然存在许多问题。

    However , there still exists lots of problems in the development of franchise .

  3. 并提出了发展特许经营,需要完善的相关政策和管理问题。

    It also discusses some relevant policy issues and management challenges as a result .

  4. 除了开设自营餐厅外,我们还在逐步发展特许经营业务。

    In addition to opening our own restaurants , we have stepped up our franchise programs .

  5. 三是推行公路特许经营制度,发展特许经营公司;

    Using the " Road Concession System " and establishing the concession companies for toll road construction ;

  6. 第三部分结合中国的实际情况探讨在中国大规模发展特许经营的可能性以及必要性。

    The third part explains the development of franchising in China , including its necessity , status quo , and difficulty analysis and solves .

  7. 中国国内也认识到了特许经营的优势和重要性,并也在积极地发展特许经营,但对特许经营这种商业模式的了解程度还不够深入和透彻。

    Domestic China also recognized the advantages and importance of franchising , and is also active in the development of franchising , but the understanding of this business model is not enough depth and thorough .

  8. 世界已进入品牌时代,整合改造工业经济的陈旧商业模式,并以发展特许经营的方式,创造一个名牌世界的中国已是大势所趋。

    With the world walking into the brand times , it 's an tendency of balancing and reforming the old commercial mode of industrial economy and developing the way of the permitted operation in order to make China full of famous brands .

  9. 发展特许连锁经营,促进城乡居民就业

    Develop the Franchised Chain-store Business , To Provide More Jobs

  10. 连锁经营与物流管理我国超市业在发展特许连锁经营中的问题及对策

    The Problems of and Countermeasures for Chinese Supermarket Business in the Development of the Authorized Chain Operation

  11. 一道红烧茄子就要用20只鸡的卵巢炼出来的鸡油来做,因此未来可能不会发展出特许经营。

    At 20 ovaries per dish of braised eggplant , there may be no franchise in its future .

  12. 结合深圳市管道燃气目前状况和国外成功管理经验,积极探索适合深圳市管道燃气发展的特许经营管理模式是非常必要的。

    It is very necessary to explore a management pattern for the franchise system that fit the development of natural gas industry in Shenzhen by using the foreign successful management experience for reference .

  13. 同时,对我国特许经营的发展及特许经营未来的发展趋势进行了分析和展望。但是,只有考虑到更大的航空环境,特许经营未来的发展才会取得成功。

    Furthermore some analyses and prospects are made to the franchise managing development and its developing trend . However , franchising would be succeeding in the future as long as we take the broader aerial environment into consideration .

  14. 随着近年来特许经营的迅猛发展,有关特许经营的纠纷不断增多,在特许经营的外部责任承担问题上显得尤为突出。

    With the rapid development of franchising in recent years , the number of franchise disputes is growing . The issue of franchising external responsibility sharing is particularly prominent .

  15. 我国中小企业面对加入WTO后的经济发展形势,选择特许经营的发展道路是明智之举。

    After entering WTO , it is a wise move for our enterprise to choose franchised distributions as a way of development .

  16. 然而,在迅猛发展的同时,特许经营的风险也随之浮出水面。

    However , in the rapid development , the risk of franchise has also gone .

  17. 随着老字号餐饮企业的创新与发展,以及海外特许经营品牌的大规模进入,餐饮业逐渐发展成为国内最成熟、最成功的特许经营行业之一。

    With the innovation and development of the old and famous catering business and with the large-scale entry of overseas franchising brands , catering industry has gradually come to one of the most mature and the most successful domestic franchising industries .

  18. 可以预言,随着我国经济的发展,中餐业特许经营将成为我国21世纪主要的经营方式,将对我国经济和社会做出巨大的贡献。

    It is predicted that Chinese restaurant franchising will be the primary method of doing food and beverage business in China along with the development of our economy and it will contribute significantly to the society and economy in China in 21 th century .

  19. 通过系统研究特许经营的发展历史、现状、存在问题以及发展趋势都有益于在中国发展特许经营。

    After synthetically studying on internal and external history of franchising development , present situation and tendency , this thesis offered some suggestions on developing franchising in China .