
fēn bāo shānɡ
  • subcontractor
  1. 该公司被视为能够承担该飞机制造任务的潜在分包商之一。

    The company was considered as a possible subcontractor to build the aeroplane .

  2. 基于遗传算法的BT项目分包商选择模型

    Model of Selecting Subcontractor of BT Project Based on PERT-Embedded Genetic Algorithm

  3. 如果C要求,贵方应将先前C提供给贵方的材料供应商,分包商,技术方案等信息还给C。

    If required by C , your party shall return the foregoing information of material suppliers , contractors , technical plans to C.

  4. 在改变现行的人员授权委派表,包括替换承包商人员或分包商人员之前,承包商应获得shell的批准。

    The Contractor shall obtain prior approval from shell before changing a current paaf , including replacing any contractor personnel or subcontractor personnel .

  5. EPC总承包商、设计分包商、供应商和施工分包商构成项目实施组织系统。

    General contractor , engineering subcontractors , supplier and construction subcontractors form the project implementing organization system .

  6. 中国石油天然气集团公司(ChinaNationalPetroleumCorp.)油气管道项目的两名缅甸分包商上个月被杀,之前叛乱者朝靠近中国边境的一处设施开火。

    Two Myanmar nationals working as subcontractors for China National Petroleum Corp. on the oil and gas pipelines were killed last month after rebels opened fire at a compound near the Chinese border .

  7. 分包商在分包合同范围内履行、完成和修补工程质量缺陷等工作的费用均已包含在附件III的总价内。

    The Sub-Contractor undertakes to execute , complete and remedy any defects in the Sub-Contract Works at rates or lump sum price ( s ) included in Annex III.

  8. FIDIC合同的主要当事人包括业主、承包商、工程师、分包商。在这些当事人之间,业主、咨询工程师、承包商三者之间的法律关系是FIDIC合同中的主要法律关系。

    The main parties of FIDIC contract include the Employer , the Contractor , the Engineer and the Subcontract .

  9. 承包商和分包商之间的法律关系是次要的法律关系。FIDIC合同的主要条款分为程序性和实体性条款。

    The legal relationship among the Employer , the Contractor , the Engineer is the main legal relationship in FIDIC contract .

  10. 这些分包商的融资又来自中国进出口银行(ChinaEx-ImBank)等中资政策银行提供的出口信贷和优惠贷款,从而很容易受到中国融资冻结的影响。

    These sub-contractors are in turn financed by export credits and concessional loans from Chinese policy lenders such as the China Ex-Im Bank – thus creating the vulnerability to a freeze in Chinese finance .

  11. 美国食品药品监督管理局(fda)上月公布了一封信函,批评百特在中国的一家分包商未能解决所供药品的质量问题。

    The comments come after the US Food & Drug Administration released a letter last month criticising a Chinese sub-contractor to Baxter for failing to remedy quality problems in supplies .

  12. 结合EPC模式下分包商及劳务用工HSE管理方面存在的问题,对工程分包管理中的HSE控制进行了探讨。

    Combined with the problems existed in HSE management of subcontractor and contracted workforce under EPC modal , HSE control in the management of project subcontracting has been discussed .

  13. 由IBM牵头,在Cisco和其他分包商的配合下,新技术被用于自然灾害的预报,协调交通事故处理,以及组织警察对抗犯罪。

    Led by IBM , with help by Cisco and other subcontractors , the technologies have been applied to forecasting physical disasters , to co-ordinating responses to traffic crises , and to organising police work on crime .

  14. 进入工作现场时,要求遵守地方ehs规范及华为分包商的健康、安全及环境制度及程序。

    Entering the worksite is required to comply with local EHS specifications , and huawei 's sub contractor health , safety and environmental policies and procedures .

  15. 尽管受让方的雇员和分包商受到这样的约束,受让方仍要为接受其透露的stc机密信息的人员所造成的违反本协议条款的后果而承担责任。

    Notwithstanding recipient 's employees and contractors being so bound , recipient shall be liable for breaches of the terms of this agreement by persons to whom it discloses STC Confidential information .

  16. 投标人应确认目前已为投标人和主要分包商建立的支持设施ik,包括仓库、维护及设备场、施工营地及办公室。

    Bidders shall identify currently established support facilities IK for both bidder and major subcontractors , including warehouses , maintenance and equipment yards , construction camp and offices .

  17. 其次,考虑LSSC中只存在物流分包商的一次专用性物流能力投资,目的是为了提高物流服务质量的情形。

    Secondly , only one specific LC investment of LSS with the purpose of improving his logistics service quality is considered in LSSC .

  18. iPhone6蓄势待发:休伯蒂接触到的大部分苹果分包商,都预期到12月,iPhone6的需求将比去年圣诞期间的热卖机型iPhone5S高出20%。

    iPhone 6 build-up : Most of the Apple subcontractors she spoke to expect demand for the new iPhone 6 by December will be 20 % better than demand was for last year 's big Christmas seller , the iPhone 5S .

  19. 非标准产品的质量由设计、制造等各阶段共同保障,其中由于4M变更带来的质量变化和分包商的质量波动更是管理的重点;

    The qualities of the irregular products are ensured by many stages such as design and manufacturing . Among them , key control points are mainly from the quality changes arising from 4M changes and the quality up and down deriving from outsourcers ;

  20. 承包商应视情况而定将业主或承包商hse管理体系、手册及政策及其任何修订告知承包商及分包商员工、雇员及代理人。

    The Contractor shall bring the company 's or the contractor 's HSE management system , manuals and policies , as the case may be , and any revision of the same , to the notice of the contractor 's and the subcontractor 's employees , servants and agents .

  21. 各承包商和指定分包商负责确保,其所有相关人员在项目持续期内了解和使用pmcrs和所有相工作流程协议。

    Each and every contractor and nominated Sub-Contractor will be responsible for ensuring that the pmcrs and all associated workflow protocols are understood and are used by all of their relevant staff throughout the duration of the projects .

  22. 河北国华定洲发电厂2×600MW一期工程烟气脱硫工程,总体设计由日本川崎重工业株式会社负责,河北省电力勘测设计研究院作为分包商承担烟道的详图设计。

    A Japanese heavy industrial company was responsible for general design of the FGD project of 2 x 600 MW for Hebei Guohua Dingzhou Power Plant , phase I and Hebei Provincial Electric Power Survey Design Research Institute undertook the design of detailed drawings as a subcontractor .

  23. 分包商所承担工作的全部责任由供货商负责。

    The supplier shall take all job responsibilities undertaken by subcontractors .

  24. 分包商已开始撤离,迫使它们不得不随之而动。

    Sub-contractors were already leaving , forcing them to follow suit .

  25. 而分包商,则完全想承包商负责,承包商为分包商的一切行为想业主承担责任。

    The Contractor shall be bear the responsibility for the subcontractor .

  26. 分包商应把这些条件作为他们合同义务的一部分。

    The Sub-Contractor accepts these provisions as part of their contractual obligations .

  27. 分包商保证协议格式请参见附录i。

    The format for the subcontractor warranty agreement is attached as Appendix I.

  28. 管理分包商和分包商工程预算。-执行和检查内部流程。

    Manage relationship with sub contractors and sub contractor budgets .

  29. 各承包商代表应代表其分包商;

    The representative from each contractor should represent his subcontractors .

  30. 分包商应按规定提供所需保险的确认书。

    Confirmation that the subcontractor shall provide the insurance required ;