
  • 网络divisional work;part project;subproject;partitioned project;parts of construction
  1. 浅谈水利水电基本建设工程分部工程验收

    Briefly talking part project acceptance of hydro and hydroelectric capital construction project

  2. 工程资金筹措及使用情况良好,工程进度管理和质量管理效果显著,已完各项单元或分部工程合格率100%,优良率90%以上,并做到安全生产。

    It 's very good that the collection and use of the finance , the management of project gradation and quality got remarkable effect , it 's qualified 100 % that the unit or part project and it 's superior 90 % ahead , the production is safe .

  3. 设备及专项分部工程招标时序调整的探讨

    Discussion on Bidding Sequence Adjustment of Equipments and Technical Engineering

  4. 输电线路基础分部工程阶段的运行收资

    Transmission Line-based division works run the Data Collection Stage

  5. 在输电线路施工中,弧垂观测是架线分部工程中重要的控制项目。

    During transmission line construction , sag observation is an important control item of stringing .

  6. 负责本专业分项、分部工程验收及隐蔽工程验收。

    Be responsible for acceptance of sub-divisional and divisional works of the discipline and concealed work ;

  7. 要重点做好平面、剖面、基础、层面等分部工程设计及采光、通风、防腐等功能设计。

    The most important is plane and section design , foundation and roofing design , and lighting , ventilation and antiseptic design .

  8. 对完工的分项、分部工程进行自检评定,形成自检记录,对自检合格的工程提交转序申请报告。

    Perform self-check assessment for completed sub-divisional and divisional works , form self-check record and submit order-transfer application report for qualified works in self-check ;

  9. 河道整治工程各分部工程间的平行作业,对缩短工期,节省投资具有十分重要的意义。

    The parallel work of every branch engineering on the watercourse renovating engineering has importance significance for saving invest and shortening time for a project .

  10. 企业施工项目的质量管理控制是从工序质量到分项工程质量、分部工程质量、单位工程质量的系统控制过程。

    It is a systemic control process of the enterprise construction item 's quality management control from working procedure quality to subentry , branch and unit engineering quality .

  11. 建筑产品可以划分为建设项目、单项工程、单位工程、分部工程、分项工程。

    The products of construction can be divided into five parts , such as construction projects , monomial projects , unit projects , subsection projects and subentry projects .

  12. 书中还重点介绍了分部工程施工阶段质量监理,同时对公路、铁路施工阶段质量监理作了叙述。

    The book also focuses on the division of Quality Supervision of construction stage , while on the highway , railway construction phase of the quality of supervision is described .

  13. 本文详细说明了数据库设计理论,结合本系统的实际情况,列出了质量评定过程中所涉及的各项数据,包括单位工程、分部工程及分项工程各个方面的数据。

    The thesis introduces the theory of database design , and combined with the practical engineering , list all kind of data in unit project ^ departmental project and item project .

  14. 施工单位自检合格后,填写工程报验单及相关检验批或分项、分部工程质量验收记录表,向监理工程师进行报验。

    The construction company shall fill out work inspection application form and relevant quality acceptance record forms for inspection lot , sub-divisional and divisional works after passing self-inspection , and submit the forms to the Engineer for inspection .

  15. 将施工工地实际完成的分项工程形象进度通过经验系数转化为分部工程,然后再通过经验系数将分部工程折合为单位工程的平米,以简化计价。

    The image progress of separate engineering items actually finished onthe construction site is transformed , through experience factors , into parcel items before their being converted , again by way of experience factors , to square metres per unit item to simplify cost calculation .

  16. 基于RBF神经网络预测的分部分项工程费蒙特卡罗仿真方法

    Sub-engineering fee monte-carlo simulation method based on RBF neural network forecast

  17. 桩基工程是建筑工程中一项重要的分部分项工程。

    Pile foundation project is an important part in construction .

  18. 完成了建筑施工系统中的分部分项工程模块。

    Completed construction system of partial module . 4 .

  19. 分部分项工程施工细部处理研究

    Research of detail treatment of part-to-item project construction

  20. 本文通过对分部分项工程的优良率建立数学模型,运用概率分析中的二项分布,从理论上阐明在施工中只要均衡施工,每个环节抓好质量的重要性;

    Applying binomial distribution of probability , setting up a mathematical made of partioned building project quality grade .

  21. 但在执行中,由于分部分项工程量清单项目名称描述缺陷引起的争议越来越多。

    However , more and more dispute happened because of unable describing the subsection project name accurately in practice .

  22. 浅谈建筑工程分部分项工程量清单的编制

    On the compilation of sub-project BOQ in building engineering It 's imperative to impel the engineering quantity list in cost accounting

  23. 在工程量清单计价模式下工程造价由分部分项工程费、措施项目费、其他项目费、规费和税金等构成。

    When pricing based on bill of quantities , the project cost consists of sub-engineering fee , measure fee , other fee , regulate fee and tax .

  24. 利用分部分项工程返修费率的概念,以线拟合模型模拟最佳质量成本,并将其应用于某施工企业质量成本管理工作。

    This paper presents simulating optimal quality cost by using the ratio of reconstruction cost on divided engineering and curve fitting model , and applies the model in a.

  25. 该幕墙工程造价由分部分项工程费、措施项目费、深化设计费、四性试验费、总承包管理配合费、规费和税金组成。

    The curtain wall project cost is composed by project fee , measures cost , design fee , four-performance test fee , general contract management fee , fees and taxes .

  26. 那么,如何有条不紊地安排这些分部分项工程、使其能够一环接一环良性地进行下去,下面,本文就施工工序地安排谈一些看法。

    Then , according to how to arrange these sub-projects orderly and enable them to proceed well-behaved , the paper makes some comments on the construction procedures in the following .

  27. 在各分部分项工程、部位工程的中间交工和竣工验收时,进行测量检查签认,作为技术符合性和计量的依据。

    Carry out survey , check and endorsement in interim handover and completion acceptance of all divisional and sub-divisional works and unit work as the basis for technical conformance and measurement ;

  28. 初步构建了以分部分项工程为识别单位,以故障树为主要分析模型,依托信息技术的工程风险识别和度量系统。

    The preliminary engineering risk recognition and measurement system is developed based on the fault tree model and IT technology , by using the recognition unit of part engineering and part item of the whole engineering .

  29. 运用施工阶段逐层分解法对各个分部分项工程进行分解,找出基本风险源;通过专家函询的方式咨询专家意见,对风险进行估测;(5)对重大风险源进行专项施工风险评估。

    It uses layer decomposition method to identify the basic sources of risk and use the letter inquiry to consult experts to estimate the risk ;( 5 ) The major risk source had conduct to the special construction risk assessment .

  30. 运用工程项目工作结构分解和目标结构分解,以及组织/功能矩阵分析等手段和方法,实现对工程项目的分部分项工程、单位工程、单项工程、工程项目及工程分包的进度控制和管理。

    It uses project work breakdown structure , objective breakdown structure and the organization / function matrix analysis tools and methods to realize control and management for the section project , unit project , single project , project and Subcontract .