
  • 网络urban modernization;city modernization
  1. 分析了城市现代化与体育产业化的相互关系;

    Analyze the relationship between the city modernization and the sports industrialization ;

  2. 近代梧州城市现代化的历史考察

    The Historical Investigation of the City Modernization of Modern Wuzhou

  3. 全面建设社会主义现代化国家,既包括城市现代化,也包括农业农村现代化。

    Building a modern socialist1 country includes both the modernization2 of urban and rural areas .

  4. 在19世纪70年代,新加坡总理李光耀(LeeKwanYew)力推建设本国的地铁系统,即新加坡地铁(SMRT),并将其作为城市现代化建设中的一个项目。

    In the 1970s , Prime Minister Lee Kwan Yew pushed for the construction of a subway system called Singapore Mass Rapid Transit ( SMRT ) as part of the city-state 's modernization drive .

  5. 历史文化在城市现代化中的功能与传承&南京二○○六名城市长论坛部分发言纪要

    The Function of Historical Culture in Urban Modernization and its heritage

  6. 株洲城市现代化的进程与铁路有密切的关系。

    Zhuzhou city and railway modernization process has a close relationship .

  7. 城市现代化建设是现代经济发展必然的途径。

    Urban modernizing construction is the necessary approach of economical development .

  8. 江苏省城市现代化标准的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on the Standards of Urban Modernization in Jiangsu Province

  9. 加快发展第三产业促进城市现代化

    Speed up Development of Tertiary Industry and Promote Urban Modernization

  10. 社区建设是面向新世纪我国城市现代化建设的重要途径。

    The community construction is an important way to metropolis ' modernization .

  11. 单位社会化城市现代化&浅谈单位体制对我国现代城市的影响

    On role and its influence of Dan-wei in modern Chinese unban societies

  12. 近代扬州城市现代化缓慢原因分析

    The Analysis of Causes for Yangzhou 's Slow Progress in Urban Modernization

  13. 浅谈地理信息系统建设在城市现代化建设中的重要性

    Discussion on the Importance of GIS for Urban Modernization Construction

  14. 铁路对株洲城市现代化进程的影响(1840-1951)

    The Impact of Railway to Zhuzhou 's Modernization Process ( 1840-1951 )

  15. 辛亥武昌首义与武汉城市现代化

    Wuchang Uprising in 1911 and the Urban Modernization of Wuhan

  16. 城市现代化、体育产业化与安徽省体育产业发展

    City Modernization , Sports Industrialization and the Development of Anhui Sports Industry

  17. 城市现代化:基本内涵与指标体系

    Urban Modernization : Its Basic Implication and Indicators System

  18. 分别对城市现代化和城市精神文明进行了相应的界定,着重对城市精神文明在城市现代化进程中的地位和作用进行了阐述。

    Urban modernization and spiritual civilization in cities are defined in this part .

  19. 唐山城市现代化的目标定位

    The Goal Fixation of Modern City Development of Tangshan

  20. 设立城市现代化指标的若干问题

    On the Problems of the Indexes of Urban Modernization

  21. 山东省城市现代化水平的分析与评价

    The Analysis and Evaluation of the Level of Urban Modernization of Shandong Province

  22. 城市现代化趋势与评价指标初探

    The trends of urban modernization and its quotas

  23. 南京城市现代化的战略目标与对策研究

    A Study of the Strategic Objectives of the Modernization of Nanjing and the Measures

  24. 经济国际化、城市现代化进程中的南京城市管理

    Urban Management in Nanjing City in the Process of Economic Internationalization and Urban Modernization

  25. 城市现代化发展的生态防护研究&以南京市为例

    Study on ecological reconstruction in urban modernization development

  26. 我国目前正在经历经济的高速发展时期,城市现代化建设日新月异。

    China is currently experiencing rapid economic development period , City modernization change rapidly .

  27. 中篇小说《我爱比尔》则以一个世俗的故事来象征中国城市现代化所处的尴尬境地。

    Novella / love Bill symbolizes a dilemma of the modernization in Chinese cities .

  28. 上海城市现代化进程中的生态和谐

    Ecology and Harmony of Shanghai Metropolis Modernization

  29. 市民道德建设与城市现代化

    Civic Moral Construction and City Modernization

  30. 城市现代化建设的美学思考

    Esthetics thinking of urban modernization construction