
fā bāo fānɡ
  • Employer;contract-issuing party;the party giving out a contract for a project
  1. 由于农村情况的复杂性加之承包合同订立的不规范,承包经营权证的管理粗放,发包方在同一块土地上签订两份合同,同一块土地上办理两个经营权证的情况十分普遍。

    Since the complexities of the contract , the conclusion of irregular , contracted card management , contract-issuing party in the same piece of land sign two contracts , with a piece of land for two packages of the situation is very common .

  2. 发包方和承包方应当订立承包合同,约定双方的权利和义务。

    The contractees and contractors should sign land use contracts to define each other 's rights and obligations .

  3. 第十四条农民集体所有的土地由本集体经济组织的成员承包经营,从事种植业、林业、畜牧业、渔业生产。土地承包经营期限为三十年。发包方和承包方应当订立承包合同,约定双方的权利和义务。

    Article 14 Land collectively owned by peasant shall be contracted out to members of the collective economic organizations for use in crop farming , forestry to define each other 's rights and obligations .

  4. 由于KPO中发包方与接包方存在知识共享,使得发包方将自身核心技术和知识暴露给其合作伙伴接包方。

    For the reason that there exist knowledge sharing between the senders and the receiving parties in knowledge process outsourcing , the senders has to expose their core technology and knowledge to their partners .

  5. 承包经营中,赔偿责任主体应是承包者,发包方负连带责任;

    In contract operation , the compensation subjects should be the contract ors ;

  6. 第三节对土地承包经营权人及发包方的权利和义务进行整理。

    Section Three is about the rights and obligations of the contractors and the contract issuing parties .

  7. 没有发包方的书面命令,承包方不应当做出这种变更。

    No such variations shall be made by the Contractor without an order in writing of the Employer .

  8. 但是,挂靠人与发包方以外的第三人签订的合同效力应视具体情况确定。

    But the effect of the contract by the subordination party and the third one is determined by specific circumstances .

  9. 服务外包产业集群不同于一般意义上的集群,在服务外包产业中存在明显的技术外溢现象,企业可以通过技术外溢获得发包方的先进技术。

    Technology spillovers exist in the service outsourcing industry , so companies can access the advanced technology through technology spillover .

  10. 发包方和承包方应当订立农业承包合同,约定双方的权利和义务。

    The party awarding contract and the Contractor shall conclude an agricultural contract to define the rights and duties of both parties .

  11. 除此以外,本文还为发包方推荐一套软件项目外包风险管理流程,以求降低软件项目外包的风险。

    In addition , we recommend a software outsourcing risk management process , in order to reduce the risk of software project outsourcing .

  12. 建设工程施工合同风险既有合同本身的风险,也有发包方强加的风险,在目前买方市场的情况下,这种情况更为普遍。

    Risks in engineering construction contract includes contract self risk and the risk imposed by owners , especially universal in purchaser market at present .

  13. 第二十九条规定:承包期内,承包方可以自愿将承包地交回发包方。

    The29th sets : contract period inside , contract square OK and freewill will contract the ground hands in a hair to wrap square .

  14. 以团队领导者问责作为团队问责模式,研究三采用两个子研究探讨了团队在承包方与发包方双重问责下的决策神经机制。

    Assuming team leader accountability as team accountability model , study three explored the neural decision mechanism of team accountability to both vendor and client .

  15. 文章最后证明了承包基数法对发包方更为有利。

    As a conclusion , this paper shows that a party who calls for tenders will be better off under the lump & sum figure contract .

  16. 发包方可以是企业,或是政府和社团机构等,其服务可以提供给本国市场、东道国市场或第三方市场。

    Party A could be enterprise , government or corporation organ , whose service can offer to local market , Amphitryon country market or third market .

  17. 从对比结果中得到一个结论:软件发包方必须根据自身条件和项目的具体情况来决定发包的方式。

    A conclusion from the comparison results : Decision of software outsourcing must be base on the conditions and the specific circumstances of the project and organization .

  18. 外包改变了工作与组织的性质,承包方项目团队游走于发包方与承包方,需要同时对双方负责。

    Outsourcing changes the nature of work and organization , in that vendor project team , wandering between vendor and client , is accountable to both of them .

