
fēn bāo rén
  • subcontractor
  1. 后者包括临时工、实习生和分包人。

    This latter group includes temporary workers , interns and subcontractors .

  2. 我公司将同劳务分包人依法签订分包合同,并按照合同条款履行义务。

    Our company will sign a subcontract with the labor service subcontracted personnel legally , and fulfill our obligations according to the contract terms .

  3. 接受分包的人应当具备相应的资格条件,并不得再次分包。

    The persons accepting the subcontracts shall have corresponding qualifications and may not subcontract it again to other persons .

  4. 中标人应当就分包项目向招标人负责,接受分包的人就分包项目承担连带责任。

    A winning bidder shall be accountable to the tenderer for the subcontracted projects , and the persons accepting the subcontracts shall jointly and severally be liable for the subcontracted parts .

  5. 建筑业的总承包人将工程分包或者转包给他人的,以工程的全部承包额减去付给分包人或者转包人的价款后的余额为营业额。

    For the main contractors in the construction business who sub-contract work to others , the turnover shall be the balance of the total contract sum less the payments made to the sub-contractors .