
fēn bāo
  • subpackage;subcontract
分包[fēn bāo]
  1. 文中就块粒状物料产品进行计数和分包提供一种实现的方法。

    This article provides a method for block granular material counting and subpackage .

  2. 第二节转包与分包,包括转包、分包的定义、法律责任等。

    The second section subcontract and subpackage , including subcontract , subpackage definition , legal liability and so on .

  3. 他们经常把业务分包给顾问。

    They 've tended to farm out work to consultants .

  4. 该公司被视为能够承担该飞机制造任务的潜在分包商之一。

    The company was considered as a possible subcontractor to build the aeroplane .

  5. 把计算机业务分包出去,我们就可以更快地利用新技术。

    We can take advantage of new technology more quickly by farming out computer operations

  6. 最可能的结果是将大量的工作分包出去。

    The most likely outcome may be to subcontract much of the work to an outsider .

  7. 这一举措符合让公司的法律专员在单位内部做更多的工作,而不是将工作分包给律师事务所的趋势。

    The move is consistent with a trend for corporate legal staffs to do more work in-house , instead of farming it out to law firms

  8. 把糖拆开分包称量,每包一斤。

    Weigh up the sugar in Jin packages .

  9. 有这么多的舾装工作要做,你们将工程分包出去吗

    There is so much outfitting work . Do you subcontract some of them ?

  10. 入侵检测系统中基于FPGA的快速分包系统研究

    Fast Packet Transmission System in Intrusion Detection Based on FPGA

  11. 层次分析方法(AHP)在劳务分包单位选择中的实例应用

    The Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process on the Selection of Labor Subcontractors

  12. 主题词:EPC合同,工作范围,设计分包。

    Keywords : EPC Contract , Scope of Work , Design Subcontract .

  13. 据了解此事的人说,Sprint开始打算通过一系列合同分包给3个供应商。

    Sprint initially planned to award three suppliers with a piece of the contract .

  14. 中国公司承建的国外大型EPC项目施工分包模式初探

    Preliminary Study on Construction Sub-contract Mode for Implementation of Large-scale Overseas EPC Project Undertaken by Chinese Company

  15. 6台水轮发电机组由加拿大GE公司总承包,哈电公司分包其中的一台。

    GE company of Canada is the contractor for all the 6 units of hydraulic turbine and generator , and HEC is a subcontractor for one unit .

  16. 中小企业工业分包及SPX模式的应用分析

    Industrial Subcontracting for SMEs and Economic Analysis of SPX

  17. 但在苹果现任首席执行长库克(TimCook)的领导下,苹果正将其业务更加公平地分包给另一家知名度较小的供应商。这家科技巨头的供应链因此变得更加平衡。

    But under current Chief Executive Tim Cook , Apple is dividing its weight more equally with a relatively unknown supplier , giving the technology giant a greater supply-chain balance .

  18. 在此基础上,设计了采集相应图像数据的程序,并根据GPRS带宽的情况将图像数据分包后转发给监控中心。

    On this basis , the corresponding image data were collected . According to the GPRS bandwidth , image data were divided . Then the data divided were forwarded to the center .

  19. 结合EPC模式下分包商及劳务用工HSE管理方面存在的问题,对工程分包管理中的HSE控制进行了探讨。

    Combined with the problems existed in HSE management of subcontractor and contracted workforce under EPC modal , HSE control in the management of project subcontracting has been discussed .

  20. 按CCSDS分包遥测和遥测信道编码标准,设计和研制了星载分包遥测设备。

    Following CCSDS Packard telemetry and telemetry channel coding standard , an on Board packard telemetry equipment has been designed and implemented .

  21. 数据格式采用空间数据系统咨询委员会标准(CCSDS标准)分包传输,信道编码采用了纠错及抗干扰能力较强的R-S加卷积的级联编码技术;原有的模拟传输体制都改为数字传输。

    The convolutional multilevel R-S coding technology with advanced error correcting and antijamming capabilities is adopted , changing analog data into digital data .

  22. 本文主要探讨FIDIC条款中有关分包行为控制对我国总分包发展的启示与思考。

    This paper mainly probed enlightening and thinking to the development of china general contracting and divided contracting , as far as action controlling about FIDIC could br concerned .

  23. 在资源整合阶段,利用SWOT分析法并辅以AHP法对项目分包进行分析,从而抓住分包的机会和优势,并应对威胁和劣势。

    On the resources integration stage , using the SWOT analysis method and the AHP method of project subcontract undertakes an analysis , so as to seize the sub-contracting opportunities and advantages and disadvantages , and respond to threats .

  24. 进入工作现场时,要求遵守地方ehs规范及华为分包商的健康、安全及环境制度及程序。

    Entering the worksite is required to comply with local EHS specifications , and huawei 's sub contractor health , safety and environmental policies and procedures .

  25. 尽管受让方的雇员和分包商受到这样的约束,受让方仍要为接受其透露的stc机密信息的人员所造成的违反本协议条款的后果而承担责任。

    Notwithstanding recipient 's employees and contractors being so bound , recipient shall be liable for breaches of the terms of this agreement by persons to whom it discloses STC Confidential information .

  26. 为解决工程分包JIT采购买卖双方利益的均衡最大化问题,研究了工程分包JIT采购过程中买卖双方的博弈机理。

    To solve the problem of equilibrium benefit maximization of both seller and buyer in project subcontract just-in-time ( JIT ) procurement , the game mechanism in project subcontract just-in-time ( JIT ) procurement is proposed .

  27. iPhone6蓄势待发:休伯蒂接触到的大部分苹果分包商,都预期到12月,iPhone6的需求将比去年圣诞期间的热卖机型iPhone5S高出20%。

    iPhone 6 build-up : Most of the Apple subcontractors she spoke to expect demand for the new iPhone 6 by December will be 20 % better than demand was for last year 's big Christmas seller , the iPhone 5S .

  28. DNV应有权把本协议的全部或部份权利和责任转移、转让或分包给其任何一间姊妹公司或附属公司。

    DNV shall have the right to transfer , assign or subcontract all or parts of its rights and duties under this Agreement to any of its sister companies or subsidiaries .

  29. 该平台充分利用CDMA网络覆盖的广泛、安全、可靠性,通过先进的智能分包传输、16位冗余校验和通道数据加密等技术,确保了系统高性能无线接入的实现。

    This platform fully uses the CDMA network , which is provided with widespread coverage , security and reliability , and by using the advanced intelligent packet transmission technology , 16 bits redundancy check and channel data encryption , the high performance wireless access has been realized at present .

  30. 其中重点讨论了GPRS数传终端的设计,解快了数据及控制命令的TCP/IP协议打包分包问题以及GPRS终端自动附着网络问题,并给出了数据中心的程序设计方法。

    The text especially discusses the design of GPRS data transition terminal , and resolves matter of the data and commands of TCP / IP protocol packed or unpacked and the problem of GPRS terminal clinging to network automatically , and moreover presents the program design of data center .