  19. 从技改项目发包方的角度,提出了建设项目设计、招投标、施工和后期等阶段的管理控制要点。

    The paper proposes the management control points in the stages of designing , bidding , construction and completion , from the perspective of technical renovation project owner .

  20. 发包方盲目使用模拟工程量清单,没有考虑它的特点,对它的适用性及应用后果没有进行深入的研究。

    The employers blindly use of bill of approximate quantities based on similar buildings , without considering its characteristics , and have no in-depth study in the applicability and the consequences of it .

  21. 一方面,不但要求发包方加强对土地承包经营权的流转管理,而且要求提高农民与基层组织工作人员的法律意识,从源头上减少纠纷的发生。

    On one hand , requires Contracting Parties to strengthen the circulation management of contracted land ; circulation of both sides to improve legal awareness , reduce the incidence of disputes from the source .

  22. 国内外学者大多将跨国公司定位为发包方进行研究,而对跨国公司外包与自制的关联性研究,以及其他业务转移方式可能对外包决策产生影响的研究不够深入。

    Most of scholars at home and abroad only research on outsourcing , but the research on the relationship between outsourcing and manufacture and the influence on outsourcing decision-making by the modes of business transfer is not deep enough .

  23. 奖励条款:合同中的一项条款,规定在有利于发包方的情况下,承包商或供货商在合同规定的时间内提前完工或交货,将给予奖励。

    Bonus clause : clause in a contract which provides for a bonus to be paid to contractors or suppliers for completion of works or delivery of goods ahead of schedule , when this is beneficial to the contracting agency .

  24. 对于接包方而言,在项目的实施过程中,接包方需要建立有效的知识整合模式,将已有的知识和发包方的项目管理知识相结合,才能够保证项目成功的实施。

    In the process of project implementation , the vendors need to establish an . effective knowledge integration model with clients , and combine existing knowledge with project management knowledge from clients , in order to guarantee the success of software outsourcing projects .

  25. 村里的农田出让,主要涉及的法律是《农村土地承包法》,该法的第二十六条规定:承包期内,发包方不得收回承包地。

    The farm sell one 's own things of the village , the law that basically involves is " rural land contracts law ", the26th regulation of this law : contract period inside , hair bag just must not call in contract the ground .

  26. 其次,工程竣工后,即使发包方违约未付清工程款,却仍可即使取得该建设工程,而法律没有赋予合同相对人即承包人相应的制衡权利。

    Moreover , the contractor has not corresponding right of making balance to which the law endowment , the man can still acquire this construction project forthwith even though the other party default and might fail to pay in full for the project after completing .

  27. 这一现象的存在是发包方和施工方经济博弈的结果,是市场经济发展过程中建筑市场走向完善的必经之路,其形成是有深刻而复杂的社会背景。

    The existence of this phenomenon is the Employer and the construction side of the economic outcome of the game , is the process of development of market economy the only way for the construction market to improve , their formation is a deep and complex social background .

  28. 本文并非研究在风险到来时如何去应对,也并不是讨论如何去预防某些特定的风险,本文的主要目的是为软件发包方带来一种更理性的软件发包观念。

    This is not to study how to deal with risk when it comes , and it is not discuss how to prevent any certain risks , the main purpose of this paper is to bring a more rational concept for company who is planning to do software outsourcing .

  29. 作为发包方的信赖利益遭受到了侵害,应当予以折价支付工程价款;但作为非法转包合同中的施工人,其完成了全部的工程建设项目而折价支付工程价款势必对其造成损害。

    For the panty awarding the contract if its interests is damaged , it shall be at a discount to pay project price ; But as illegal construction of the subcontract , all its completed construction projects and pay project cost will be at a discount to its damage .

  30. 要研究信任机制,帮助中国承接企业提高被信任程度进而获取更多的国际服务外包业务,反而必须从发包企业一方开展实证研究。

    In order to study trust mechanism and help the Chinese enterprises to improve their level of trustworthiness , and to accept more business , it is necessary to carry out empirical research from the contracting party enterprise .